赵婷 石海燕 付志辉 陈莉
摘 要 目的:探讨给予尿毒症难治性高血压(uremia refractory hypertension, URH)患者维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis, MHD)、血液透析滤过(hemodiafiltration, HDF)治疗的临床效果。方法:选取66例URH患者随机分为对照组和观察组各33例,对照组给予MHD治疗,观察组给予MHD+HDF治疗,观察两组血压及其他实验室检验指标改善情况。结果:透析后,观察组患者血压水平及血甲状旁腺素(parathyroid hormone, PTH)、血清b2微球蛋白(b2-microglobuin, b2-MG)、血浆肾素(plasma renin, RA)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(angiotensin II, Ang II)浓度均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);观察组治疗总有效率为93.94%,显著高于对照组的72.73%(P<0.05)。结论:给予URH患者MHD联合HDF治疗,可有效提高血PTH、血b2-MG及RA、Ang II清除效果,使患者血压水平获得更大程度改善,提高总疗效。
关键词 尿毒症难治性高血压 维持性血液透析 血液透析滤过
中图分类号:R459.5; R544.14 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-1533(2019)19-0041-03
Effect of hemodialysis combined with hemodiafiltration on blood pressure in 33 patients with refractory hypertension due to uremia
ZHAO Ting*, SHI Haiyan, FU Zhihui, CHEN Li
(Department of Nephrology, the First Peoples Hospital of Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Fuzhou 344000, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) and hemodiafiltration (HDF) in patients with uremic refractory hypertension (URH). Methods: Sixty-six patients with URH were randomly divided into a control group and an observation group with 33 cases each. The control group was treated with MHD while the observation group was treated with MHD + HDF. The improvement of blood pressure and other laboratory test indicators in the two groups was observed. Results: After dialysis, the levels of blood pressure, plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH), serum b2 microglobulin(b2-microglobulin, b2-MG), plasma renin (RA), angiotensin II (AngII) were significantly lower and the total effective rate was significantly higher (93.94% vs 72.73%) in the observation group than the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: MHD combined with HDF in URH patients can effectively improve the clearance effect of PTH, b2-MG, RA and Ang II in blood, the blood pressure level in patients with URH and the overall curative effect.
KEy WORDS uremia refractory hypertension; maintenance hemodialysis; hemodiafiltration
尿毒症难治性高血压(uremia refractory hypertension, URH)属于临床上治疗难度较大的病症,指的是尿毒症患者接受血液透析、超滤脱水治疗之后,能够達到干体重,联合使用≥3联足量降压药物进行治疗后,持续性高血压仍存在[1]。在尿毒症高血压患者中,URH的发病率占5%~10%左右。机体长期处于高血压状态可导致 URH患者出现一系列心脑血管并发症,严重影响患者健康状况,如未能及时接受有效治疗甚至可威胁生命安全。目前,临床上主要选用维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis, MHD)给予URH患者治疗,但既往研究显示,该种疗法无法将患者体内毒素完全清除,总体疗效存在明显局限性[2]。血液透析滤过(hemodiafiltration, HDF)能够更好地将存在于患者体内中、大分子毒素等多种有害物质有效清除,有助于患者机体高血压状态改善[3]。本研究主要探讨MHD、HDF同时用于URH患者治疗的临床效果,旨在探讨URH更有效的治疗方案。
1 资料与方法