郭海燕Guo Haiyan
从此,黄春萍爱上了刺绣,并与之结下了不解之缘。In the late 1960s, on Toudao Street in Hankou,a young child named Huang Chunping watchedher grandmother practicing the art of embroidery.With silver hair and glasses, her grandmother heldan embroidery hoop, skillfully weaving thin threadsin and out. Before her eyes, vibrant long-tailed birdsand colorful butterflies came to life. Little Chunpingheld her breath, afraid of disturbing these exquisitecreations. Her tiny hands caressed the cottonfabric of her winter jacket, which was made by hergrandmother and mother and adorned with delicateflowers and grass that she adored. This enchantingworld, crafted with needles and threads, left herutterly spellbound. It was in that magical momentthat Huang Chunping fell in love with embroideryand formed a lifelong bond.
长大一点后,黄春萍才知道,中国有四大名绣——苏绣、蜀绣、湘绣、粤绣,它们又各有分支,如苏绣就有苏州刺绣、南通仿真绣、无锡精微绣、扬州刺绣等流派。那么,奶奶和妈妈的绣活儿,又属何门何派呢?原来它叫汉绣,自成一派。汉绣源于中国古代春秋战国时的楚绣,有2 500多年历史,是中国诸多绣种中唯一保持楚文化基因又融汇南北绣法之长的刺绣品类。
As she grew older, Huang Chunping discoveredthat China was home to four renowned embroiderystyles: Suzhou embroidery, Sichuan embroidery,Hunan embroidery, and Canton embroidery. Eachof them had its unique branches, like Suzhouneedlework, Nantongs realistic-style embroidery,Wuxis delicate embroidery, and Yangzhouneedlework. But what style did her grandmotherand mother practice? It turned out they werepractitioners of Han embroidery, a distinct stylerooted in the ancient Chu embroidery of the Springand Autumn Period and the Warring States Period inChina, with a history spanning 2,500 years. In fact,it is the only embroidery category in China that haspreserved the cultural essence of the Chu Kingdomwhile incorporating the finest techniques from bothnorthern and southern embroidery traditions.
As a regional style, Han embroidery is centeredaround Jingzhou, Honghu, and Wuhan in HubeiProvince. Its distinctive features include the use of“horizontal interlocking golden threads” to create agradation of colors. The resulting images are clear,intricate but not chaotic, with strong color contrasts.The embroidered patterns can depict flowers growingon branches, leaves sprouting from flowers, andbranches emerging from leaves, creating a dazzlingand breathtaking display of beauty.
Huang Chunping was immersed in the richtradition of Han embroidery from a young age.With an unwavering passion for this art form, sheembarked on an apprenticeship under two masters,Han Hui and Xiang Zhenzhen, when she was just10 years old. Her days of learning were marked byrelentless practice, often resulting in pricked fingers.While her peers played outside with joy, HuangChunping devoted herself to her embroidery frame,working from sunrise to sunset without complaint.
Master y of Han embroider y requiresproficiency not only in needlework but alsoin drawing and design, whichare at its core. Thus, HuangChunping diligently pursued her studies and gainedadmission to a school of arts and crafts in Wuhan.After graduating, she joined a local embroideryfactory. In 1986, at the age of 21, she was admittedto the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts to major inclothing design. Following her graduation in 1990,she returned to her hometown and resumed her workin Han embroidery design at her original workplace.Unfortunately, in 2001, the factory, where HuangChunping had dedicated over a decade of her life,closed its doors for business (restructuring) reasons.
In the 1990s, as Chinas economy flourishedand peoples living standards improved, therewas an unprecedented boom in the clothingmarket and a growing demand for traditionalHan-style attire. Reflecting on those times,Huang Chunping remarked, “Back then, onHanzheng Street, clothing stores were eager toincorporate embroidery into their garments. Itook on numerous design assignments. Afterfinalizing the designs, I would assemble a team todo the embroidery, and I would also personallycontribute. Order sizes varied, and compensationdepended on the intricacy of the embroiderydesign — more complex patterns brought inhigher earnings, while simpler ones earned less.To meet tight deadlines, I often worked throughthe night. That is how my journey in this fieldbegan and continues to this day...” As HuangChunping recounted her experiences, her eyesshone with a light as delicate as silk threads andas encompassing as the world. She supportedher family through piecework, all the whilenurturing her dream of becoming an embroideryartist, using her embroidery hoop and frame astools. Over time, she crafted hundreds of Hanembroidery pieces.
