【摘要】詞汇学习在二语习得中占重要位置。本文通过调查英语本科生词汇学习策略使用情况并探讨学习态度、科技发展和性别因素对词汇策略使用情况的影响,旨在促进英语词汇教学,帮助学生更好地学习词汇。随机选取的50名四年级英语专业本科生参与了本次调查。使用的调查问卷改编自Schmitt (1997) 的研究,共包含5大类40项词汇学习策略。调查结果显示,总体而言,参与调查的英语本科生会使用各种词汇学习策略来学习单词。其中,确定策略、认知策略、记忆策略和元认知策略使用频率相对较高。社交策略使用频率最小。“记英文单词时,我查阅电子词典”和“我通过上下文猜测单词意思”是使用频率最高的策略。
【Abstract】Vocabulary learning plays an essential role in second language acquisition. By conducting an investigation on the current situations of vocabulary strategy use by English majors, and discussing the factors, such as learning attitude, the development of technology and gender differences, which influence students choices of vocabulary learning strategies, this essay aims to facilitate English vocabulary teaching and learning process, helping students do better in learning English vocabulary. The subjects under this study are 50 senior English majors selected at random, and the questionnaire is adapted from Schmitts (1997) study, which contains five major vocabulary learning strategies and 40 sub-major strategies. The result shows that the subjects involved use various kinds of vocabulary learning strategies. Determination strategies, cognitive strategies, memory strategies and meta-cognitive strategies are quite frequently used, while social strategies are not. “Looking up in electronic dictionaries” and “Guessing the meaning from the context” are the two most frequently used strategies.
【Key words】vocabulary learning strategies; second language learning; English vocabulary teaching
【作者简介】周婷(1994- ),女,汉族,陕西西安人,西北政法大学,英语笔译专业,研究方向:英语口笔译实践。
1. Introduction
Nowadays, living in an era which is featured by world multi-polarization and economic diversification, peoples consciousness of learning a second language, especially English, has been increasingly intensified to a large degree, as a result, great importance have been attached to vocabulary learning and grammar acquisition when it comes to language learning. Now, most scholars pay much attention to grammar acquisition rather than vocabulary learning because in their opinions, grammar is much more worth studying. In order to bridge the gap between grammar acquisition and vocabulary learning, this paper is intended to discuss the current situation of vocabulary learning strategies use.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Background of the study
According to Oxford (1990), the history of people using mnemonic or memory tools to remember things dates back to thousands of years ago, which indicates that learning strategies have existed for a remarkably long time. The mid 1960 marks the starting point of the studies on strategies for language learning. Up to now, the studies are inclined to concentrate on vocabulary learning strategies instead of language learning strategies. Cohen and Nation (1990) studied various vocabulary learning strategies and discussed the pros and cons of each strategy. Chinese scholar Dr. Wang W. (1998) of Nanjing University also made a research among senior students on their opinions in using vocabulary learning strategies. While this paper not only aims to study different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies used by English majors and find out the most frequently used ones but also seeks to find the factors that influence the choice and frequency of VLSs between different groups of students.
2.2 Definition of vocabulary learning strategies
Oxford defined language learning strategies as certain kind of actions carried out by the learners to to learn language in a an easier and faster way, which makes them feel more enjoyable and self-directed, improving their efficiency of learning a language and their proficiency in using it flexibly under different circumstances. While as a subcategory of language learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies refer to the strategies that employed by language learners to acquire new words. Schmitt then describes vocabulary learning strategy as any strategy which affects the process by which words are obtained, stored, retrieved and used (Schmitt, 1997), which is adopted by this study.
2.3 Classification of vocabulary learning strategies
This paper employs Schmitts taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies, which includes five sub-categories under two major categories (discovery strategies and consolidation strategies) :
1) Determination strategies: learning strategies employed by individual (Schmitt, 1997).
2) Social strategies: strategies that learners mainly utilize to learn new vocabulary by means of social activities, that is, by communicating with others. (Schmitt, 1997).
3) Memory strategies: strategies that learners use to acquire new words by associating with the new information with what they have learned or experienced(Schmitt, 1997).
4) Cognitive strategies: strategies that just engage learners in some more mechanical means, such as reading and writing repetition. (Schmitt, 1997)
5) Meta-cognitive strategies: strategies related to processes involved in monitoring, decision-making, and evaluation of ones progress (Schmitt, 1997).
3. Methodology
In the process of this study, 50 English majors were selected at random, and they were asked to participate in the vocabulary learning strategies survey in the form of questionnaire so that the information about their knowledge and use of vocabulary learning strategies could be obtained. Before the survey, the students were told that the results for each student would not be used for grading or for any negative purpose, but simply to gather information and help them become better language learners. They were given 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire. All the valid cases data of the frequency of different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies use and the mean frequency of each strategy were calculated. SPSS and Excel were used to analyze data.
4. Conclusion, Implication and Limitation
4.1 Conclusion
The conclusion can be drew from this study is that 1) the most frequently used strategies by senior English majors of China in this study were determination strategies, while by contrast, the least frequently employed strategies were social strategies; 2) there are several factors which influence students selection of particular vocabulary learning strategies, such as learners attitudes towards learning a second language and the development of science and technology.
4.2 Implication
Through the study findings, we can see that most Chinese English majors employ numerous vocabulary learning strategies. Thus, teachers should introduce students to various kinds of vocabulary learning strategies, and encourage students to practice them in daily study. Further exposure to vocabulary learning strategies may increase students awareness of the importance of applying these strategies, and they can examine their progress by using different kinds of strategies so as to discover strategies that would suit themselves best to learn vocabulary in an effective and efficient way. In addition, teacher may monitor and provide feedback on their control of the strategies.
Whats more, Chinese schools or universities should alter their ways of teaching methods, and the class atmosphere should be more open and free, so that students can discuss and interact with each other about their understanding of new words in certain circumstances, deepening their knowledge about these vocabulary. Whats more, instead of teaching words in stereotype of traditional Chinese teaching pattern, teaching by English songs and movies can be introduced in that they are more relaxing and interesting, and they can turn students from passive receivers into active learners.
4.3 Limitation
In spite the fact that the present study has showed us an overall description of vocabulary learning language use by some Chinese English majors, there are also some limitations.
Firstly, the subjects in this study are only 50 senior English majors from one ordinary university due to some practical restrictions so that the conclusion drawn form this study cannot be generalized to all English learners. In the future study, the subject can embrace more participants from different sources so as be comprehensive enough to ensure the reliability and validity of the study. Secondly, the data gathered from the questionnaire is self-reported and retrospective, it may have little flaws and may not always indicate what language learners do when they tackle new words. The study would be more comprehensive and accurate if combined with other research methods, such as face-to-face interview, little test, etc.
Bearing theses limitations in mind, we can draw the conclusion that the present study does make some contribution to future study on vocabulary learning strategy use for English majors, which may facilitate English teaching and learning process and help students do better in learning English vocabulary in China.
[1]Nation,I.S.(2001).Learning Vocabulary in Another Language.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
[2]Schmitt,N.(1997).Vocabulary learning strategies.In N.Schmitt&M.McCarthy;(Eds.),Vocabulary:description,acquisition and pedagogy.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.