
2020-09-09 07:08:36亮,温
管理工程学报 2020年4期

金 亮,温 焜


金 亮1,2,温 焜3

(1.南昌大学 中国中部经济社会发展研究中心,江西 南昌 330031;2.南昌大学 经济管理学院,江西 南昌 330031;3.江西行政学院,江西 南昌 330031)



0 引言





1 问题描述

图1 供应链结构示意图

Figure 1 Supply chain system

表1 产品()的需求


2 不存在市场入侵的基准模型(B)


表2 不存在市场入侵下的供应链均衡





3 市场入侵下的供应链均衡分析

3.1 不同权力结构下的供应链均衡





表3 市场入侵下的供应链均衡






3.2 市场进入对在位制造商和零售商的影响


表4 ()结构下市场进入的影响

图2 随变化曲线

图3 随变化曲线

图4 随变化曲线


4 不同权力结构下的均衡比较分析

4.1 决策比较分析




4.2 绩效比较分析




图5 消费者购买行为

Figure 5 Consumer purchasing behaviors

5 算例分析

图6 零售商的利润

Figure 6 The profit of retailer

图7 在位制造商的利润

Figure 7 The profit of inside manufacturer

图8 进入制造商的利润

Figure 8 The profit of entrant manufacturer

6 结论





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Power structure model with brand differentiation under market encroachment

JIN Liang1,2, WEN Kun3

(1. Research Center of the Central China for Economic and Social Development, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031; 2. School of Economics and Management, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031; 3. Jiangxi Administrative Institute, Nanchang 330031)

With the development of technology and the improvement of the market system, barriers to entry for many industries have been greatly reduced. In this context, responding to market encroachment by differentiated competitors has become a new problem for the supply chain. However, upstream and downstream companies in the supply chain often have different power structures due to differences in resources or market positions. Unreasonable power structures can easily lead to imbalances in decision-making incentives and supply chain performance losses. This paper studies a supply chain consisting of an inside manufacturer, a new entrant manufacturer, and a retailer. The two manufacturers compete by producing alternative products with brand differentiation that are then sold to the market through the retailer.

Given differences in power structure in the supply chain, and considering the impact of market encroachment and brand differentiation, this paper establishes three types of power structure models for the supply chains: one is dominated by the manufacturers; another is dominated by the retailer; and the last one is balanced between the two parties. Through solving these models, the optimal pricing decision, product demand, and profit of both sides of the supply chain when the power structures reach equilibrium are obtained. Based on this, the impact of environmental parameters such as market encroachment, power structure, and brand differentiation on the optimal pricing decision and profit of member companies in the supply chain is analyzed, and numerical examples are used to visually examine them.

The results of this research show that, when entering the manufacturer's market without encroachment, in a supply chain system consisting of an inside manufacturer and retailer, different power structures will affect the optimal pricing decision; the member who is in the dominant position in the supply chain will always implement high-price strategies, and imbalanced power structures will also lead to loss of profits along the supply chain. After a manufacturer enters the market, three different sets of equilibrium solutions can be obtained according to the degree of brand differentiation of the two products; and when retailers sell brand-differentiated products produced simultaneously by both the inside and new entrant manufacturers, under different power structures the wholesale price of high-end brand products set by the inside manufacturer is always higher. Higher wholesale prices also lead to a smaller retail pricing range, which in turn leaves room for high-end brand name manufacturers to charge higher wholesale prices.

This paper also examines the impact of market encroachment on the optimal pricing decision and profit of inside manufacturers and retailers. When a manufacturer enters the market, market encroachment (or threat of market encroachment) will always prompt the inside manufacturer to implement a low-cost strategy and reduce the wholesale price of high-end brand products, which will also result in lower retail prices for these products. The new entrant manufacturer, by invading the market, will reduce the profits of the inside manufacturer, but at this time market competition can also effectively improve the profits of retailers and supply chain systems.

Finally, the supply chain equilibrium under the three power structures is compared and analyzed. The imbalanced power structure of the supply chain will always cause a loss of profit within the supply chain system, resulting in a redistribution of revenue among its member companies; the dominant member companies in the supply chain will always set higher prices, such that greater profits can be obtained, and the profits of inside manufacturers and new entrant manufacturers will then depend on consumers' recognition of the new entrant's brand.

In summary, this paper uses a game model to study the power structure of supply chains with brand differentiation under circumstances of market encroachment, which can provide theoretical and methodological guidance for brand-differentiated competitors who desire to enter the market.

Market encroachment; Brand differentiation; Power structure; Pricing



Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71771139)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan

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