Around the summer of 2008, HuangChunping made the decision to establish her ownembroidery business. The studio she foundedwould later become known as the famous “JinxiuFang” (Splendid Workshop), both within andbeyond the industry.
Not long after her studio opened, one afternoon,Huang Chunping sensed something unusual. Theembroidery frame seemed to be moving, and the groundbeneath her feet slightly swayed. When she returnedhome that evening and turned on the television, shewas left in shock: a massive earthquake measuring7.8 on the Richter scale (later revised to 8) had struckWenchuan County, Sichuan Province! The imagescontinuously scrolled on TV, playing heart-wrenchingscenes post-earthquake: buildings, roads, bridges, and essential utilities like electricity, water, andcommunication had all crumbled. Tearswelled up in Huang Chunpings eyes asshe watched the news coverage. Suddenly,her eyes were drawn to an image on thetelevision: amidst the ruins of BeichuanMiddle School, a vivid red flag proudlyfluttered in the sky... the flag hadnt fallen!Thousands of members of the PeoplesLiberation Army and armed police forcesrushed to the disaster area day and night;teams of firefighters, special forces, and policeofficers traveled great distances to provideaid; volunteers from across China came to Wenchuan... in the face of this catastrophe, Chinasfive-starred red flag stood tall, and the spirit of the nation persevered! Huang Chunpings eyeslit up. As an art graduate with a keen visual sense, inspiration struck her instantly. Filled withpassion, she decided to use her embroidery skills to portray the unwavering spirit of the Chinesepeople in the face of adversity.
此时的黄春萍已练就过人的本领。针线不离手,美术、服装设计专业出身的她,历经30多年实践,将传统汉绣与现代书法、绘画、篆刻、陶瓷等艺术技法相融合,形成了独具特色的个人艺术风格:似绣非画,似画非绣。她想将自己的绝活儿一股脑儿地展现在这幅震后的国旗作品上。自2008年5月20日起,黄春萍心无旁骛,全身心投入该作品的创作之中。她融合汉绣、苏绣、湘绣等多种刺绣手法,通过线条粗细对比,来营造自然、虚实相间的立体感;利用针法排列角度和方向的变化,来呈现刺绣特有的丝光效果。最终,她耗时整整一年,用568万针、800余种色线,完成了近1平方米的心血之作:《 屹立的国旗》。此作远观真实生动,近看出神入化。见者无不凝神。更令人称奇的是,作品传达的主题“坚强的国度,不倒的民族魂”呼之欲出,无声胜有声! 2009年,《屹立的国旗》毫无悬念地获得中国民间文艺最高奖“山花奖”,这也是湖北省迄今为止唯一获此殊荣者。这幅作品被捐献给汶川县,被汶川博物馆永久珍藏。她本人则被授予“汶川县荣誉市民”称号。
At this point, Huang Chunping had already mastered exceptional embroidery skills.With needles and threads always by her side, she, a graduate in fine arts and fashion design,had accumulated over three decades of practical experience. By blending traditional Chineseembroidery with contemporary techniques such as calligraphy, painting, engraving, andceramics, she had developed a distinct artistic style that was neither purely embroiderynor merely painting. Her goal was to express all her knowledge of embroidery through a Chinese national flag artwork in the aftermath ofthe earthquake. Starting on May 20, 2008, HuangChunping dedicated herself to this project. Sheincorporated various techniques, including Han,Suzhou, and Hunan embroidery. By adjusting threadthickness, she achieved a natural, three-dimensionaleffect. Fine-tuning the angle and direction ofstitching, she created the unique silk-like shine ofembroidery. After an entire year of relentless effort,she completed her labor of love: “The Resilient Flag,”covering nearly one square meter, consisting of 5.68million stitches, and utilizing over 800 differentthread colors. When viewed from a distance, thework appeared lifelike, and up close, its detailswere awe-inspiring. Anyone who laid eyes on itcouldnt help but be captivated. What was even moreastonishing was the message it conveyed, “A StrongNation, an Indomitable Chinese Spirit,” palpablewithout the need for words. In 2009, “The ResilientFlag” unsurprisingly received the “Shanhua Award,”Chinas highest honor in folk art, making HuangChunping the sole recipient from Hubei Provinceto date. She later donated this artwork to WenchuanCounty, where it now resides permanently in theWenchuan Memorial. As a result of her contribution,Huang Chunping was granted the title of “HonoraryResident of Wenchuan County.”
