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孔子学院 2024年2期

专家共话孔子学院未来发展Experts Discuss Future Development of Confucius Institutes

2023年12月7日~ 8日,世界中文大会“孔子学院的未来发展”论坛在北京国家会议中心顺利召开。会议期间,我们采访了多位专家代表,请他们分享孔子学院发展的经验与见解。

From December 7 to 8, 2023, as part of theWorld Chinese Language Conference, the FutureDevelopment of the Confucius Institute Forumwas successfully convened at the China NationalConvention Center in Beijing. During the event,we had the opportunity to interview severalexperts and hear their insights on the evolutionof Confucius Institutes.

加强特色发展,提升孔子学院品牌影响力Fostering Unique Growth and Expanding Impact

吉尔吉斯斯坦奥什国立大学校长科卓别科夫 · 库达伊别尔迪(Kozhobekov Kudaiberdi)指出,孔子学院不仅是一个语言学习和文化交流的平台,更是奥什国立大学特色发展的助推器。通过与中方高校的密切合作,奥什国立大学孔子学院为当地学生提供了学习中文和中国文化的机会,同时也为吉尔吉斯斯坦南部地区打开了通往中国的大门。

Kozhobekov Kudaiberdi, President of OshState University in Kyrgyzstan, emphasized that theConfucius Institute at his university serves not onlyas a platform for language acquisition and culturalexchange but also as a catalyst for the universitysdistinctive development. By cultivating closeconnections with its partner Chinese university, theinstitute provides local students with opportunitiesto learn the Chinese language and culture, effectivelybridging the southern region of Kyrgyzstan withChina.


To enhance the quality of education, PresidentKudaiberdi highlighted the institutes commitment totraining local Chinese teachers to adapt their teachingmethods to the local cultural context and studentspreferences. Regarding cultural activities, the institutehas established various clubs, including a choir and aclub on Chinese martial arts, offering students diverseopportunities to delve into Chinese culture. Graduatesof the institute have gone on to play pivotal roles inlocal Chinese enterprises, creating a pool of Chineselanguage talent in the region.

中美關系与文化交流,孔子学院扮演桥梁角色Linking Sino-US Relations and Cultural Exchange

贺志明(James B. Heimowitz)是孔子学院全球发展高级顾问,在接受专访时,他表示,中国在全球舞台上的重要性日益增强,孔子学院作为文化交流的桥梁,对于帮助世界了解中国、促进中美之间的理解与合作至关重要。

James B. Heimowitz, a senior consultant onConfucius Institute global development, emphasizedin the interview that as Chinas global significancecontinues to grow, Confucius Institutes serve ascrucial bridges for cultural exchange. They play apivotal role in helping the world gain insights intoChina and fostering mutual understanding andcooperation between the United States and China.


Looking ahead, Heimowitz expressed confidencein the well-established network of ConfuciusInstitutes. As long as they maintain their dedicationand professionalism, they would undoubtedlycontinue to have a positive and distinctive impacton promoting cultural exchange between China andother countries.


Heimowitz served as the president of the ChinaInstitute in America for nine years (Editors note:The China Institute in America, founded in 1926,aims to promote cultural exchange between Chinaand the United States). As one of the first Americansto study in China, he has maintained close tiesto China for decades. He noted that following arecent meeting between the leaders of China andthe United States, there has been a noticeable surgein Americans interest in understanding China. Helooked forward to deeper exchanges and cooperationbetween the two countries across various domains.He also believed that through joint efforts, bothcountries could overcome biases, enhance mutualunderstanding, and move towards a more positivefuture together.

見证与参与,架起中俄文化沟通的桥梁Bridging the Cultural Gap in Sino-Russian Cultural Communication

作为莫斯科第一家孔子学院的外方院长,俄罗斯汉学家易福成(Taras lvchenko)不仅见证了俄罗斯国立人文大学孔子学院的创立和成长,还亲历了国际中文教育的蓬勃发展。

Taras Ivchenko is a Russian Sinologist and theforeign director of the Confucius Institute at theRussian State University for the Humanities (RGGU),the first of its kind in Moscow. Not only has hewitnessed the establishment and evolution of theinstitute, but he has also actively participated in thegrowth of international Chinese language education.


