守望江豚Guardians of Yangtze Finless Porpoises

2024-04-30 17:25:22杨河李晶YangHeLiJing
孔子学院 2024年2期

杨河 李晶Yang He Li Jing


The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaenaasiaeorientalis) is an exceptional and rare freshwatercetacean found in China. As a nationally protected wildanimal at the highest level, its wellbeing serves as an“indicator” of the ecological condition of the YangtzeRiver. Affectionately known as the “panda in the water,”the porpoises in their natural habitat have becomeincreasingly rarely spotted in recent years. However,there has been a noticeable increase in its population,with frequent sightings of them playfully swimmingin the Yangtze River. It is considered a profound joy inlife to observe, on the banks of the Yangtze River, theseporpoises gracefully glide through the waters.


Hailing from Hubei Province, Yang He is both a photographer and a devoted guardian of the Yangtzefinless porpoises. Throughout the years, he dedicates himself to photographing, observing, and documentingthe porpoises behaviors. Through his lens, we gain a clear depiction of the changes occurring in the localecology and environment following the implementation of conservation measures for the Yangtze River.

与江豚的意外邂逅An Unexpected Encounter


During one eventful day in February 2022, whilephotographing alongside the river, Yang He stumbledupon an entangled porpoise desperately strugglingin the water. It soon became evident that its tail hadbecome ensnared in a rope, which was tighteningits grip as the creature fought to free itself. Realizingthe urgency of the situation, Yang He immediatelycalled the local fisheries authority. The rescue teampromptly arrived, while the Three Gorges MaritimeBureau issued an emergency order for all vessels inthe area to halt navigation. After multiple attemptsand strenuous efforts, the rescue team successfullyliberated the trapped porpoise, ultimately saving itslife.

与江豚的不解缘分An Inexplicable Connection


Later, Yang He discovered that the porpoisesare a highly intelligent creature. The porpoise hehad rescued seemed to recognize him as its “savior.”Almost every time he went up to the river bank, itwould appear in his lens, the mark from the ropeall conspicuous on its tail. Two months later, YangHe once again witnessed his “old friend” leapingout of the water to greet him. But this time, apeculiar feeling struck him: She looks differenttoday! Through careful observation, he noticedthat his “old friend” had a swollen belly — She waspregnant! As time passed, Yang now has two friendswho he frequently sees, the porpoise and her child.Whenever he reminisces about this extraordinaryexperience, Yang He is filled with excitement andwould be moved to tears. From the heartwarmingpictures he took of the mother porpoise holding herchild while swimming together, we could see howthey resembled us humans.


Through Yang Hes lens, we also catch aglimpse of the porpoises in love. Autumn, a seasonof romance, lends a delightful atmosphere to thewaters of Yichang, which, in turn, becomes infusedwith a sense of budding love for the Yangtze finlessporpoises. During this time of year, we see theporpoises in love leaping out of the water in pairs,exuding happiness and sweetness, their faces adornedwith smiles. The ones who are yet single do not fallbehind, swimming up and down, displaying theiragility to send out messages of courtship.

对江豚的科学解释More Observations


Through years of meticulous observation andpersistent photographing, Yang He as a porpoiseguardian has gained profound insight into thespecies habits. In the first half of 2023, two babyporpoises were born in the Yichang Section ofYangtze River. One of these particularly adorableand intelligent creatures was born around June9th, and became named “609” by the volunteers. InYang Hes eyes, the porpoise is like his own child.He spent half a month documenting every minutedetail of this new life: Approximately eight days afterbirth, “609” developed a beautiful “white flower”marking on its side. As the days went by, more andmore such spots appeared on its body, transformingit into a “spotted porpoise.” After about two weeks,these spots disappeared, leaving the skin smoothand taut. Scientists have confirmed that this processis the molting (shedding of fetal skin) phase thatevery Yangtze finless porpoise has to undergo afterbirth, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.Porpoises typically begin shedding their skin in thesecond week after birth. The “white flower” appearswhere the fetal skin first starts blistering and turningwhite, before gradually spreading to other parts ofthe body until all fetal skin naturally falls off.


“The water has become clearer, the riverbanksare lush with greenery, fish populations haveincreased, and the Yangtze finless porpoises havemade a triumphant return. Its truly a marveloussight!” As Yang He expressed these sentiments, apeculiar radiance emanated from his eyes. Whilecapturing the leaps of the Yangtze finless porpoises,he certainly has also vividly captured the ecologicaltransformations of the Yangtze River region.


In the times ahead, we can undoubtedlyanticipate an abundance of these “smiling angels”gracing this very place!

供图/ 杨河

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