于如信 徐乐 朱玉斌 陈洪峰 杨东
摘 要:立德树人要求坚持德育为首,以立德为根本,以树人为核心,这是高校坚持社会主义办学方向的根本要求;课程思政要求各类课程与思想政治工作同向同行,形成协同效应;实践育人要求丰富实践内容,创新实践形式,加强实践育人环节,构建理论育人与实践育人协同体系,是高校德育工作应有之义。文章结合课程思政和立德树人内涵,将高校工程训练中心打造成为重要的实践育人平台,探索工程训练实践育人的内容、措施和方法,对贯彻课程思政要求,落实立德树人根本任务,构建“十大”育人体系,落实“三全”育人,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,具有重要的作用和意义。
中图分类号:C961 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)19-0142-04
Abstract: Fostering virtue through education requires moral education as the first, moral education as the foundation and moral education as the core, which is the fundamental requirement for universities to adhere to the direction of socialist education. Course ideology requires that various courses and ideological and political work are together, which develops synergistic effect. Practice education requires enriching practice content and innovating practice form. Also, practice education requires strengthening the link of practical education and constructing the coordination system of theoretical education and practical education, which is the fundamental significance of the universities. Combing course ideology and connotation of moral education in the paper, the engineering training center in colleges is built as an important platform for practice education. The contents, measures and methods of engineering training practice education is explored. It is important for carrying out the requirements of course ideology course, implementing fundamental tasks of establishing morality and cultivating people and building "top ten" education system. It also play a significant role on carrying "three-aspected education" and cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and labor.
Keywords: course ideology; fostering virtue through education; engineering training; practice education