[摘要] 目的 探讨雷贝拉唑三联疗法治疗幽门螺杆菌相关十二指肠溃疡的临床疗效。方法 方便选取2015年6—12月该院消化内科收治的幽门螺杆菌阳性的十二指肠溃疡患者80例作为观察对象。采用随机数表法将所有患者分为观察组与对照组,对照组40例患者采用常规奥美拉唑、阿莫西林、克拉霉素药物治疗,观察组40例患者则采用阿莫西林、克拉霉素联合雷贝拉唑治疗,比较两组患者药物治疗效果,并对比两组患者幽门螺杆菌根除率,随访复发率以及不良反应发生结果。 结果 观察组患者治疗后的总有效率为95.00%、幽门螺杆菌根除率为90.00%,明显高于对照组的77.50%、72.50%(P<0.05),但两组患者不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);并且随访1年结果显示观察组患者幽门螺杆菌相关十二指肠溃疡复发率(5.00%)明显低于对照组复发率(25.00%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 采用雷贝拉唑三联疗法治疗幽门螺杆菌相关十二指肠溃疡临床疗效显著,并且患者幽门螺杆菌根除率较高,治疗后不易复发,可作为幽门螺杆菌阳性的十二指肠溃疡患者首选药物治疗方案。
[关键词] 雷贝拉唑三联疗法;幽门螺杆菌;十二指肠溃疡;临床疗效
[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)03(b)-0147-03
[Abstract] Objective To study the clinical curative effect of triple therapy of rabeprazole in treatment of helicobacter pylori associated duodenal ulcers. Methods 80 cases of patients with helicobacter pylori associated duodenal ulcers admitted and treated in the digestive system department in our hospital from June to December 2015 were convenient selected and randomly divided into two groups with 40 cases in each, the control group adopted the routine treatment of omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin, while the observation group adopted the triple therapy of omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin, and the drug treatment effect was compared between the two groups, and the eradication rate of helicobacter pylori, recurrence rate of follow-up and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate and eradication rate of helicobacter pylori after treatment in the observation group were obviously higher than those in the control group, (95.00%, 90.00% vs 77.50%, 72.50%),(P<0.05), but the difference in the incidence rate of adverse reactions between the two groups had no statistical significance(P>0.05), and the 1-year follow-up results showed that the recurrence rate in the observation group was obviously lower than that in the control group(5.00% vs 25.00%), and the difference had statistical significance(P<0.05). Conclusion The clinical curative effect of triple therapy of rabeprazole in treatment of helicobacter pylori associated duodenal ulcers is obvious with higher eradication rate of helicobacter pylori, and it is hard to recrudesce, which can be used as the primary drug treatment plan of positive patients with helicobacter pylori associated duodenal ulcers.
[Key words] Triple therapy of rabeprazole; Helicobacter pylori; Duodenal ulcers; Clinical curative effect