士明军,王 勇,吉进迪,文 悦
士明军1,2,王 勇1,2,吉进迪3,文 悦1,2
(1.重庆大学 经济与工商管理学院,重庆 400044;2.重庆大学 现代物流重庆重点实验室,重庆 400044;3. 广州工商学院 物流系,广东 广州 510850)
随着可再生资源的减少、生态的破坏和环保压力的增加,特别是联合国气候变化大会的召开,使得越来越多的国家开始重视环境保护[1]。为了改善环境,支持环保产业的发展,一些政府对生产或使用绿色、节能产品的企业和消费者给予一定的补贴。2002年,海尔在德国、荷兰、比利时和卢森堡获得了强有力的政府支持,他们每购买6个满足欧盟能源标准的冰箱,将获得100欧元的补贴[2]。2009年,美国复苏与再投资法案规定每辆插电式混合动力电动汽车可以获得2500美元的税收抵免(至少需要4千瓦时的电池容量),超过4千瓦时电池容量的混合动力电动汽车额外增加417美元[3]。我国于2009年开始实施“节能产品惠民工程”,即对能效等级1级或2级以上的十大类高效节能产品进行财政补贴[4]。李克强总理在两会政府工作报告中指出2014年重点工作之一,是要“发展清洁生产、绿色低碳技术和循环经济,提高应对气候变化能力”[5]。2015年,政府对新能源汽车采用了财政支持政策,同时四部委将在2016-2020年继续实施新能源汽车推广应用补助政策(http://fgk.mof.gov.cn/law/ getOneLawInfoAction.do?law_id=83837)。
引理1 在无信息共享情况下,上、下游企业的无条件期望利润如下:
引理2 在信息共享情况下,上、下游企业的无条件期望利润如下:
图1 政府补贴对信息共享情况的影响
Figure 1 Impacts of government subsidies on information sharing
图2 政府补贴对需求量的影响
Figure 2 Impacts of government subsidies on demand
图3 政府补贴对产品绿色投入的影响
Figure 3 Impacts of government subsidies on green investment
图4 政府补贴对上、下游企业利润的影响
Figure 4 Impacts of government subsidies on the profit of upstream and downstream companies
结论2 无论上、下游企业之间是否存在信息共享,政府的补贴政策都会刺激他们对产品的绿色投入。
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Information sharing with respect to green supply chain demand forecasts under government subsidies
SHI Mingjun1,2, WANG Yong1,2,JI Jindi3, WEN Yue1,2
(1. School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China;2. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Logistics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China; 3. Logistics Department, Guangzhou Business College, Guangzhou 510850, China)
The 20th century witnessed the rapid development of human society, but this rapid development also brought some threats, such as resource depletion, environmental pollution, and ecological imbalance. Due to the deteriorating global environment, the sustainable development of a low-carbon economy and green GDP has become a hot topic. In order to improve the environment and support industry in the development of environmental protection, some governments will subsidize enterprises and consumers who produce or use green and energy-saving products. At the same time, some enterprises have also begun to engage in green production.
With the development of information technology, members of the supply chain can obtain a large amount of market data, use information technology to process the existing data, and predict the demand from an uncertain market. Because upstream and downstream companies have different sales histories and judgments of current market conditions, information forecasts are also different, so there exists information asymmetry between upstream and downstream companies. Considering information asymmetry among members of the green supply chain in tandem with government subsidies to the green supply chain, this paper studies the issue of information sharing with respect to green supply chain demand forecasts under government subsidies and conditions of consumer demand that depend on product prices and green investment. Both upstream and downstream companies are involved in green investment and market demand forecasting. In order to reduce the adverse impact of market uncertainty and improve production and sales, upstream and downstream companies can choose whether to share their respective forecast information. This paper discusses the two situations of no information sharing and information sharing. In both cases, the optimal decision and optimal expected profit for upstream and downstream companies are obtained. The value of information sharing is found by comparing the optimal expected profit. A bargaining mechanism can coordinate members in the supply chain.
Research shows that government subsidies for green products can increase the willingness of participating members of the green supply chain to share information and increase their profits. At the same time, it can effectively guide consumer behavior and promote the development of green products. Analysis of the value of information sharing shows that upstream companies will always benefit from information sharing, and that whether or not downstream companies choose to share information is related to the level of green production technology of upstream companies: When the green production technology of upstream companies is more advanced, downstream companies will share information voluntarily; when the upstream enterprises have a moderate level of green production technology, a bargaining contract can be used to encourage downstream enterprises to share information; when the upstream enterprises' green production technology is relatively behind, there is no information sharing among members of the supply chain. Information sharing also has a great impact on the supply chain: as long as the level of green production technology of upstream companies is not too low, information sharing is beneficial to the supply chain; conversely, when the green production technology of upstream companies is very behind, information sharing provides no benefit to the supply chain.
Finally, through sensitivity analysis of some key parameters, some important revelations are drawn. The government's subsidy policy for green products is beneficial to the green supply chain. The accuracy and relevance of information prediction has a great impact on the participating members of the green supply chain. In the absence of information sharing, the profits of upstream and downstream companies are positively related to their own accuracy of information prediction. The profits of upstream companies are not affected by the correlation and accuracy of downstream company information prediction. The relationship between the profit of downstream companies and the accuracy of upstream information forecasts cannot be judged, as it is negatively correlated with the relevance of the information. In the case of information sharing, the profits of upstream and downstream companies are positively related to the accuracy of information forecasts made by themselves and each other, and negatively related to the relevance of information.
Green supply chain; Green investment; Government subsidies; Demand forecasts; Information sharing
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71672015), the Major Project of National Social Science Foundation of China (15ZDB169), the Special Project of Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of Central Universities (2017CDJSK02PT09) and the Innovation and Strong School Project of Guangdong Province (2014KTSCX187)
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan