
2021-12-24 03:21策展人Cavebureau
世界建筑 2021年12期


1 展览装置全景/Overall view of exhibition installation




第17届国际建筑展的国际评审团授予Cave_bureau特别提名奖,表彰其“对人类最古老的生存环境之一进行的富有想象力和创造性的探索。”□(王单单 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

策展人/参展人/Curators/Exhibitors: Kabage Karanja, Stella Mutegi/Cave_bureau

合作/Collaborator: Densu Moseti

支持方/Supporters: Pacific Africa Group, FUN - Future Urban Narrative

摄影/Photos: Francesco Galli

图片来源/Photo Courtesy: La Biennale di Venezia

2-4 展览装置/Exhibition installations

5-9 展览装置/Exhibition installations

Obsidian Rain is a transposed section of the Mbai cave in Kenya, which was inhabited in the middle of the twentieth century by anti-colonial freedom fighters who used it as a commune chamber to plan their resistance. The installation consists of a collection of obsidian stone hanging from the ceiling with sisal rope. Beneath it is a table meant to host discussions about the environment and the state of the architectural discipline in Kenya, the African continent, and beyond, among other relevant topics.

The architect Kabage Karanja talked about the process of their research, "We effectively scanned the cave about 7 years ago. During that scanning, we discovered it is a lava tube cave created through the eruption of a multitude of volcanos within the rift valley. In that regard, we used very high-end technology to represent that space, so with the 3D scan, we've created cross-section drawings on leather, we've represented bronze models of the cave that is on display. And the larger installation is a series of Obsidian stones, that are lowered at different layers to match the roof of the cave. And Obsidian stones has its roots in our alley history as mankind. During the Middle Stone Age, these stones were found in spears, knife tools, to slaughter animals, we feel this material which is in abundance in the rift valley was quite suitable to use as an element of our heritage and history hanging over us."

The project here is not confined to the often innocuous activities of a conventional museum building or its politics that often provide little freedom to overtly challenge the status quo of the prevailing times. A (re)construction of sort of this age-old institution and the practice of architecture itself within the African context; while still in our own way contributing to the global consciousness and discourse surrounding the new geological age we live in, the Anthropocene.

The international Jury of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition has awarded special mention to Cave_bureau for "an imaginative and creative exploration of one of man's oldest living environments."□

地球上一道美丽的伤痕 云南武定己衣大裂谷