——以人教版教材Unit 1 课文The Freshman Challenge 为例

2021-04-18 12:32河北
教学考试(高考英语) 2021年1期





Step 1:Lead-in(导入)(3ms)


Lead-in(导入)Hi,boys and girls! My name is Liu Qing,a teacher from No.21 Middle School.My biggest challenge is to help my students study happily.My dream is to help them go to their ideal universities.I am hard-working and responsible.I feel proud and honored to be a teacher.I like this stage.I am well prepared for whatever comes in the future.I believe in myself !


Listen and answer the questions.


Listen and answer.

1.Aarushi’s challenge is_____.

2.Aarushi’s wish is to be_____.

3.She gets the help from her_____and her_____.

4.What kind of girl is she?


Help the students to fix their attention on the text and arouse their interest.


0.5 point per blank.

Step 2:


Find the main idea of each paragraph.(4 分)


Activity 1:Find the main idea of each paragraph.


Help the students figure out the structure and relationship among sentences.

To grasp the main idea of each paragraph.


4 points

Step 3:Presentation(12ms)


Activity 1:Explain English in English.(每题0.5 分)



3.sign up for




Activity 2:Fill in the blanks.(每题1 分)

I am Adam and I’m a 1 at senior high school.The first week was a little 2 .There are some 3 I have to face in my new school life.

First,I had to think very carefully about my courses.Chinese is hard to learn but I hope I can speak it 4 when I graduate.My adviser 5 me to sign up for 6 literature because I’m good at it.

Second,I had to choose my 7 activities.I tried to join the school football team,but I couldn’t do well in it.But I won’t quit.I joined a 8


In order to be 9 for university or 10 else comes in the future,I make up my mind to study harder and get used to the new situation.


Activity 1:Explain English in English.And make sentences.

Activity 2:Fill in the blanks.


Train the students to form good habits of English thinking,using English to explain English.

Help students be familiar with the content and structure.

Practice the ability of using language.


0.5 point or 1 point according to the difficulty.

Step 4:Thinking,Speaking,Discussing (8ms)


Activity 1:Answer the questions about similarities and differences between the challenges in Adam’s life and yours.

1.What courses did Adam choose?(0.5 分)

Which do you think would be his favorite? Why?(0.5 分)

What subjects do you study?(0.5 分)

Which is your favorite subject?(0.5 分)

What will you be when you grow up?(0.5 分)

2.What does“make the team”mean in Paragraph 3?(0.5 分)

Which club are you going to join?(0.5 分)

Have you ever been a volunteer?

What did you do?(0.5 分)

3.What is Adam worried about?(0.5 分)

What are you worried about now?(1 分)

4.Is Adam confident that he will get used to his senior high school life?(1 分)

How do you know?(2 分)

How are you going to get used to your senior high school life?

Activity 3:Suggestions to Adam

How to learn Chinese(1 分)

How to improve football skills(1 分)

How to get used to all the homework(1 分)


Activity 1:Compare Adam with you.

Activity 2:What kind of person do you think Adam is?

Activity 3:What other qualities should a person have to succeed?

Activity 4:Give some suggestions to Adam.


Practice the ability of thinking,and expressing the ideas by speaking.Help the students to write by discussing what and how to write in advance.


Different points according to the difficulty of the tasks to grade the thinking ability.

Step 5:Writing and Evaluating(5ms)


Activity 1:Talk about your challenges.(3 分)

Use some of the following words to write down what you have just discussed and you can add more details.Pay attention to the structure,challenge,feeling,solution and attitude.

What’s your challenge?

My challenge is ...

How do you feel?

I am/I feel...

How to deal with it?

I want to/plan to/hope to/am going to...

What qualities will help?

To deal with it,I should be...

Activity 2:Share your article with others.(1 分)

Activity 3:Evaluate whose composition is better.(1 分)


Activity 1:Writing

Report your article to others.(1 分)

And evaluate whose composition is better.(1 分)

Activity 2:Report your composition.

Activity 3:Evaluation


Help the students write down what have just discussed using the words in the text and have the writing skills in mind.


3 points per article.

Step 6:Evaluating &Reflecting (3ms)

Activity 1:Choose the best team and the winner according to the points.

Activity 2:Share your experience and reflection of yourself or others.

Activity 3:Say something about your ways to improve.


Activity 1:Choose the best team.

Activity 2:Share your experience and reflection of yourself or others.

Activity 3:Ways to improve.


Help the students learn about the advantages and disadvantages and the way of improving.


1 point per idea.

