【关键词】楚辞 音美 形美 再现
The Lesser Master of Fate (Shao si ming)
The autumn orchid and the deer-parsley
Grow in a carper below the hall;
The leaves of green and the pure white flowers
Assail me with their wafted fragrance.
The autumn orchids bloom luxuriant,
With leaves of green and purple stems,
All the hall is filled with lovely women,
But his eyes swiftly sought me out from the rest.
…… (David Hawks)
The Young Fate
Mingled with Anise,Autumn Orchids late
In Clusters grow before the Palace Gate;
Green are their Leaves,their tender Sprigs are white;
Their Fragrance floods my Senses with Delight.
Each Mortal has a Loved One of his own,
Then why should she,the Goddess,sigh alone?
Fresh spring the Autumn Orchids tender Shoots;
Green are their Leaves and purple are their Roots.
Young Gallants throng the Palace to Entrance,
But I alone am favoured by her Glance,
Come without Word,she leaves without Farewell,
Her Pennons Clouds,she rides the Whirlwind fell.
For life to part,no Grief more Pain can move;
… … (杨宪益,戴乃迭,2001:144-145)
Song to Fate the Minor
(Sing Fate the Minor:)
Rosemary and autumn orchids bright
Grow side by side underneath the hall.
Their leaves deep green,their blooms lily-white,
Their flooding fragrance does me enthrall!
(Sing the Witch as Usherette:)
People may anyhow have their own pairs.
Why shouldn t you free yourself from th cares?
(Sing Fate the Minor:)
The answer the autumn orchids now tells:
Green leaves match the stems of a purple hue.
… … (卓振英)
[3]卓振英.汉诗英译的总体审度与诗化[J].外语与外语教学, 1979.
[4]卓振英.汉诗英译中的“借形传神”及变通[J].福建外语, 2002.
[6]David.Hawkes.The Songs of the South[M].Penguin Classics, 1985.