(1.哈尔滨理工大学 理学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080;2.哈尔滨理工大学 管理学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080;3.太原科技大学 经济与管理学院,山西 太原 030024)
本文的研究内容属于供应链融资领域,旨在解决供应链运营与融资决策的交叉问题。Buzacott 和 Zhang在需求不确定和市场不完全假设下验证了融资与运营联合决策的必要性[2],很多学者针对特定的融资模式、结合具体的实践背景对这一问题进行了深入的探讨。Kouvelis 和 Zhao在银行外部融资框架下研究了存在破产成本时零售商的几种不同订货策略,以及供应商的最佳批发价格决策[3]。Yang 和Birge以同时存在多个信用提供方为背景,研究了两种受偿优先权规则下供应链的运营决策及绩效水平[4]。王文利等研究了银行通过设置融资上限控制风险时,供应链订单融资模式下的企业最优运营策略[5]。Chen对比了应收账款融资与银行直接融资对供应链绩效的影响[6]。Yan等应用双层Stackelberg博弈模型,研究了上游供应商为零售商提供信用担保从银行获得融资时交易各方的均衡策略[7]。Zhang等研究了下游零售商提前付款模式下的两阶段订货决策问题,以及供应商的定价策略[8]。占济舟等建立了当零售商受采购资金约束时,供应链采取商业信用和存货质押两种融资方式的决策模型,给出了这两种融资方式的选择策略[9]。Yang 等在古诺竞争的框架下,研究了外部融资对供应商及两个相互竞争的零售商均衡运营策略的影响[10]。以上文献本质上都是研究如何通过一定的决策机制实现供应链风险的分担与收益的共享,从而为供应链融资问题提供了一套科学的分析方法。
目前,专门针对于保理融资的研究相对较少。在定性研究方面,Smith 和Schnucker、 Summers 和 Wilson从应收账款管理方式选择的视角对企业的保理决策依据进行了系统性的实证研究,证实了弥补流动资金的不足是企业选择保理的原因之一[11]、[12]。Klapper以墨西哥Nafin银行系统面向中小企业开展的反向保理实践为例,研究了保理对缓解中小企业资金压力的作用[13]。在定量研究方面,Sopranzetti构建了应收账款保理的经济模型,通过对经济金融领域中的“银行贷款出售行为”模型进行拓展,得到了卖方将应收账款出售给保理商的动因和条件[14]。Tanrisever等构建了“按订单生产”和“按库存生产”两种生产类型下的单周期反向保理定量模型,研究了保理的费率、利率及延期付款期限的确定方法[15]。林强等构建了信息不对称下的供应商与零售商的委托代理模型,并用数值算例验证了保理融资相对于普通贷款的优势[16]。于辉等在批发价格契约模型的基础上,研究了不同的保理条件对供应链决策的影响,认为保理合同使得零售商能够从供应商处获得担保收益,从而改变了双方的目标函数并影响了整个供应链的绩效[17]。Vliet等从应收账款的持有成本出发,构建了赊销企业的多阶段库存模型,研究了供应商向下游客户提供延期付款同时叙作保理的动机和条件[18]。Lekkakos等应用动态规划方法,得出了供应商无外部融资以及通过反向保理融资两种情况下的最优库存策略,证明保理增加了供应商的流动资金、提高了其运营效率[19]。Huang等研究了同时面对汇率风险及国外买家的信用风险时,国内供应商如何通过保理提高期望收益,以及金融机构最优保理融资率的确定方法[20]。Grüter 等基于金融理论及随机流动性需求模型,研究了反向保理对企业的价值,指出反向保理对供应链的贡献除了利率的降低还体现在为链上企业提供了潜在生产机会[21]。
图1 无追索权保理融资决策过程
Figure 1 The sequence of events in non-recourse factoring
图2 保理融资下供应商的期望收益曲线
Figure 2 The supplier’s expected profit curves under factoring finance
图3 供应商融资策略选择
Figure 3 The supplier’s financing strategies
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A supply chain non-recourse factoring finance model considering the quality of the accounts receivable
CHEN Dongyan1, TIAN Chunying2, CHEN Zhaobo3
(1. School of Science, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China;2. School of Management, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China;3. School of Economics and Management, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China)
Deferred payment methods are common in the buyer's market, and it results in accounts receivable accounting for a significant proportion of the liquid assets of manufacturer production. Although the theory has proved that such transaction credit is an effective mechanism for improving supply chain performance, when it has liquidity restrictions and faces higher credit risk, suppliers often need to transfer accounts receivable to factor for cash in order to reduce the risk. In the case of non-recourse factoring financing, the Factoring Chamber approves a credit line for a specific retailer before the buyer and the seller sign the sales contract, and provides the supplier with financial support and buyer credit guarantee to the extent of the limit. In this way, on the one hand, the supplier obtains more production funds; on the other hand, the factor takes greater risks in the process of seeking profit maximization, which has two practical problems: a) How much credit should the factor provide to the supplier? b) How many products should the supplier produce after the factoring financing is obtained?
This paper studies the above problems by constructing the Stackelberg game model in the framework of the Newsboy model. This model is widely used in the field of supply chain finance to describe related problems with uncertain market demand. In practice, the factor needs to conduct a detailed review of the retailer's credit before credit is granted, and makes a decision based on the survey results. In this paper, the difference in quality of accounts receivable is specially considered in the modeling, and the quality of accounts receivable is studied to understand how it influences the factor’s optimal credit decision and the number of transaction credits sold by the supplier under a given amount. First, the optimal credit sales strategy for suppliers without financial constraints is given. Second, credit sales decisions of suppliers with financial constraints under a certain credit line are discussed. Third, how the factor can determine the credit line based on the quality of the accounts receivable, under the premise of predicting the possible countermeasures of the supplier, is studied. Further, numerical examples are used to study the impact of factoring financing on supply chain performance. The main conclusions of the study are as follows:
(1) When the quality of accounts receivable is above the critical level, the credit line of the factor is higher, the supplier can adopt a stable credit sales strategy, and the total output of the supply chain is higher than the production level without the capital constraint. The reason is that the factoring business shifts the market demand risk from the supplier to the lower margin cost factoring, which helps to reduce the double marginal effect of the supply chain. Suppliers increase the amount of credit sales when the factor provides more credit or the quality of the receivables increases.
(2) When the quality of accounts receivable is below the critical level, the factor will control the credit line and cause the supplier to adopt a risky credit strategy. At this time, only when the supplier's capital demand, determined by the combination of receivables quality and market risk, is less than the factoring credit limit, the supply chain can achieve the optimal output without the capital constraint. If the supplier's credit sales strategy is the same as when there is no capital constraint, whether the subsequent sales volume increases or decreases with the quality of the receivables depends on the current market risk under the given sales volume.
(3) Numerical examples show that the effect of factoring financing on supplier income depends on the factoring rate and the quality of accounts receivable: when a factoring rate is given, the supplier's expected return depends on the quality of the accounts receivable. When the quality of accounts receivable is given, except for some exceptional cases, the expected return of the supplier always decreases as the factoring rate increases. Further, the conditions for the supplier to select the financing and operating strategy are obtained when the factoring rate and the quality of the accounts receivable are variable.
Supply chain; Factoring financing; Quality of receivables; Non-recourse
Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (71171069)
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan