
2019-10-10 15:09:58顾伶俐
上海医药 2019年16期


摘 要 目的:通过分析65岁以上老年人上腹部B超结果,了解社区老年人检出疾病的特点,为家庭医生开展工作提供参考。方法:将2017年在岳阳社区卫生服务中心接受健康体检的4 960名65岁以上老年人作为研究对象,其中男性2 201人(44.38%),年龄65~89岁;女性2 759人(55.62%),年龄65~104岁。分析研究对象上腹部B超检出疾病的资料。结果:4 960名研究对象中,上腹部B超异常检出3 785人,异常率检出率76.31%。年龄越大,B超异常检出率越高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。脂肪肝、肝囊肿、胆囊结石、胆囊息肉、血吸虫肝、肝内实质性占位、胆总管扩张的检出率分别为70.63%、24.19%、14.35%、5.34%、4.05%、0.99%、2.06%。结论:在健康体检中,应重视B超检查对肝胆疾病的筛查价值,家庭医生应加强对该类疾病的健康教育,注意强化对老年人整体健康生活的指导。

关键词 上腹部;B超;老年人;异常检出率

中图分类号:R445.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2019)16-0053-02

Analysis of the results of B-mode ultrasonography in the upper abdomen of the elderly in a community in Shanghai

GU Linli(General Practice Department of Yueyang Community Health Service Center of Songjiang District, Shanghai 201699, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: By analyzing the results of B-mode ultrasonography in the upper abdomen of the elderly over 65 years old to understand the characteristics of the disease detected in the elderly in the community, and to provide reference for the family doctors to carry out their work. Methods: A total of 4 960 elderly people over the age of 65 who received a health checkup at Yueyang Community Health Service Center in 2017 were selected as the research subjects, and among them, 2 201 males(44.38%) were aged 65-89 years old; 2 759 females(55.62%) were aged 65~104 years old. The data of diseases detected by B-mode ultrasonography in upper abdomen of the research subjects were analyzed. Results: Among 4 960 research subjects, 3 785 abnormalities were detected by B-mode ultrasonography in the upper abdomen, and the detection rate of abnormal rate was 76.31%. The higher the age was, the higher the abnormal rate detected by B-mode ultrasonography was, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The detection rates of fatty liver, hepatic cyst, gallstone, gallbladder polyp, schistosomiasis liver, intrahepatic parenchymal occupancy and common bile duct dilatation were 70.63%, 24.19%, 14.35%, 5.34%, 4.05%, 0.99% and 2.06%, respectively. Conclusion: In the health checkup, attention should be paid to the value of B-mode ultrasonography for hepatobiliary diseases, family doctors should strengthen the health education of such diseases and pay attention to strengthening the guidance for the overall healthy life of the elderly.

KEY WORDS upper abdomen; B-ultrasound; old people; abnormal detection rate


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