于家凤 李沁生 邢文 韩春松 冯茂岩
中图分类号 TP273
文献标志码 A
0 引言
另一方面,由于多智能体系统广泛的应用性和显著的扩展性,多智能体系统的一致问题不断吸引着研究者们的兴趣,包括集群控制、群集控制、编队控制、复杂网络同步和通信网络的拥塞控制[8-9].采用多种控制方法以实现多智能体的一致,例如自适应控制[10-11] 、事件触发控制[8,12]、滑模控制[13]、H∞控制[7,14].特别地,文献[14]研究了T-S模糊多智能体系统在无向拓扑下的领导跟随H∞一致控制问题.文献[7]研究了多项式模糊多智能体系统在无向拓扑下的领导跟随H∞一致控制问题.为了在模糊模型中处理系统状态,文献[7,14]提出了一些严格的假设条件.
4 结论
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Fuzzy-model-based H∞ consensus tracking
control of multi-agent systems
YU Jiafeng1,2 LI Qinsheng1,3 XING Wen4 HAN Chunsong5 FENG Maoyan1
1 School of Marine & Electrical & Intelligent Engineering,Jiangsu Maritime Institute,Nanjing 211170
2 School of Electrical and Electronic,The University of Adelaide,Adelaide SA 5005,Australia
3 School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation/Shanghai Key Laboratory of
Power Station Automation Technology,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072
4 College of Automation,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001
5 School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar 161002
Abstract This paper is concerned with the H∞ consensus problem for nonlinear leader-follower multi-agent systems (MASs) with a directed communication network.A polynomial fuzzy modeling approach is proposed to describe the error system which is formulated by leader and follower agents.Then,the consensus control protocols are designed for MASs to enforce all the followers to track the trajectory of a leader asymptotically.Based on the polynomial Lyapunov function method,sufficient conditions are presented to ensure the consensus for MASs subject to external disturbances.The obtained conditions are converted into sum of squares and can be numerically solved.Finally,a simulation example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the derived theoretical results.
Key words multi-agent systems;fuzzy modeling;H∞ consensus;directed topology
收稿日期 2020-03-02
資助项目 江苏省自然科学基金(BK20191457);江苏省现代教育技术研究课题(61980)重点项目;黑龙江省自然科学基金(F2017028);黑龙江省省属高等学校基本科研业务费科研项目(135109242,135409426,135409102)