From 2007 to 2023, the Confucius Instituteat RGGU celebrated 15 years of history. By 2022,it had launched 71 classes and enrolled over 750students. Today, the institute serves as a vital gatewayfor Russian society to learn the Chinese language,understand Chinese culture, and stay updated on thelatest developments in China.


Director Ivchenko consistently emphasizesthe importance of high-quality Chinese languageinstruction, advocating against rushing the languagelearningprocess. He believes that “hastening it goesagainst the essence of language acquisition. Weshouldnt prioritize speed or quantity; our focus mustbe on delivering quality.” In his interactions withstudents, he sets an example, hoping to instill in thema sense of enjoyment in learning Chinese rooted intheir individual interests.


The Confucius Institute at RGGU has maintainedclose collaboration with the University of InternationalBusiness and Economics in China, offering regular trainingfor local Chinese teachers, including online trainingcamps, lectures on Chinas economic and monetarypolicies, and various workshops on China and Russiacooperation. Through a range of competitions and events,the institute presents Chinese culture comprehensivelyand multifacetedly. Director Ivchenko viewed theConfucius Institute as a bridge for mutual understandingbetween the Chinese and foreign communities, and heeagerly anticipated deeper collaboration in areas suchas professional integration, further contributing to theadvancement of international Chinese language education.

孔子学院助力国际中文教育,促进文化交流Fostering Chinese Education and Global Cultural Exchange

自2007年成立以来,开罗大学孔子学院一直致力于推广中文教育,让更多的埃及人选择学习中文,了解中国文化。李哈布(Rehab Mahmoud)院长介绍了该孔子学院的教学特色。

Since its establishment in 2007, the ConfuciusInstitute at Cairo University has been on a missionto promote Chinese language education and deepenEgyptians understanding of Chinese culture. DirectorRehab Mahmoud enthusiastically shared the institutesunique educational approach.


As Chinese language programs became integratedinto Egypts primary and secondary school curricula,the Confucius Institute at Cairo University has tailoredChinese language materials specifically for Egyptianstudents. The institute places significant emphasis onthe “Chinese Bridge” competition, where one of theirstudents represented Egypt in the final competition inChina and won the first prize. The institute has hosteda variety of activities, including poetry recitations,storytelling sessions, and singing contests, all aimed atenhancing students proficiency in using the Chineselanguage. These events not only enrich studentscultural experiences but also deepen their interest inand appreciation of Chinese culture.


The institute doesnt limit itself to languageinstruction; it is equally committed to trainingexceptional Chinese language teachers. It offers aseries of workshops, including training on curriculumdevelopment and teaching methodologies, for localChinese teachers starting from the third grade up. Furthermore, the institute has established apartnership with Peking University, regularly invitingtwo to three professors from Peking University eachyear to lecture Chinese language teachers in Egypt.


Director Mahmoud emphasized the strongsupport the institute received from the Egyptiangovernment. Whether in gaining approval forinternational conferences, organizing official visits,or signing agreements with other countries, theinstitute has consistently received positive responsesfrom the government.


Director Mahmoud expressed confidence in thefuture development of the Confucius Institute. Shestated that the Confucius Institute at Cairo Universitywould continue to train outstanding Chineselanguage teachers, enhance students proficiency inthe Chinese language, promote international Chineselanguage education, and contribute to culturalexchanges between China and Egypt.


In this increasingly globalized world, as bridgesfor cross-cultural communication, ConfuciusInstitutes consistently demonstrate their unique valueand impact. The interviews with these experts haveprovided us with valuable insights into the future ofConfucius Institutes, including the challenges andopportunities they might face. We look forward towitnessing Confucius Institutes expand their globalnetworks, enhance international cooperation, andoffer more opportunities for people worldwide tolearn Chinese and develop a deeper understandingof Chinese culture. This, in turn, will contributeto the building of a more harmonious and diverseinternational community.

供图/ 中国国际中文教育基金会

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