摘 要:在当前新课改的推进下,对初中阶段学生班级管理的要求也越发加强,良好的班级课堂氛围不但可以促进学生学习成长、提升班级管理水平,还可以达到更好的教学效率效果。初中阶段的学生心理发育日趋成熟,对待事情有自己的看法,已经可以独立思考、面对问题,教师应该根据这一阶段学生的心理,发挥学生在班级管理中的作用,根据日常教学内容以及教师的积极引导,给学生提供更多的自我成长空间和展示自己的机会。在初中班级管理中需要更加注重学生的“积极自主性、团队合作性、合作探究性”等,可以采用小组合作的形式,对班级学生进行分组管理,在学生自我管理能力提升的同时,也可以减少教师在班级管理中的部分压力,对于构建和谐的师生关系起到积极的促进作用。
【中图分类号】G637 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)26-0169-02
Research on the Application of Group Cooperation in the Management of Junior High School Classes
JI Rongshan (Hongtang Middle School,Xiamen City,Fujian Province,China )
【Abstract】With the advancement of the current new curriculum reform,the requirements for class management of junior high school students have also been strengthened. A good class atmosphere can not only promote the growth of students,improve the level of class management,but also achieve better teaching efficiency.The psychological development of junior high school students is becoming more mature. They have their own views on things and can think independently and face problems. Teachers should play the role of students in class management according to the students psychology at this stage,give full play to the role of students in class management,and provide students with more self-growth space and opportunities to show themselves based on the daily teaching content and the active guidance of teachers.In the management of junior high school classes,more attention needs to be paid to students “active autonomy,teamwork,and cooperative exploration”. The form of group cooperation can be used to manage class students in groups. While students self-management ability is improved,it is also possible reducing part of the pressure on teachers in class management will play a positive role in building a harmonious teacher-student relationship.
【Keywords】Group cooperation;Junior high school;Class management;Applied research
1. 科学的小组合作规则对班级管理的重要性