Step 7:Conclusion (1m)



Road to success is not always smooth.It must be full of challenges.But if we have good qualities,nothing is impossible.

Help the students to develop good reading habits and skills and the optimistic way of facing challenges.

Help the students express their own ideas.

Train the students to understand their physical and mental development.


Help the students have a clear understanding.

Step 8:Homework (1m)


Homework(Choose two of them.)

1.Interview your parents or grandparents to see what challenges they met and how they felt and dealt with them when they were teenagers.

2.Read one of the following famous books:The Little Prince,Oliver Twist,Great Expectations and Jane Eyre to explore what challenges,feelings and solutions were.While reading please write down some of your questions and take notes.


Design tasks according to the students’ interest and personalities.Train the students to develop the good habits of questioning and taking notes while reading.


I have the following reflections when finishing the design of the class.

First,lessons should be based on the modern theories,the standards of new curriculum,and the situation of the students.So I read the training materials and some articles and watch the training video for many times to find the connection between new theories and this content,which helps me improve my teaching skills and teaching theory.

Second,I integrate the evaluating skill to the design of this lesson,which helps regulate the study process of the students and help make proper adjustments while teaching.This is also a way of inspiring students to attend the class.

Third,the reflection part helps students face the reality and learn about the advantages and disadvantages,especially the way of improving.

Fourth,team work is a good way of helping students learn,which can’t be done by teaching itself.

Fifth,obey the rule of student-centered teaching and help the students find and raise questions.

Sixth,the different thinking levels are graded with different points in one theme content,helping the students to think deeper.

Seventh,help students know about themselves and think of future occupation.

Eighth,help students gain necessary knowledge and ability.Meanwhile,let students know that only by keeping positive and optimistic attitude can they cope with the difficulties in life better.

Ninth,help students understand cultural differences and cultivate the habit of reading famous English books.

Above all,I experience the happiness of study and teaching and improve my theoretical knowledge to a higher level.


Student A:I am happy and energetic to face the challenges in the future.

Student B:I am determined to be an excellent student with the help of my teachers and classmates.

Student C:I know unity is strength.I hope I can make friends and get on well with my classmates.

Student D:I will be brave to express my ideas next class.

Student E:I will study hard to be well prepared for classes and learn from others.

Student F:I have learned how to organize a passage logically.

Student G:I find others are fluent in English.So I should practice more in my spare time.

Student H:I have learned something about study life in a foreign country.


这是一堂Reading &Thinking 的课程。笔者把Thinking融入了speaking 和writing 两种方式进行思考过程的外化。同时笔者还设计了有利于培养学生的各种思维层次的问题,引入了学生的自我评估的体系,对整个过程的任务都设置了分值,并引导学生对自己进行评估和反思。

环节一 导入:以笔者的自我介绍作为导入,用到课本中的思路和词汇,说明笔者的基本信息、梦想、感受以及面临的挑战和对待未来挑战的态度。


环节二 概括段落大意,厘清文章的大致结构。

环节三 讲解影响学生理解的重点单词,要求学生用英语解释重点单词并用其造句,确保可以扫除学生的阅读障碍。培养学生查词典的习惯。


环节四 进入学生深入思考部分。

1.将文中Adam 的情况与学生自己的实际情况进行各方面的对比。引导学生联系自己的实际情况对教材内容进行思考。

2.对Adam 的优秀品质进行概括,并指出哪些信息可以证明,锻炼学生对信息的分析概括能力和细节查找能力。

3.对Adam 遇到的问题提出建议。锻炼学生的发散思维能力以及表达能力。

环节五 写作、展示并评价。经过上面的讨论,学生了解了一些信息,知道写什么,用什么语言写了,此时可以进行写作训练,让学生模仿课文写一个自己遇到的challenge 以及自己的feeling 和solution,并进行展示。

环节六 对小组进行打分。笔者在学案中对各个任务都做好了分值的标注,学生需自己记录分数,最后组内记分员统计小组得分,进行评比。通过让得分低的学生对得分高的学生进行提问的方式,引导学生对自己的表现进行评价,说出经验和不足。

环节七 对本节课进行总结。同时帮助学生总结成功之路总是会有很多挑战,只有学会培养自身的素质,才有能力面对未来的各种挑战和困难。

环节八 布置作业。作业内容为采访家人年轻时面临的挑战以及解决挑战的方法,另外提供了名著的视频链接,并要求学生找出文中的一个人物,看他遇到了什么挑战,他有什么感受以及他是怎样解决问题的。并要求学生学会在阅读中积累词汇和记笔记。

第52Q 迈向新挑战