
2021-12-24 03:21策展人实现无缝领土基金会FAST
世界建筑 2021年12期





“边境生态与加沙地带”项目的这一迭代追踪了库扎阿的一个小农场的变化,这是加沙地带的一个巴勒斯坦农业村,位于加沙与以色列军事化的边界地带。在过去的几十年里,这个由Abd el Haleem和Khaldya Qudaih拥有和管理的四杜南(或4000m2)的农场,一次又一次地被以色列的空袭、炮击和巡逻所攻击、破坏和摧毁。

为了威尼斯建筑双年展,FAST通过与Amir Qudaih及其家人的持续对话,收集了十几份农场日常生活的口述历史。这些故事将西瓜、沙丁鱼、沙子和沉淀物等平凡的材料与官僚协议、以色列施加的限制和持续的暴力行为等联系起来,证明了库扎阿社区不断参与生存、抵抗、互助和团结的集体行动。


“边境生态与加沙地带”建立在Amir Qudaih和Malkit Shoshan之间的对话以及FAST以前的项目上,比如“冲突地图集”“以色列-巴勒斯坦”和“动物园,或是犹太复国主义中的字母Z”。

该装置以一张餐桌和一块定制的桌布为中心,桌布由Malkit Shoshan和Sandra Kassenaar设计,并与库代赫家族合作,上面交织着农场日常生活的故事。两个投影将这种农场生活的短视频与村民面临的长期暴力的镜头并列,所有这些都是由库扎阿的农民用手机拍摄的。展览还包括照片、短篇故事和证词,以及一个网站,使那些不能亲临现场的人,特别是库代赫家族可以在网上查阅展览资料。

威尼斯建筑双年展评委会授予了“西瓜、沙丁鱼、螃蟹、沙子和沉淀物:边境生态和加沙地带”银狮奖,并评价其是“一个大胆的提议,邀请我们思考分裂的历史、农业实践、日常生活的仪式以及定居和占领的现实”。□(钱芳 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

展览概念、研究、文字、图示及设计/Exhibition Concept, Research, Text, Illustrations, and Design: Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory (FAST)

政策指导/Policy Advice: Yael Berda平面设计/Graphic Design: Sandra Kassenaar设计助理/Design Assistance: Sam Reith

研究、证据及摄影/Research, Testimonies, and Photography: Amir Qudaih

文字编辑/Text Editor: Andrew Scheinman

展览概念、研究、文字、图示及设计/Exhibition Concept, Research, Text, Illustration, and Design: Malkit Shoshan

摄影、记录及视频摄制/Photography, Documentation, and Video Recording: The Qudaih family

桌布、纺织品开发及出品/Tablecloth, Textile Development and Production: TextielMuseum, Tilburg

支持方/Supporters: Netherlands Creative Industries Fund, Venice Architecture Biennale

合作/Other Contributors: Lina Kara'in, Mahmoud Baragout

1.2 展览装置/Exhibition installations

3 边境生态和加沙地带/Border Ecologies and the Gaza Strip

Watermelon, Sardines, Crabs, Sand, and Sediment: Border Ecologies and the Gaza Stripis a project by the Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory (FAST) and the Qudaih family.

Border Ecologies and the Gaza Stripexplores the emergence of unexpected spaces in response to stresses and war at the Israeli-Palestinian border.

For nearly a century, fluctuations in the shape and form of the border have affected both human and natural ecologies, leading to the formation of spaces of exception-environments that, at times, seem paradoxically more resilient and sustainable than those with steadier histories.

This iteration of theBorder Ecologies and the Gaza Stripproject traces the transformation of a small farm in Khuza'a, a Palestinian agricultural village in the Gaza Strip situated along one of the territory's most militarized borders with Israel. In the past few decades, the four-dunam (or 4,000-square-meter) farm, owned and managed by Abd el Haleem and Khaldya Qudaih, has been attacked, damaged, and destroyed time and again by Israeli air raids, shelling, and patrols.

For the Venice Architecture Biennale exhibition, FAST has collected more than a dozen oral histories of daily life on the farm through ongoing conversations with Amir Qudaih and his family. Linking mundane material, such as watermelon, sardines, sand, and sediment, to bureaucratic protocols, Israeli-imposed restrictions, and continued acts of violence, these stories attest to the Khuza'a community's continual engagement in collective acts of survival, resistance, mutual aid, and solidarity.

One such story, "Wheat and Weddings," is centred around wheat, an indispensable crop and staple food in Palestine, and on two small wheat fields used to host marriage ceremonies. In Gaza, late spring marks both a celebration of the end of the wheat harvest and the beginning of the wedding season. Unlike other farmland in the area, on which farmers rotate crops year-round, these two fields are used only for mono-cropping to allow space for communal gatherings and wedding parties in the summer.

Border Ecologies and the Gaza Stripbuilds on conversations between Amir Qudaih and Malkit Shoshan and on FAST's previous projects, such asAtlas of the Conflict, Israel-PalestineandZoo,or the letter Z, just after Zionism.

The installation is centred on a dining table and a custom-made tablecloth, designed by Malkit Shoshan with Sandra Kassenaar and in collaboration with the Qudaih family, that features interwoven stories of daily life on the farm. Two projections juxtapose short videos of this farm life with footage of the perpetual violence the villagers face, all of which was captured on mobile phones by Khuza'a's farmers. The exhibition also includes photographs, short stories and testimonies, and a website that makes the exhibition material accessible online for those who cannot visit in person, in particular the Qudaih family.

The Jury of the Venice Architecture Biennale awardedThe Silver LionforWatermelon, Sardines,Crabs, Sand, and Sediment: Border Ecologies and the Gaza Strip- "a daring proposal that invites us to think about divided histories, agricultural practices, rituals of daily life and the realities of settlement and occupation." □

4.5 餐桌和定制桌布/The dining table and the custom-made tablecloth

6-8 餐桌局部/Details of the dining table
