樱花飘落Yinghua Piaoluo
“Hello, Im ‘Jing Xiaochu, your AI sales representative,here to assist you.” As people enter Wuhans first 5GMetaverse service center for business, they are greeted by thisdigital virtual sales representative.
Hubeis “Metaverse World” offers morethan just transactions; it provides an excitingvirtual tour of Wuhan in its VR future citytransportation zone. All you need to do isput on the display device, grab the controller,and youll feel like youre soaring through thesky. Youll have the freedom to explore iconiclandmarks like the Yangtze River Bridge andthe Yellow Crane Tower, creating a delightfulblend of reality and virtual interaction.However, this is just a glimpse of what theMetaverse has in store.
元宇宙是借助人工智能、虚拟现实、云计算、数字孪生、区块链等高科技手段,把物理世界映射到由数字和互联网组成的虚拟世界,并可以与现实世界实现交互,达到虚拟与现实的融合。早在1992年,美国作家尼尔 · 斯蒂芬森就在其科幻作品《雪崩》里提到了“元宇宙”(Metaverse)的概念,人们在元宇宙时空里可以拥有自己的虚拟替身,塑造元宇宙最初的形态。
The Metaverse employs cutting-edgetechnologies such as artificial intelligence,virtual reality, cloud computing, digital twins,and blockchain to reshape the physical worldinto a virtual world of digital and internetbasedelements. It enables interaction withreal life, achieving a fusion of the virtual worldand the reality. The concept of “Metaverse” wasfirst introduced as far back as 1992 by Americanauthor Neal Stephenson in his science fictionnovel Snow Crash, where he envisioned aspace for individuals to create and inhabit theirvirtual avatars. This laid the foundation for theMetaverse as we know it today.
In recent years, the popularity of theMetaverse concept has surged, and itsimpact is still strongly felt today. Hubei hasemerged as a leader in Metaverse technology,content creation, and product development.Notable projects in this regard include thedevelopment of virtual digital personas, theplanning of Metaverse fashion shows, andthe establishment of Metaverse experienceparks. These initiatives have positioned theMetaverse industry as a high-tech showcasefor Hubei.
In the realm of digital entities, Hubeihas successfully blended modernity withtradition. One prominent example is“Hu Beier,” the first provincial digitalspokesperson created under the Metaverseframework. This virtual celebrity, tappinginto traditional culture and digitaltechnology, is famous for her mastery ofHubei-style music and dance, as well as herknowledge of local natural beauty. She can notonly give Chinese cultural performances but also serve as a virtual tour guide, taking visitorson immersive journeys through Hubeis landscape, earning her the title of a “multitalentedlady” in Metaverse. Another favorite are the digital representations of the Cowherd and theWeaver Girl. During the annual Qixi Festival, these Metaverse-generated digital beings tookthe spotlight: The Cowherds resolute and distinctive features and the Weaver Girls elegantand delicate appearance exude a modern and artistic charm, showcasing the timeless allureof these tales. As visitors explore the scenic area, these avatars, acting as digital guides andambassadors, appear at every turn to introduce people to local specialties. This fusion oftraditional culture with modern life illustrates how Metaverse digital entities enrich culturaland tourism experiences, offering diverse opportunities to Hubeis cultural and tourismindustry.
In the world of fashion shows, Hubeiintegrates virtual elements into real-worldsettings. The inaugural China MetaverseFashion Design Competition, held in Wuhan,has initiated a fashion trend that blends thevirtual and the real. In this groundbreakingshow, models gracefully traversed variousvirtual landscapes, from icy realms to lushgreen fields and vibrant cityscapes, allwhile adorned in stylish attire. What trulycaptivates is how their clothing adapted toeach environment, creating the illusion ofjourneying through time and space. Thesefashion presentations, set against virtualbackgrounds and spaces, have also sparkedcreativity in the fashion design industry.Unlike the constraints of the physical world,the Metaverse offers limitless possibilitiesfor fashion design. Sizes, styles, and fabricsare no longer limiting factors, leading to agrowing demand for unique designs amongyoung enthusiasts. Designers can experimentwith patterns, colors, frills, and folds, all fromthe comfort of their own homes. The resultis the swift creation of cutting-edge designsin a matter of days, akin to a scenario from ascience fiction novel.
In the realm of experiential entertainment,Hubei has blended mythology with cuttingedgetechnology. The Mythical MetaverseExperience Park in Wuhan offers the ultimateadventure for exploring the Metaverse. Drawinginspiration from Chinas ancient myth, theClassic of Mountains and Seas, the park hasbrought to life a parallel Metaverse theaterthat immerses visitors in an ancient mythicalrealm. The design is incredibly imaginative: asvisitors step into a “time-space rift,” they aretransformed into mythical creatures such as ZhuLong (fire dragon), Bai Ze (white lion), and JiaoRen (merfolk), embarking on a journey fromthe primordial past to the distant future. Thisexperience blurs the lines between mythology,science fiction, virtual reality, and reality, creatinga mythical Metaverse brimming with deities,beasts, and wonders, making mythology not justa distant concept but an immersive encounter.
The Hubei Metaverse industry has also madesignificant inroads into healthcare,cultural innovation, industry, andeducation, showing immense potential.In the realm of education, the Metaversecan give rise to virtual teaching toolsthat rely on simulations and scenarioreenactments, enriching learningthrough immersive experiences. Byharnessing Metaverse technology,learners can practice without theconstraints of time or physical locationuntil they master the required skills.
The emergence of the Metaverse blurs theboundaries between the subjective and physicalworlds. In this entirely new networked virtualworld, we not only replicate the real world andinteract with numerous avatars but also expandthe scope of human activity, bringing imaginativeconcepts to life. People can even encounter theirpast, present, and design their future selves.Perhaps, a new world is on the horizon, whereendless possibilities await.
供图/ 樱花飘落