如何教好文化课Effective Strategies for Teaching Cultural Studies

2024-04-30 21:34:42黄艳红HuangYanhong
孔子学院 2024年2期

黄艳红 Huang Yanhong


“Chinese Culture and Civilization” is as a compulsory Chinese languagecourse taught at the Chinese departments of Egyptian universities. Thiscourse acts as a gateway for students learn the rich tapestry of Chineseculture.


Drawing from years of teaching experience, I have curated contenttailored to the learning needs of Egyptian students. I have also developedan engaging and enjoyable teaching methodology, known as the Sino-Egyptian Traditional Culture Comparative Approach. Allow me to offer afew illustrative examples.

中埃传统节日的代表:春节和闻风节Traditional Festivals: The Chinese Spring Festival and Egyptian Sham El-Nessim


Rooted in agrarian civilizations,both ancient Chinese and Egyptiansdevised intricate calendars basedon their observations of celestialbodies and the rhythms of thenatural world. Both use thesecalendars to plan their agriculturalendeavors. The notable distinctionlies in their calendar types, as Chinaemploys a calendar that combines thelunar and solar cycles, while ancient Egyptutilizes a solar calendar. As important festivals,both the Chinese Spring Festival and Egyptian ShamEl-Nessim celebrate the arrival of spring and therenewal of life.


In my course on Chinese traditional festivals, Iplace particular emphasis on four key facets: timing,origin (historical context), customs, and cuisine.


The Spring Festival falls on the first day to thefifteenth day of the f irst lunar month. Commonlyknown as “Guo Nian,” it marks the beginning ofa new year. In explaining the origin of the SpringFestival, apart from its historical background, I alsodelved into the folklore associated with the festival.From the rituals of spring cleaning, the hangingof couplets and auspicious symbols, the display ofwindow decorations and Spring Festival paintings, tothe exuberant practices of setting off fireworks andfirecrackers, staying up late on Lunar New Years Eve,and paying New Year visits, I illustrated each traditionusing pictures and short videos, which the studentsfound fascinating. Undoubtedly, the highlight ofthe course was the discussion of the Spring Festivalcuisine, which includes northern dumplings andsouthern rice cakes, delicacies that invariably leavestudents mouths watering. Those fortunate enoughto have dined at Chinese restaurants took theopportunity to share their experiences, while otherseagerly anticipated the opportunity to savor theseChinese dishes for themselves.


Afterwards, I shifted the topic to Egyptian Sham El-Nessim and asked the students to introducetheir traditional festivals just like what I did with the Chinese Spring Festival. I emphasized that theyshould make sure to explain each aspect of their festival in relation to what we had discussed aboutthe Spring Festival. The students worked in groups to complete the table below.


Through the process of comparison, students not only effortlessly grasped relevant knowledgeabout the Chinese Spring Festival but also systematically summarized the characteristics of twofestivals. They proactively learned many new words, making it a win-win situation.

中埃古代发明的代表:蔡侯纸和莎草纸Ancient Inventions: Caihou Paper and Papyrus


As ancient civilizations, both China and Egyptmade a pivotal contribution that served as a mediumof their cultures: the invention of paper.


Before the invention of papermaking, peoplepredominantly used materials like bamboo slips,sheepskin, and silk to record information, but thesematerials were either heavy or expensive, makingthem accessible to only a few, significantly limitingthe dissemination of culture and information. Duringthe Eastern Han Dynasty in China, Cai Lun, buildingupon the knowledge of his predecessors, improvedthe papermaking process. He used plant f ibres fromtree barks, discarded cloth, hemp, and old fishingnets as raw materials, resulting in the creation of“Caihou paper,” which was low in cost and high inquality. It was quickly adopted on a large scale. Thispapermaking technique has been in use ever since and has had a profound impact on the developmentof the global paper industry and the dissemination ofhuman civilization.

古埃及记录文字使用的是莎草纸, 并持续使用了3 000多年,记录了古埃及、古希腊和古罗马的历史和成就。莎草纸虽然叫“纸”,但事实上并非真正的纸,反而更接近竹简,只是它的制作工艺要复杂很多,也比竹简轻巧。莎草纸的原材料是盛产于尼罗河流域的一种叫作莎草的植物,与蔡伦造纸的原材料一样,有着廉价易得的优点。莎草纸大约出现在公元前3000年,蔡侯纸则出现在约公元105年。现代纸张的定义是把植物纤维打碎后重组,莎草纸则是植物纤维的拼接。如今,莎草纸画是来埃及的外国游客必购纪念品之一,被称作古埃及文明的“活化石”。教授这一内容时,我请学生带上莎草纸来课堂,通过将其与现代纸张对比帮助他们感知和理解它与中国蔡侯纸的区别。我还给学生布置了课后作业,让他们将废纸、包装盒等当作原料,仿照蔡伦造纸的方法制作纸张,并完成表格的填写。学生们都觉得有趣极了,轻松愉快地就掌握了所学的知识。

Ancient Egypt utilized a writing material calledpapyrus, which remained in use for over 3,000 yearsas a means to record the history and accomplishmentsof ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Althoughreferred to as “paper,” papyrus differed significantlyfrom what we typically associate with paper today;its composition was more akin to bamboo slips.While its production process was intricate, itresulted in a lighter material than bamboo slips.Papyrus was crafted from the papyrus plant, whichthrived in the Nile River region — similar to theplant material used by Cai Lun, chosen for itsaffordability and accessibility. Papyrus dates backto around 3000 BC, preceding the emergenceof Caihou paper at around 105 AD. The keydistinction between modern paper and papyrus liesin their manufacturing processes: modern paperinvolves breaking down and reassembling plantfibers, while papyrus is more akin to a patchworkof plant fibers. Today, papyrus art serves as oneof the essential souvenirs for tourists visitingEgypt, often celebrated as a “living relic” of ancientEgyptian civilization. When teaching this topic, Iencouraged students to bring papyrus to class andasked them to conduct a comparative analysis ofpapyrus and Caihou paper. Additionally, I assignedhomework tasks in which students used materialslike wastepaper and cardboard boxes to createpaper using Cai Luns method and completed acomparative analysis table. This approach greatlypiqued students interest and enhanced theircomprehension of the subject matter.


Moreover, numerous parallels exist betweentraditional Chinese and ancient Egyptian cultures.These include similarities in areas such as the theoriesof traditional Chinese medicine and ancient Egyptsutilization of herbs, preservation techniques, traditionalChinese architecture and ancient Egyptian architecture,the integrated belief systems of Confucianism,Buddhism, and Taoism in China and the polytheisticbeliefs of ancient Egypt, and the Chinese oracle bonescript and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.


By employing comparative methods in teachingthis course, we not only ignite and cultivatestudents fascination with the Chinese culture butalso motivate them to actively engage in reading,exploration, and comprehension. Furthermore, itinstills in students the value of objectively assessingthe world, free from excessive arrogance or selfdeprecation.This approach underscores the pivotalrole of ones own culture as a bedrock for fosteringmutual appreciation and cross-cultural learning,thereby nurturing understanding and toleranceamong diverse cultures. In doing so, we contribute tothe evolution and advancement of human civilizationthrough harmonious integration.

供图/ 黄艳红

Keep tradition alive
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