摘 要 目的:分析2014-2018年上海彭浦新村街道水痘的流行特征,为制定水痘防控措施提供依据。方法:收集来自中国疾病预防控制信息系统2014-2018年上海彭浦新村街道水痘疫情及突发公共卫生事件信息,分析水痘流行病学特征。结果:2014-2018年上海彭浦新村街道共报告水痘病例2 658例,年均发病率为363.84/10万。2015年的发病率最低(91.71/10万),2018年的发病率最高(625.56/10万)。每年的发病高峰出现在5-6月及10-12月。病例集中在3~5岁和6~10岁年龄组,以幼托儿童和小学生为主要发病人群。男性和女性病例数之比为1.13∶1;30岁以下人群的病例数占87.81%。79.61%的病例是由三级医疗机构就诊并报告。结论:目前水痘已逐渐成为危害儿童健康的主要傳染病之一,应加强宣传,提高水痘疫苗接种率。
关键词 水痘;社区;流行特征
中图分类号:R511.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2019)22-0039-03
Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of chickenpox in a community of Shanghai from 2014 to 2018
SUN Mingfang
(Vaccination Section of Pengpuxincun Community Health Service Center of Jingan District, Shanghai 200435, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of chickenpox in Pengpuxincun Community, Shanghai from 2014 to 2018 for providing the basis for formulating the prevention and control measures of chickenpox. Methods: Information of chickenpox epidemic and public health emergencies in Pengpuxincun Community, Shanghai from 2014 to 2018 was collected from the China Disease Prevention and Control Information System to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of chickenpox. Results: A total of 2 658 cases of chickenpox were reported in Pengpuxincun Community from 2014 to 2018, and the average annual incidence rate was 363.84/100 000. The incidence rate was the lowest in 2015(91.71/100 000), and the highest incidence rate in 2018(625.56/100 000). The annual peak incidence occurred in May-June and October-December. The cases were concentrated in the age groups of 3-5 years and 6-10 years, and children and primary school students were the main affected population. The ratio of male to female cases was 1.13:1; the number of cases in population under 30 years old accounted for 87.81%. 79.61% of the cases were treated and reported by tertiary medical institutions. Conclusion: At present, chickenpox has gradually become one of the main infectious diseases that endanger childrens health. It is necessary to strengthen publicity and increase the vaccination rate of chickenpox.
KEY WORDS chickenpox; community; epidemic characteristics
1 资料与方法
1.1 资料来源
1.2 统计学方法
运用 Excel 软件对资料进行数据整理与分析。