摘要:文章对“直接还原铁”的英译进行了调研。结果表明:将direct reduction iron作为“直接还原铁”的英译文是错误的。通过对英文原版钢铁专业文献的研读,给出了“直接还原铁”正确的英译文。
笔者所做的调查表明:从冶金百科辞典到钢铁工业主题词表,乃至冶金专业期刊,几乎众口一词地将“直接还原铁”翻译成direct reduction iron,并且广为流行。请看以下实例:
例1.直接还原铁 direct reduction iron (《中国冶金百科全书》[1])
例2.直接还原铁 direct reduction iron (《钢铁工业主题词表》[2])
目前在冶金界广为使用的《汉英冶金工业词典》亦将direct reduction iron作为“直接还原铁”的英文对应词之一[3]。
通过中国知网的CNKI翻译助手查询,含有将“直接还原铁”翻译成direct reduction iron的双语例句竟然多达27个之多,来源包括十多种专业期刊,如《特殊钢》《冶金自动化》《化工冶金》《工业加热》《矿业工程》《山东冶金》《耐火材料》等。
“直接还原铁”的等值英译文果真是direct reduction iron吗?
一个专业术语,其英文该如何表达,除中国特有事物外,只能以英、美国家经过长期生产实践、科学实验、信息交流而形成或确定的专业术语为准,即翻译界公认的“约定俗成”原则。“直接还原铁”是国际通用的钢铁产品,因此笔者首先查阅了大量英文原版钢铁文献。按道理,钢铁领域如此重要的一个专业术语,在英文原版钢铁文献中应该是不难查到的。但在英文原版钢铁文献中一直未见direct reduction iron的踪影。
一方面是direct reduction iron在中国出版的专业文献、词典工具书中作为“直接还原铁”的英译文大量出现;另一方面是该英文词组在英文原版钢铁文献中隐形遁迹。由此基本上可以做出判断:direct reduction iron是按中国人的思维模式,对号入座、逐字死译的产物。
随着英文原版钢铁文献查阅的逐步深入,“直接还原铁”准确、地道的英文对应词逐渐得以显现,并通过英文原版www.businessdictionary.com 网站提供的定义(例6)得到确认,这就是:direct reduced iron。请看以下英文原版实例:
例3.Steel is produced from a combination of scrap and direct reduced iron (DRI) obtained from a plant that Birmingham operates with GS Industries on a 50/50 basis in Convent, La.American Iron Reduction.[4] (注意:本例句及以下例句中的下划线均系笔者所加)
例4.World production of direct reduced iron (DRI) increased to 13.66 million metric tons in 1987, according to figures compiled by Midrex Corporation. [5]
例5.In addition to developing ore mines in Australia, there has been a considerable amount of activity in terms of supplying the future Chinese industry, both with iron ore and directreduced iron.[6]
例6.Direct reduced iron (DRI) definition: Alternative iron source produced by heating an iron ore (generally having 65 to 70 percent iron) at a temperature high enough to burn off its carbon and oxygen content (a process called reduction) but below irons melting point(1535℃ or 2795℃). The output is sold as pellets or briquettes (called hot briquetted iron or HBI) and contains from 90 to 97 percent pure iron, the rest being mainly carbon with trace amounts of other impurities. DRI is consumed primarily by mini steel mills (which can melt only rich sources of metal, such as steel scrap, but not iron ore) to improve the quality of their steel. Since the reduction process consumes prodigious amounts of natural gas, it is economically viable only where natural gas is abundant and relatively cheap (such as in Trinidad & Tobago). Also called sponge iron due to its porous nature. [7]endprint
看来,“直接还原铁”中“还原”二字的英文用词是有固定搭配的,即只能用 “此还原”——reduced,而不能用 “彼还原”——reduction。
例7.Midrex Direct Reduction Corp. (Midrex) and parent company, Kobe Steel, Ltd. (KSL) have developed a new direct reduction process, called SPIREX, that uses iron ore fines and natural gas, as the oxide and reductant sources respectively, to produce direct reduced iron (DRI) fines or hot briquetted iron (HBI). [8]
注意其中的Direct Reduction Corp.和direct reduction process。由此可见,在表示“直接还原公司”和“直接还原工艺”中的“还原”时,reduction不仅有用武之地,它还是reduced不可替换的固定搭配。试想一下,如若将Direct Reduction Corp.和direct reduction process中的reduction分别更改为reduced,那么更改后得到的Direct Reduced Corp.和direct reduced process岂不变成了“直接被还原的公司”和“直接被还原的工艺”。铁矿石可以“被还原”,烧结矿可以“被还原”,而“公司”和“工艺”是万万不可“被还原”。
[1] 中国冶金百科全书总编辑委员会《钢铁冶金》卷编辑委员会.中国冶金百科全书(钢铁冶金卷)[M] .北京:冶金工业出版社,2001:713.
[2] 严关宝.钢铁工业主题词表[M].2版.北京:冶金部情报标准研究总所,1991:427.
[3] 明举新.汉英冶金工业词典[M].3版.长沙:中南大学出版社,2010:1786.
[4] IRON AND STEEL ENGINEER[J].Vol. 75, No. 5:19.
[5] IRON AND STEEL ENGINEER[J].Vol. 65, No. 4:7.
[6] Hogan W T. Steel in the 21st Century: Competition Forges a New World Order[M]. New Work:Lexington Books, 1994:39.
[7] Direct reduced iron (DRI) definition[EB/OL].(2015-08-23) [2015-11-28].http:∥www.businessdictionary.com/definition/directreducedironDRI.html.
[8] IRON AND STEEL ENGINEER[J]. Vol. 74, No. 1:36.endprint