雷长喜 张青
[摘要] 目的 评价7种肿瘤标志物检测性能,查明检测性能不佳的原因,找出改进措施及选择更适宜的质控规则。方法 选取7种肿瘤标志物检测评估允许总误差(TEA%),不精密度(CV%),偏倚度(Bias%),六西格玛(6σ)值,评价7种肿瘤标记物检测的质量差异,根据质量目标指数提出改进措施,根据σ值选择合适的质量控制规则。结果 7个肿瘤标志物中,根据σ值计算结果,CEA,AFP,CA19-9,CA15-3,TPSA的σ值>5,占71.4%;CA125和HCG项目的σ值<5,占28.6%,HCG的σ值<4,属于临界水平,同时结合QGI<0.8的提示,需改进精密度。若达到6σ的更高目标要求,AFP,CEA,CA125,TPSA可优先改进精密度,CA15-3,CA19-9达到6σ要求,无需改进。结论 应用6σ对于评价肿瘤标志物的检测结果具有重要的应用价值。
[關键词] 六西格玛;肿瘤标志物;质量控制;评价
[中图分类号] R730.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2020)09(c)-0010-04
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the detection performance of 7 tumor markers, to find out the reasons for the poor detection performance, to find out improvement measures and to select more appropriate quality control rules. Methods Select 7 kinds of tumor markers to detect and evaluate the total allowable error (TEA%), imprecision (CV%), bias (Bias%), 6σ value, and evaluate the quality difference of the 7 tumor markers according to the quality target index, propose improvement measures and select appropriate quality control rules based on the sigma value. Results Among the 7 tumor markers, according to the calculation results of sigma value, the σ values of CEA, AFP, CA19-9, CA15-3, and TPSA were> 5, accounting for 71.4%; the σ value of CA125 and HCG items was <5, accounting for 28.6%, the σ value of HCG was less than 4, which was a critical level. At the same time, combined with the hint of QGI less than 0.8, the precision should be improved. If the higher target requirement of 6σ was reached, AFP, CEA, CA125, TPSA can give priority to improving the precision, and CA15-3, CA19-9 meet the 6σ requirement, no improvement is needed. Conclusion The application 6σ Sigma has important application value for evaluating the detection results of tumor markers.
[Key words] Six Sigma; Tumor markers; Quality control; Evaluation
1 材料与方法
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