The Day Without the Morning Call

2018-06-27 08:33:16郑幸子王爱华
小学教学设计(英语) 2018年6期

郑幸子 王爱华


Part 1.Pre-reading

1.Picture reading

T:Today we’ll learn a story.Look!This is the cover of the story book.So,what do you know from the cover?

There are several pictures of the story.Read carefully,you can get a lot of information from them.

Q1:What do you see?

Q2:What do you want to know about the story?


2.Let’s watch!

Q1:Who are in the story?

A1:a cow/a hen/a donkey/a rooster.

Q2:Who makes the morning call?

A2:The rooster.

Q3:Is there a morning call next day?Why?

A3:No,there isn’t.The rooster is sleeping.

Q4:Is everything OK on the farm?

A4:No,everything is in a mess.


Part 2.While reading

1.Intensive reading

(1)Roles and jobs

Q1:Who are in the story?Circle it!

Q2:What do they do?Underline it!

Cow give milk

Hen lay eggs

Donkey make bean curd

T:How to give milk/lay eggs/make bean curd?Can you show me?

T:What does the rooster do?

Ss:The rooster just walks around.

T:So,you see.Everyone does his job.A ll of them are very busy.But the rooster is walking around.He is not busy.

设计意图:通过让学生细读第一部分故事,引导学生采用圈出故事人物,画出他们在做什么这种标记式阅读的方式,梳理故事角色characters和他们所承担的工作,并利用TPR让学生操练、表演动作词组give milk/lay eggs/make bean curd/walk around。在教师夸张的表演和精准的示范带动下,学生们的表演欲被充分激发,跃跃欲试。学生的体验尝试为下一环节的表演打好基础、埋下表演的种子。


T:So this is the first part of the story.Let’s act out this part.I need a rooster!Group 1,you are cows.Group 2,you are hens...Group 6,you are donkeys.


Q1:What are you doing?

Q2:How do you feel?

Q3:Look at the rooster,do you feel angry?

Q4:What do you want to say to the rooster?



T:Everyone of you did a great job!Read the next part.And find out what they say to the rooster.

设计意图:在角色扮演中,请一名学生扮演rooster,其他学生分组扮演the cow,the hen and the donkey,通过模仿表演让学生更直接、深入体会角色的工作程度和心理活动。到处闲逛的rooster和忙碌着的动物们产生强烈反差,此时学生也能感同身受体会所扮演角色的心情。教师实时采访学生扮演动物时的感受,让学生直接表达内心的想法,同时教师给予适当帮助,这是学生提升语言运用能力的途径之一。动物们因为忙碌而“not happy”,故事自然而然过渡到下一部分。

(3)The cause of the story

T:Look at their faces and arms!How do they feel now?


T:Let’s read with a angry tone!

T:Look at the rooster!His fingers!How dose the rooster feel?


T:Let’s read with sadness!

(next picture)

T:Do they think his job is important?


T:Look at the animals again!And how do they feel now?

Ss:Even angrier.

T:See.Their arms are like this!They stamp their foot and point at the rooster.They are very angry!Let’s read this part with a even angrier tone.OK?

T:Yeah!You do a good job again.They think the rooster’s job is not important,but they think their jobs are very important.What happens?

Ss:Look!The rooster is very busy.The animals make the rooster to do much work.

T:What is the work?

Ss:...massage me./get me some food.

T:Can you act it out?



(4)I am the busy rooster

T:You are the rooster.Put this on.

OK!I’ll devide you into 6 groups.This group say“Get me some tea!”OK?

T:“Give me some fruit!”



How do you feel now?

What do you want to do now?

Ss:(Free talk.)

T:I have a question.What do you want to do now?

Ss:Sleep./Have rest.

T:Look!The rooster is sleepy.You do a good job!Give me five!

Q1:W ill he get up the next morning?

Q2:W ill he make the morning call?

设计意图:通过I am the busy rooster这一角色体验活动,让学生在扮演rooster时能够体会busy and tired的感受,并通过教师的帮助输出语言。教师通过设问rooster明天会不会起床打鸣,将故事过渡到下一片段。

(5)What happens in the next day

T:Look at the picture!Where are the anmals?

Ss:They are sleeping.

T:Is there a morning call?


T:Look at the sun.It’s not happy!

T:Look at this picture.The plate is empty,The glass is empty,too.There is no breakfast.How does the farmer feel now?


T:Look at his mouth.It is so big.And his eyes are wide...The farmer is very very angry.

Try to shout out like the farmer.“WAKE UP!You lazy BONES!”

T:And then the animals get up in a hurry.Is everything OK on the farm?

Ss:No,it is in a mess.

T:You see.They are scared.They fly here and run there,everything is in a mess.


T:So without the morning call.What a mess!

设计意图:在教师的引导下,学生通过细读图片、文字等信息知道without the morning call的农场no breakfast/in a mess,从侧面体现出the morning call的重要性。以乱糟糟的工作场景和抱头受到惊吓的公鸡作为结尾图,这一开放式的结局正好适合教师作为情感教育的切入点,也可以让学生课后自编故事结尾。

(6)Retell the story


(7)Group work


(8)Think and say

T:If you are the animals,what do you want to say to the rooster?

Ss:Sorry,your job is very important.

Without your morning call,everything is in a mess.


T:Now I have a last question to ask you.What do you learn or know from the story?

Ss:(Free talk)

T:Every job is very important.We should work together as a team.

In your group work,everyone of you are important.And your,work together makes the show perfect!Remember the teamwork,OK?


Part 3.Post reading


T:That’s what we learn today.So it’s time to give you homework.

(1)Make a new ending of the story and tell the story to your friends.

(2)Read more picture books after class.

T:So it’s time to say goodbye!


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