Starting in 2008, Huang Chunping embarkedon a journey to teach embroidery to people withdisabilities. By 2010, with the support of organizationssuch as the Disabled Persons Federation and theWomens Federation, she initiated free workshopson the art of Han embroidery. These workshops,titled “Han Embroidery Factory,” “Chu PhoenixTakes Flight,” and the “Yellow Crane Workshop,”placed particular emphasis on empowering women,especially those with disabilities. Over more than adecade, these workshops have successfully establisheda self-sustaining cycle that encompasses design,production, sales, and customer feedback. They haveexpanded to include more than a dozen stores andproduction facilities in Jiangcheng, with an annualoutput value exceeding tens of millions of RMB,firmly establishing their presence in the market.
In the fall of 2019, Wuhan hosted the 7th CISMMilitary World Games, a momentous internationalsporting event comparable in scale to the 2008Summer Olympics in Beijing. Nearly ten thousandathletes from over 100 countries converged inWuhan for the occasion. Seeking inspiration, HuangChunping traveled to locations like the Three Gorges,where she meticulously observed and sketched thecultural elements of the Military World Games,the rich heritage of Hubei, and the vibrant urbanlife of Wuhan. Over two years, she and her teamcrafted more than 50 artworks with the MilitaryWorld Games theme. “The Military World Gamestranscends being a mere international sporting event;its also a global cultural exchange event. My missionis to convey the cultural essence of Wuhan, the hostcity, to friends from all corners of the world andcontribute to the preservation and dissemination ofChinas intangible cultural heritage,” stated HuangChunping. Indeed, the exquisite Han embroiderymasterpieces she created left athletes and guests fromacross the globe in sheer awe!
Since 2019, Huang Chunping has been activelyestablishing the “Huang Chunping Han EmbroideryArt Targeted Poverty Alleviation Base” and the “HanEmbroidery Industry Rural Revitalization Base” inFangxian County in Shiyan City and Chibi Countyin Xianning City. Collaborating with local womenfrom underprivileged households, she has providedHan embroidery training to thousands of individuals.Moreover, she has guided numerous disadvantagedwomen and stay-at-home mothers in designing andmaking market-driven products, helping them secureemployment and increase their income.
In the spring of 2020, when an unprecedentedand unexpected pandemic swept through Wuhan,Huang Chunping once again rallied her team todevelop various themed pieces, including Han embroidery chopstick holders, anti-pandemic sachets, and face masks. Despite havinglimited resources, they exhibited a collective determination to mitigate the pandemicsimpact.
国家级非物质文化遗产汉绣制作技艺代表性传承人,中国民间文艺最高奖“山花奖”得主,汶川县荣誉市民…… 一项项荣誉的背后是汗水、是坚持、是信仰、是责任,黄春萍用指尖传承汉绣技艺,穿针引线绘制幸福画卷,为抢救和保护、传承与发扬“楚文化大使”汉绣艺术,默默奉献努力着。
Today, Huang Chunping is widely recognized as a representative inheritor of Chinasnational intangible cultural heritage, a recipient of the prestigious Shanhua Award, andan honorary resident of Wenchuan County. Behind each of these honors lies a story ofhard work, unwavering dedication, deep faith, and a strong sense of responsibility. Withher skilled fingertips, Huang Chunping continues to carry forward the legacy of Hanembroidery, weaving a tapestry of happiness with her needles and threads. Seeing Hanembroidery as the Cultural Ambassador of Hubei, she remains committed to preserving,safeguarding, inheriting, and promoting this art form.
供图/ 郭海燕