[Abstract] Objective:To investigate the adverse reactions of patients receiving intravenous moxifloxacin. Methods:Using the method of investigation and analysis, 66 patients were randomly selected as the main subjects of this study among the patients who received moxifloxacin intravenous drip in our hospital from June 2018 to June 2019. The data of patients receiving treatment were collected, including age, sex and drug use. The adverse reactions in the course of treatment were analyzed and processed. Result: Through the analysis of the research object, the proportion of men and women in 66 cases was (36:30). Among them, 20 cases (30.3%) had nervous system adverse reactions, 25.7% had skin adverse reactions, 13.6% had hepatobiliary system adverse reactions, and more serious adverse reactions. There were 2 cases. Conclusion: According to the above information, there are many adverse reactions in intravenous drip of moxifloxacin, and the clinical manifestations are diversified. Most of the clinical reactions can be controlled. Nevertheless, medical staff still need to pay more attention to the clinical reactions to ensure the safety of drug use.
[Key words] intravenous drip; moxifloxacin; adverse reactions; report analysis
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
2 结果
2.1 不良反应发生的时间 在所有患者中,接受莫西沙星静脉滴注后,第一次出现不良反应的患者有15例,占总比例的(22.7%)。用药两次之后出现不良反应的患者50例占(75.8%)。发生不良反应最早的是用药后10min,最晚的是治疗之后2周。
3 讨论
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