
2019-10-10 15:09:58黄慧褚天运朱玉龙
上海医药 2019年16期

黄慧 褚天运 朱玉龙

摘 要 目的:了解松江區全科医师相关知识技能的掌握情况及培训需求,为卫生行政部门和社区卫生服务中心有针对性的进行全科医学培训提供建议。方法:采取分层抽样方法选取九亭镇、新桥镇、洞泾镇、小昆山镇、石湖荡镇及泖港镇等6家社区卫生服务中心的170名全科医师为调查对象进行问卷调查。调查内容包括全科医师的基本情况、培训动机、培训方式及时长、全科医师对相关专业知识的熟悉程度及培训需求。结果:①100.0%的全科医师认为非常需要或需要掌握院前急救的基本知识及高危人群和慢性疾病病例管理的相关知识。②100.0%的全科医师认为非常需要和需要掌握全科6大系统的相关知识;7.5%的全科医师认为完全不需要掌握与妇女、儿童保健相关的知识和技术;1.1%的全科医师认为完全不需要掌握常规药物使用的相关知识。③全科医师中医药服务相关知识的掌握及部分掌握比例之和仅为59.1%;2.2%的全科医师认为不需要掌握处理伦理和社会问题技巧的相关知识。④全科医师常用化验检查及结果解读相关知识未掌握比例高达20.4%;全科医师认为完全不需要掌握传染病的预防和检测及社区常用康复技术的相关知识,占比分别为3.2%、2.2%。结论:建议卫生行政部门完善全科医师培训考核体系,全力推进全科医师培训工作。同时及时发现培训中存在的薄弱环节和亟待解决的问题,提出整改措施,提升全科医师的培训效果。

关键词 全科医师;知识技能;培训需求

中图分类号:R197.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2019)16-0013-05

Investigation and analysis of the mastery of knowledge and skills and training needs of general practitioners in Songjiang District

HUANG Hui, CHU Tianyun, ZHU Yulong

(General Practice Department of Xiaokunshan Community Health Service Center of Songjiang District, Shanghai 201616, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the mastery of knowledge and skills and training needs of general practitioners in Songjiang District for providing advice for the health administrative department and community health service center to conduct targeted general medical training. Methods: A stratified sampling method was used to select 170 general practitioners from six community health service centers, including Jiuting Town, Xinqiao Town, Dongjing Town, Xiaokunshan Town, Shihudang Town and Maogang Town to conduct a questionnaire survey. The survey contents included the basic situation of the general practitioner, the motivation of the training, the training method and time, the familiarity with relevant professional knowledge and the training needs of the general practitioner. Results: (1)100.0% of general practitioners thought that it was very necessary or necessary to have a basic knowledge of pre-hospital first aid and knowledge about high-risk populations and chronic disease case management.(2)100.0% of general practitioners thought that it was very necessary and necessary to master the relevant knowledge of the six major systems of general medicine; 7.5% of general practitioners thought that there was no need to master the knowledge and skills related to womens and childrens health; 1.1% of general practitioners thought that they did not need to master the knowledge of routine drug use at all. (3) The sum of mastery and partial mastery proportions of TCM service knowledge of general practitioners was only 59.1%; 2.2% of general practitioners thought that there was no need to master the relevant knowledge to deal with ethical and social problem skills. (4) The proportion of general practitioners who had not mastered the knowledge of laboratory tests and interpretation of results was as high as 20.4%; the general practitioner thought that there was no need to master the prevention and detection of infectious diseases and the knowledge of common rehabilitation techniques in the community, accounting for 3.2% and 2.2%, respectively. Conclusion: It is suggested that the health administrative department should perfect the system of training and assessment of general practitioners and make full efforts to promote the training of general practitioners. At the same time, the existing weak links and urgent problems in the training should be found out in time, and corrective measures should be put forward to improve the training effect of general practitioners.


93名全科医师的培训动机均为工作需要或自我提升,其中52名(55.9%)的培训动机为工作需要,其余41名(44.1%)为自我提升,说明全科医师都具有强烈的培训学习需求。多数全科医师选择的培训形式为讲座式培训(35.5%),这可能与医师习惯于讲座式授课方式有关。培训时长上多数(66.7%)全科医师选择了30~45 min,也提示培训组织者应尽量控制授课时长。





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科技视界(2015年26期)2015-09-11 13:16:37