摘 要:隨着新高考模式的推行,近年的高考英语试题越来越重视对考生思维品质的考查,主要体现在三个方面:一是阅读理解试题的考查角度更加新颖,考生需要具备较强的分析和推理能力、归纳和概括能力、发散思维和批判性思维能力;二是应用文写作的交际情景更加灵活多样,文字提示更加简洁,试题的开放性更强,为考生留出更大的自由发挥空间;三是读后续写试题是先读后写,要求考生具备较强的文本解读能力、故事情节梳理能力和对故事情节发展的预测能力,对考生的想象力和逻辑推理能力提出了更高的要求。因此,在高中英语阅读教学中培养学生的思维品质成为当务之急。
《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版 2020 年修订)》(以下简称“新课标”)指出,学生应做到以下几点:
北师大版高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 Lesson 3的第一篇文章的结构如图1所示。
从这幅思维导图可以看出,文章的第一段是导语段,表明论点“The Internet harms friendships”。中间三段是三个分论点(three arguments),即论据,用来支撑论点。最后一段是得出的结论“Friends should focus more on face-to-face communication.”。这样学生对全文的框架结构就一目了然了,也掌握了英语议论文的写作方法。
北师大版高中英语必修第三册Unit 7 Lesson 3的文章结构如图2所示。
例如,教学人教高中英语必修第一册Unit3“Living legends”一文时,笔者首先让学生根据图片和标题预测课文内容及其出处“What are the texts mainly about? (Famous people who have made great achievements.) Where is the text taken from? (The Internet.)”。然后,向学生提出下面几个问题:
1. How does the author attract the readers' attention at the beginning of Lang Ping?
2. How does the author prove Lang Ping has unusual ability and skills as a coach?
3. What were the problems facing Lang Ping when the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup?
4. How did Lang Ping respond in face of challenges?
5. Why did the author mention 2015 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games?
6. What can we learn from Lang Ping?
(Key: 1. As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China women's volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad. 2. In 2016, Lang Ping led her volleyball team to Olympic gold in Brazil. 3. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. 4. She did not lose heart/She was confident because she knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team. 5. To prove that Lang Ping has made great achievements and she is a living legend. 6. What we should learn from Lang Ping is that we should never give up in face of difficulty. If we keep on trying, we will win. )
例如,教学北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 Lesson1“The underdog”时,首先,笔者要求学生根据课文题目和图片推测“What is the text mainly about? (A basketball player.) What is an Underdog? (A player who is unlikely to win a game.)”,然后让学生读课文,回答下面的问题:
1. What kind of player was Paul?
2. Why did he try many times before making the school team?
3. How did he feel for sitting on the bench most of the time?
4. How did he help his team win the game?
5.What lesson should the coach learn after the game?
6. What message does the author convey by telling Paul's story?
(Keys: 1. Paul was too short though he had real skills. 2 He was just 1.6 meters and the coach thought he was too short. 3. He did lost hope. He was waiting patiently for his turn. 4. He made shot after shot. The other team couldn't stop him. 5. It was wrong to judge a book by its cover. Height is not as important as he thought. 6. Anything is possible if you don't give up your dream.)
在理解课文后,要求学生完成如图3所示的Story Mountain,对故事情节进行梳理。
Paul's Story
My name is Paul, a 16-year-old boy who has been dreaming of becoming a basketball star. I signed up for our school basketball team last year, but was refused by the coach. _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Coach's story
I am the coach of the school basketball team. Last year, a boy called Paul signed up for our team and told me that he wanted to join badly. But he was just 1.6 meters tall, ________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
此外,教师还可以结合课文内容,让学生进行故事续写,启发学生思考故事情节会怎样继续发展、会有什么样的结局,鼓励他们用所学的语言表达思想, 从而培养他们的推断能力、想象力和共情能力。例如,阅读北师大版高中英语必修第二册 Unit5 Lesson 1“A sea story”的课文后,笔者要求学生绘制思维导图,再梳理故事的线索,然后启发学生思考:
结合所学Lesson 1课文的内容,根据首句提示,用150-200词续写故事情节。
When I finally got home, I was exhausted. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
For several days, I was lost in deep sorrow. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(One possible version: When I finally got home, I was exhausted. My parents could hardly recognize me because I was in rags, looking like a homeless man. When they anxiously asked me where my two brothers were, I broke down completely. I explained to them how we were trapped in Moskoe-strom on our way back from the island where we caught fish and how I managed to survive while my two brothers lost their lives. But they just didn't believe what I said, insisting my two brothers would come back home soon. Losing my two brothers was so painful that my hair turned white overnight.
For several days, I was lost in deep sorrow. Lying in bed, I found my head was spinning. It seemed that I could see our boat covered by huge waves and my two brothers struggling desperately in the sea. It felt as if I was still floating on the water with the barrel. How I wished we had not risked fishing in the island! How I wished my brothers had come back home with me! Looking out of the window, I saw bright sunshine, which brought me hope again. Any way life had to go on. With my old parents and children to support, I gathered courage and dragged myself out of bed.)
例如,北师大版高中英语必修第二册 Unit 5 Lesson 3“Race to the pole”的课文讲述了两支探险队去南极探险的故事,阅读课文之后,组织学生讨论:
1. Do you think Scott and his team are heroes? Why or why not?
2. Why did Scott's team fail while Amundsen's team succeed?
3. What lesson can we learn from the text?
(Keys: 1. Yes. Though Scott and his team lost the race to the South Pole, they showed true determination and strength of character which is usually seen in heroes. Scott and his team showed us what true heroes are. They always had their goals in mind. They kept up their spirit and carried the rocks even in extremely difficult situations. Their inner strength and what they have done has left a precious legacy for future generations. 2. They didn't make careful preparations before setting out for the exploration. They used horses to pull the sledges, which didn't work. So they had to pull the sledges by themselves, which made them tired out. Besides, their food ran out after they reached the South Pole, which cost them their lives. Amundsen's team succeed because they used dogs to pull the sledges and they had enough food to eat. It was obvious that they had done researches and made careful preparations in advance. 3. We should make careful preparations before we go on a long journey. )
又如,北师大版高中英语必修第二册 Unit 6 Lesson 1“A medical pioneer”的课文讲述了中国科学家屠呦呦荣获诺贝尔奖的故事。阅读课文之后,组织学生讨论:
1. Why is Tu Youyou considered a medical pioneer?
2. What difficulties was Tu Youyou faced with when she was trying to find a cure for malaria?
3. Why did the author mention 240,00 chemicals in Paragraph 3?
4. What can we learn from Tu Youyou?
(Keys: 1. She led her team in discovering the life-saving drug, artemisinin, which saved the lives of millions of people all over the world. That is why she was awarded the Nobel Prize. 2. They had limited resources. They did not have enough staff, and the laboratory in which they worked had poor air quality. 3. To prove that the team did a lot of research to find the cure. 4. What we should learn from Tuyouyou is that we should never give up in face of difficulty. If we try really hard, we can overcome difficulty in the end.)