
2017-05-16 07:23李金辉颜秀娟陈胜良
胃肠病学 2017年4期

李金辉 陈 翔 颜秀娟 李 海 陈胜良



李金辉*陈 翔 颜秀娟 李 海 陈胜良#


背景:肝硬化食管静脉曲张(EV)破裂出血为临床常见急症,是导致肝硬化患者死亡的重要原因。目的:评价血小板计数(PC)/脾脏长径(SD)比值在中国慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)肝硬化人群中预测EV的临床价值。方法:连续纳入上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院南院2013年8月—2015年12月收治的91例CHB肝硬化合并EV患者,同期32例不伴EV的CHB肝硬化患者作为对照组。入组患者接受上消化道内镜、常规实验室指标和腹部B超检查,采集相应数据。以二元Logistic回归分析EV相关独立危险因素;以ROC曲线评价PC/SD比值对EV的预测效能。结果:EV组PC/SD比值明显低于非EV组,差异有统计学意义(538.2±327.0对 1 105.9±426.6,P=0.001)。二元Logistic回归分析显示,PC/SD比值与EV的存在独立相关(OR=57.29, 95% CI: 15~214,P=0.000)。ROC曲线分析显示,PC/SD比值预测EV的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.853,最佳界值为842,相应敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为85.7%、75.0%、90.7%和64.9%。结论:作为一种非侵入性指标,PC/SD比值用于CHB肝硬化合并EV的预测有一定临床价值,可使大部分非EV患者免于不必要的内镜检查。

血小板计数; 脾脏长径; 食管和胃静脉曲张; 乙型肝炎,慢性; 肝硬化; 预测

食管胃静脉曲张是肝硬化门静脉高压的临床常见并发症之一,50%左右的肝硬化患者存在食管胃静脉曲张,这一比例在肝功能Child-Pugh A级患者中为40%,在Child-Pugh C级患者中则升高至85%[1]。食管静脉曲张(esophageal varices, EV)首次出血的年发生率为5%~15%,出血后1 d内再出血率为30%~50%,1年内可达60%~80%,胃静脉曲张出血发生率虽低于EV,但出血量较大,病情更为严重;Child-Pugh C级合并食管胃静脉曲张破裂出血患者病死率高达30%~40%[2-3]。因此,在肝硬化患者中尽早确诊合并食管胃静脉曲张可及时采取相应措施,如非选择性β-受体阻滞剂、血管活性药物、内镜下曲张静脉套扎(EVL)、硬化剂注射(EIS)和组织胶注射、经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)等,以预防曲张静脉破裂出血或再出血[1-9],提高患者生存率。

内镜检查是目前临床诊断食管胃静脉曲张的首选方法,多数情况下主张肝硬化患者应定期评估食管胃静脉曲张,从而为早期治疗提供可靠依据。然而,内镜检查属于侵入性操作且费用较高,不适用于肝硬化患者的广泛筛查。有学者指出血小板计数(platelet count, PC,单位:/mm3)与脾脏长径(spleen diameter, SD,单位:mm)比值是一个重要的非侵入性EV检测指标,研究[10-12]显示PC/SD比值与肝硬化患者EV的存在独立相关,以909为界值可准确预测EV的存在,阴性预测值(NPV)达100%,重复性好且适用于代偿期肝硬化患者,与内镜筛查相比具有成本-效益优势。但在不同病因、不同人种的肝硬化患者中,PC/SD比值预测EV的界值可能存在一定差异。本研究旨在评价PC/SD比值在中国慢性乙型肝炎(chronic hepatitis B, CHB)肝硬化人群中预测EV存在的临床价值。





EV诊断和分级:采用Olympus GIF-Q260电子胃镜行上消化道内镜检查和EV内镜分级[6]。轻度(GⅠ):EV呈直线形或略有迂曲,无红色征;中度(GⅡ):EV呈直线形或略有迂曲,有红色征,或EV呈蛇形迂曲隆起,无红色征;重度(GⅢ):EV呈蛇形迂曲隆起,有红色征,或EV呈串珠状、结节状或瘤状,无论有无红色征。

