摘 要:对比型议论文是高中英语写作要学习的文体。使学生理解其写作结构,具有本文体常见句型的储备,通过逐步学习,可以写出思路清晰,结构合理,表达恰当的对比型议论文。本课例采用TRACEBOOK课件针对高一学生给出写作模板等方面设计,希望使学生写作能力有一定的提高。
【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1216(2016)12B-0061-01
本节课采用TRACEBOOK课件讲述。第一部分(该部分用时约20分钟):以How to keep in touch with your classmates 向学生提问做导入,列举一些用微信的利弊,引入一场辩论,把学生分为两组作为正反方。在白板上分别给出对于正反方有用的一些句式和表达供参考(学生也可以用自己认为好的其他句型),要求学生用完整的句子表达观点。给正反两方学生五分钟的小组内讨论时间,其间老师可给予一些思路和表达上的指导帮助。下一步让学生进行辩论,将其论据逐条列在黑板上。本部分的设计意图是使学生争取想出一些合适恰当的句式表达看法,为后面的写作积累观点和句式。第二部分(用时约20分钟)引入写作主题:给出对中学生使用微信利弊的两种看法,请学生简述,并给出观点。分析题意,随后出一个写作模板,目的是帮助学生理解该文体的写作常用结构和链接词句。下一步让学生当堂写作,在此过程中如有必要,老师给予一定帮助。本堂课的最后,计划用投影和学生一起批改一到两篇作文,并给出一篇范文,让学生集体朗读(用时约5分钟),布置作业:学生润色修改作文并对当天所学知识加以巩固。
Part 1: Debate
1 T: How do you keep in touch with your classmates after school, by phone or...?
S1:...S2...S3: Using Wechat.
T:Yes. Nowadays, it becomes more and more popular. But is it good or not for students? Different people have different opinions.
2 T:Now, lets have a debate. The subject is whether WeChat is good or bad for high school students . This part of the students , you are pros and your opinion is that WeChat is good for high school students. And the rest of the class, you are cons. Your opinion is that WeChat is bad for students. Here are some expressions you can use .Now lets read them together...Pay attention, use some complete sentences to express your ideas. For example, if you are for using WeChat, you can say it is a good way of relaxing from pressure of our studies. Clear? Now, discuss and share your ideas in your group. You have about 10 minutes to do this job.
3.Students discuss and share their opinions in their groups. And teacher can give some help.
4.Ask Students to say their opinions ( pros and cons speak in turn). Teacher write them on blackboard and add some views if necessary.
Good Bad
A good way of relaxing from study.
Enrich our life and broaden our horizons
Help to promote our friendship.
We can be known better by writing some deep feelings in WeChat.
Convenient , cheap,...
...If we spend too much time on WeChat doing some meaningless things, it will affect our studies and be harmful to our mental and physical health.
Some are so addicted to it that they will have difficulty communicating with people face to face.
Can be dangerous in some cases.
1. Students have about 15 minutes to write. Teacher can give some help if necessary.
2.Invite one to two students to show their writings to the whole class. And remark on them together.
[1]陈玉松.关注学生课堂参与 提高课堂教学效率[J].英语周报:教师版,2016,(6).