刘 洁
(河北经贸大学 河北 050061)
在心理学上,一种学习对另一种学习的影响被称作迁移。在外语学习的过程中,学习者容易受到母语的影响,这就叫“母语迁移”(mother tongue transfer)。Odlin在Language Transfer一书中提出迁移是目标语和其他任何已经习得的语言之间的共性和差异所造成的影响[1]。母语迁移分为两种情况:正迁移和负迁移。当目的语和母语结构相似时,往往有利于目的语的学习,这种情况称为“正迁移(positive transfer)”;当目的语和母语差异较大或形同实异时,母语就会阻碍或干扰目的语的学习,称为“负迁移(negative transfer)”[2]。英语与汉语属不同的两种语系,二者有明显的差异,由于学习者在学习的初期或在翻译过程中,对于母语的影响意识较为薄弱,从而忽略了提升母语表达能力和掌握程度的重要性,因此在学习翻译的过程中,母语负迁移作用较为明显。负迁移通常表现在词汇、句法以及篇章结构等方面,在英汉互译中要有意识地避免并采取相应翻译策略。
在进行汉英翻译时,涉及到中国传统文化的词汇,有时很难找到与其完全对等的英语词汇。比如,汉语中的“阴阳”、“仁义”、“五行”、“天人合一”、“道法自然”等,我们根本无法找到与其完全对应的英文词汇。因为以上词汇为中国文化所特有,在翻译时需要译者注拼音,并根据其具体的内涵意义进行释译,让目标读者了解中国的传统文化。再比如,“龙”在中国古代文化中象征权贵与势力,如“龙子”、“龙椅”、“龙体”等等;在中国现代文化中,“龙”更是蕴含着吉祥与成功。比如“望子成龙”、“龙凤呈祥”、“攀龙托凤”等等。而在西方文化当中,“龙”是邪恶的象征,龙的凶残的古怪野兽,在《圣经》中把与上帝作对的撒旦称作the great dragon来表达撒旦的凶狠与邪恶。如果在翻译过程中,我们将中国文化对于龙的理解翻译为英文的“dragon”,那产生的效果是截然相反的。因此,“亚洲四小龙”应翻译为“The Four Asian Tigers”。
对词的内涵意义把握不准也容易导致负迁移。词的蕴涵意义指的是词的基本意义之外的附加或隐含的意义,它和文化背景的关系非常密切。[4]比如“黄色”在中国象征“淫秽色情”或是“权力地位”,而英文当中的yellow则象征怯懦;中文的“黑车”代表的是违法经营的出租车,因此翻译时应将其译为“unlicensed taxi”;中文的“红茶”翻译成英文为“black tea”,中文当中的红白喜事应翻译为“Wedding and funerals”;红榜(honor roll);红尘(The world of mortals)等等。
例1:1.风萧萧, 雨萧萧, 马萧萧。
The wind whistled,the rain pattered and the horse neighed.
2.Thunder began to rumble.
3.哒哒哒哒哒 ! 咚 ! 咚 ! 李先生突然抱着头直跳起来, 但随即像一块木头似的倒了下去。
Rat-ta-ta-ta,boom!boom!Wrapping his arms around his head,Mr.Li leaped up,but immediately fell forward like a log.
误译:The families live in the Avenue No.2 have to go to the hydrant with their pails to fetch water.
正译:The No.2 Avenue families had to carry their pails to the hydrant in the curb.
例3原文:如今没奈何, 把你雇在间壁人家放牛, 每月可以得他几钱银子, 你又有现成饭吃, 只在明日就要去了。(吴敬梓;《儒林外史》)
误译:There’s no choice.You have to herd our neighbor’s buffalo.You will make a little money every month.You will get ready-made food to eat.Just go tomorrow.
正译:There is no way out but to set you to work looking after our neighbour's buffalo.You'll make a little money every month,and you'll get your meals there too.You are to start tomorrow.
误译:I suddenly remember that I had seen him somewhere before.
正译:It suddenly occurred to that I had seen him somewhere before.
原译译者受到了汉语人称主语句的干扰,直接将 “I” 搬到了译本当中作为主语,语法虽无错误,但这并不符合汉语重人称而英语重物称的特点。因此改译为将It作为形式主语,更加符合英文的表达习惯。
误译:Guanghua building,a magnificent new teaching and scientific research building,stands in the east of Handan campus at the Centennial birthday of Fudan University.Guanghua building is composed of main building,podium building and auxiliary building,of which the main building has 30 floors and a construction area of more than 110,000 square meters.Its design embodies the concept of"people-oriented"and provides sufficient learning and communication space for teachers and students.
The Guanghua building complex,loushun and Fudan Handan main campus,together with the white wall and black tile building complex in the early days of the establishment of the school in the 1920s and 1930s in the west,and the clear water and red brick building complex in the school development period from the 1950s and 1960s to the end of the century,constitute three steps of the century change of Fudan campus,indicating that Fudan will stride forward to a world-class university with a new spirit and attitude in the new century.
正译:An architectural triumph,Guang Hua Building is completed to coincide with the first centenary of Fudan University.Towering aloft on the east end of the university's Handan Campus,this edifice consists of the 30-storied principal parts and the appendages,covering a total floor space of more than 110,000 square meters.The design of the whole building is based on the"people-oriented"concept,with a view to better serving the growing academic and research needs.
The different styles of architecture on the campus present,metaphorically,the university's one-hundred-year development trilogy:The oldest houses with white walls and black tiles on the west end of Handan Campus are reminiscent of the university's formative period.And those buildings of clean and red bricks in the middle of the campus tell the stories of the university's vigorous expanding years from 1950s to 1990s.Now the magnificent Guang Hua Building heralds afresh starting point for Fudan University to march 1orwara with greater strides and confidence towards its chosen goal:to build itself into a world-class university.[5]