【摘 要】诗歌是语言艺术的精华,英文诗歌渗透着语言文化内容和人文底蕴。初中学生进行英语诗歌学习,在学习英语基础知识的同时,还要领悟诗意诗境,理解并初步运用诗歌韵脚、诗歌节奏、修辞手法,感受韵律美、节奏美和语言美,从而进一步提升学生的人文素养。
【中图分类号】G633.4 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2017)27-0024-03
译林版义务教育教科书《英语》八年級上册 Module 2 Nature and the Environment 中Unit 7(简称M2 U7)的中心话题是季节。围绕这一话题,教材在第一板块Comic strip & Welcome中以“Weather and seasons”激活学生对这一话题已有的知识储备,学习有关天气的知识,讨论各自喜欢的季节及原因。在之后的第二板块Reading中,教材呈现一首诗歌Seasons of the Year,此为本节课的教学内容。
本课也是学生在教材中接触到的第二篇诗歌。Seasons of the Year以四季变换入手,抓住四季特点,描述季节之美。全诗分为四个诗节,它语言凝练、韵律和谐、主题鲜明、意境优美。
Step 1 导入
T: Whats the video mainly about?
S: Its about seasons.
T:Yes, its about seasons,changes of seasons. We know a year is divided into four seasons. What are they?
S: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.
T: Right. Now lets have a brainstorm. Please use adjectives and nouns to describe different seasons.
S1: Spring is warm.
S2: Ice cream.
T: Oh, you mean summer reminds you of ice creams.
S3: Autumn is yellow.
S4: Winter is cold/cool/rainy/snowy...学生用了很多词汇来描述四季。
Step 2 诗歌赏读
(1)Feel the tone of the poem by listening.
T:Listen, Millie is reading the poem “Seasons of the year”. Please keep your eyes closed and listen.
T:Maybe poems are always as beautiful as pictures. Now lets enjoy the video of the poem with our eyes wide open.
(2)Understand the meaning of the poem by referencing the PowerPoint presentation.
T: After reading the poem, Millie is drawing pictures of the four seasons. Help her write the correct seasons in the blanks and then match each season with the descriptions in the poem.
T: Please read by yourselves and ask me for help if you have difficulties in understanding the poem.
【设计意图】这一环节,先利用课本中的“诗画匹配”练习,帮助学生结合文本,随文识字,学习新单词,再让学生在自主朗读中针对自己的理解疑难处,采用主动提问的学习策略,用语境和图片帮助理解shower,memory,drop,temperature等单词。诗歌中有很多地道的词汇和表达法,如April showers,sweet memories,lazy afternoons等,通过诗画结合的学习方式让学生实现内化。整个词汇教学的过程没有打乱本节课诗歌赏读的完整性,始终建立在“整体赏读”的设计中。学生跟着视频一起朗诵,让学生进一步体会“诗歌是语言的音乐”。
(3)Feel the rhyme and rhythm of the poem by repeatedly reading and reciting.
T: Is the poem beautiful?
S: Yes.
T: Why do you think so?
T:Maybe one of the reasons is that poems have their own characteristics. What are they?
T:Now heres a Chinese ancient poem. Maybe we can learn from it.(Show the poem《春晓》)
T:These words “xiao, niao, shao” have similar sounds, and we call them rhyming words. Yes, a poem has its own rhyme. Words that rhyme with each other are often used in poems.
T:And we can stress or emphasize the words which are important. Make the stressed syllables strong, and the unstressed syllables weak and quick. So the poem has its own rhythm. The rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm means “cadence”. The rhythm and cadence of the poem delight our ears.
T: And they are the same as English poems.
(呈现翻译家许渊冲的译作:Spring morning/This spring morning in bed Im lying, / Not to wake till birds are crying, / After one night of wind and showers, / How many are the fallen flowers.)
T:Now can you find the words that rhyme in the poem “Seasons of the year”?
S1: Snow rhymes with grow.
S2: Away rhymes with day.
T: A poem has its own rhyme and rhythm, and they make poems beautiful. This time lets read the whole poem together with music, feeling the rhyming beauty and the rhythmic beauty.
(4)Appreciate the beauty of the poem by doing detailed reading.
T:Besides the rhyming beauty and the rhythmic beauty, what other beauty can you find in the poem? Can you find the language beauty?
T:Thats because the poet uses some beautiful words and phrases to make the poem beautiful. Now, lets find them.
S:In the sentence “When trees and flowers forget to grow”, the word “forget” is special.
T:Is it like a persons action? Here the writer uses personification to make the poem more beautiful. It gives human form of feelings, ideas to animals, or to inanimate objects.
T: Can you find more examples?
T: A famous poet says, “If you really want to know the poem, read it. Read it carefully. Pay attention, read it out loud.” Lets read the poem in roles. I read the first stanza, boys the second, girls the third,and we read the last stanza together.
T: Practise reading the poem in groups of four. Please express your own feelings about each season and then present in class.
(5)Have a discussion.
1) Why does the poem begin with winter and end with winter?
2) Whats your feeling after reading the poem?
Step 3 读后运用
(1)Put them into the right order.
T: A poem is how the reader reads.
A poem is how the poet writes.
A poem is real. A poem is fake.
A poem is anything. I make it mine.
(2)Complete the poem with “seen, return, room, sky”.(Spring by Robert McCracken具体内容略)
(3)Try to be a poet. Try to write a poem about the season you like best.
Step 4 课后延伸
Revise your own poem after class and the website may help you. http://en8848.com.cn/read/poems.