入组患者均接受外周血PC、血清白蛋白、胆红素等常规实验室指标检测以及腹部B超下SD、门静脉宽度测定,行肝功能Child-Pugh分级。脾脏增大标准为SD≥120 mm。


结 果





表1 两组患者PC、SD和PC/SD比值比较


二元Logistic回归分析显示,PC/SD比值与EV的存在独立相关(OR=57.29, 95% CI: 15~214,P=0.000)。ROC曲线分析显示,PC/SD比值预测EV的AUC为0.853(95% CI: 0.782~0.924)(图1);最佳界值为842,相应敏感性为85.7%,特异性为 75.0%,PPV为90.7%,NPV为64.9%,阳性似然比为3.43,阴性似然比为0.19。

图1 PC/SD比值预测EV的ROC曲线

讨 论



国外关于PC/SD比值临床应用价值的验证研究[10-11]显示,以909为界值可在肝硬化患者中准确预测EV的存在。然而巴西一项研究[15]显示,以通常使用的909为界值,PC/SD比值在肝硬化患者中预测EV存在的NPV和准确性分别仅为42.6%和68.9%。新近一项关于PC/SD比值在血吸虫病肝硬化人群中预测EV存在的研究[16]显示其最佳界值为1 004,相应PPV和NPV分别为77.1%和89.3%,可使83.0%的非EV患者避免不必要的内镜检查,且漏诊率明显优于以909为界值(14.7%对25.3%)。另一项探讨PC/SD比值预测或筛查肝硬化EV价值的研究[17]显示,以921为界值,PC/SD比值预测EV存在的NPV为93%;非EV、轻度EV与中-重度EV肝硬化患者间PC/SD比值差异显著,提示该参数还可用于判断EV严重程度。本研究旨在探讨PC/SD比值在我国CHB肝硬化人群中预测EV存在的临床价值并确定其最佳界值,从而筛选出高危人群给予药物干预或进一步行内镜检查。



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Platelet Count/Spleen Diameter Ratio for Prediction of Esophageal Varices in Patients with HBV-related Cirrhosis: A Clinical Study



CHEN Shengliang, Email: chenslmdrj@sina.com

Platelet Count; Spleen Diameter; Esophageal and Gastric Varices; Hepatitis B, Chronic; Liver Cirrhosis; Prediction


*Email: lijinhui1907@sina.com

#本文通信作者,Email: chenslmdrj@sina.com

Background: Esophageal variceal bleeding is a clinical emergency and the major cause of death in patients with liver cirrhosis. Aims: To assess the value of platelet count (PC)/spleen diameter (SD) ratio in predicting the presence of esophageal varices (EV) in patients with HBV-related cirrhosis in China. Methods: A total of 91 consecutive HBV-related cirrhosis patients with EV from Aug. 2013 to Dec. 2015 at Renji Hospital (South Campus), School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University were enrolled. Thirty-two HBV-related cirrhosis patients without EV were enrolled as controls. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, routine laboratory examinations and abdominal ultrasonography were performed and the related parameters were collected. Binary Logistic regression analysis was carried out to identify independent risk factors associated with EV. ROC curve was used to evaluate the predictive performance of PC/SD ratio for the presence of EV. Results: The PC/SD ratio was significantly lower in EV group than in non-EV group (538.2±327.0vs. 1 105.9±426.6,P=0.001). Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that the PC/SD ratio was independently associated with the presence of EV (OR=57.29, 95% CI: 15~214,P=0.000). In ROC curve analysis, the area under the curve (AUC) of PC/SD ratio in predicting the presence of EV was 0.853; the optimal cutoff value was 842, and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 85.7%, 75.0%, 90.7%, and 64.9%, respectively. Conclusions: PC/SD ratio can be used as a non-invasive tool for prediction of the presence of EV in patients with HBV-related cirrhosis. It may reduce the number of unnecessary endoscopy.
