摘 要:初中英语教材的Reading板块是每单元的重点。文章内容丰富,体裁多样,是学生接受英语语言信息的重要环节,然而由于阅读教学篇幅长,词汇量大,语法结构多,造成了相当多教师在阅读教学的处理上把握不当。简化成了这样的教学模式:学习单词—串讲课文—翻译课文—逐句找语言点—讲解语法知识与练习—朗读背诵—巩固练习。导致了语言知识的讲解占据了课堂的大部分时间,完整的语篇材料也被分解成孤立的语言教学。这样的方式导养学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生读的能力。
关键词:阅读文本 教学策略 CAI课件 提高阅读兴趣 培养阅读水平
中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2015)08(c)-0241-02
1 阅读前(Pre-reading)
在这一环节我常用leading in,free talk,discussion,pictures等设计一些与阅读相关的话题来热身。既可以为阅读做好铺垫,可以使学生明确基本的阅读方向,又可以在热身这一环节巧学一些障碍性词汇。为学生排除一些必要的阅读困难。
Everyone has hobbies.Whats your hobby?Are you allowed to practice your hobby as much as you would like to?Why or why not?Do you agree with your parents?在free talk中,会用到我备课时预测的词,如influence.come true此时我会把它的替换词汇(新单词,短语)展示出来:get in the way of,achieve诸如这样的词汇学习,学生在心理上是轻松的,自然的,也有水到渠成的感觉。学生们在以上问题的引导下,老师预测的这样一段话生成了(出示课件):My hobby is playing basketball.(singing\...).I want to be a professional basketball player(singer\...).But I am not allowed to practice playing basketball(singing…)every day. They think my dream is hard to achieve.They think my hobby can get in the way of my school work. But I think I should be allowed to make my own decisions.这样的导入对本课的阅读起到了过渡作用,排除了阅读中障碍性词汇,也明确了阅读方向。感觉是很成功的,适时我还会把思想教育于语言教育之中。Though our parents dont allow us to do that,we should know they are caring about us.此时顺势以下面的过渡语Now I know your hobbies and your parentsideas. How about Liu Yu? Is he allowed to practice his hobby as much as he wants?Whats his idea?进入了阅读的第二环节while—— reading阅读中教学。
在九年级英语Unit 7 Section A 3a 阅读教学我是这样导入的。首先以CAI课件出示一些世界名胜进行Where would you like to visit?Why?的情景会话。在最后有目的的出示埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院两个法国名胜,跟学生愉快地进行了下面交流:
T:Do you know them?
T:Yes,they are Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.Do you know where they are?
SS:They are in France.
T:what else do you know about France?
S1—— Paris is the Capital of France.
S2—— France is in Europe.
S3—— 香水is famous all over the world.
S4—— …
在师生互动、生生互动中,在师生的思维碰撞中,学生们渐渐提高了听说能力,也在交流中铺垫了阅读教学。顺势我抛给学生一个不用回答的过渡问题:Do you want to know more about Paris?Now lets go to the world famous travel spotlight—— Paris.把学生带入阅读中。同时在此环节自然巧妙地利用课件学习了阅读中障碍性词汇Eiffel Tower,Notre Dame Cathedral,church.
2 阅读中(while-reading)
在此环节我常利用scanning和 skimming两种阅读方法。根据这两个方法所培养的能力我会设计不同的练习题,主要以Questions,Judgement,Choice,Match,Fill in the chart等不同任务形式。下面是我在阅读教学中的案例。
九年级英语Unit7 SectionA 3a,Task for Scanning:课件出示下面任务:
There are three parts in this passage.Please read fast and match each part with its main idea.
Part 1 people and language
Part 2 geography position and sights
Part 3 traffic
这个任务的设计让学生快速浏览全文,很轻松的就能连线搭配。学生们带着成功的心理,在skimming任务的引领下进入下一个阅读环节,用课件出示下面任务:There are some other new words in the passage.Can you find them out to match the following?
Task 1 for skimming:
(1)think about doing——
(2)put a kind of language into another language——
Task 2 for skimming:
What kinds of things do you like about Paris?
What kinds of things do you dislike about Paris?
Likes:(1)Paris is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.(2)There are some fantastic sights ,including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.(3)Its very convenient to take the underground train to most places in Paris.(4)Wine isnt expensive.
Dislikes:(1)It doesnt have beaches or mountains in Paris.(2)Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.(3)In general ,France is quite an expensive place.(4)Unless you speak French yourself,its best to take someone who can translate things for you.
3 阅读后(Post-reading)
(1)T:If you go to visit Paris,what will you take?And why?
S1:Ill take enough money because Paris is quite an expensive place.
S2:Ill take a camera because there are many fantastic sights there.
S3:Ill take a translator with me because I cant speak French.
(2)T:When you are in Paris,how will you travel around?
(3)T:What will you buy for your friendsor family members before yoy leave?
Martin used to be a problem child after his fathers__.He used to__a lot of trouble for___and his family .He didnt use to be interested in his study and he often__ __ __ __the police.__ __ he was such a bad boy, his mother was__and never __ __ trying to help him.Instead,she__ __ __to taking care of her son. A conversation with his mother changed his life.__ __ __,he became one of the best students __ __ __.He __ __causes problems for his mother and himself.Now his mother __ __ __ her son now.
在处理完九年级unit8 3a的Scanning,skimming后,我安排的仿写练习。
Here are three of the students who want to join the school volunteer.
根据表格内容仿写,要求用到put this love to good use,not only…but also…,
Many students want to join the school volunteer project.Xu Hui lov
If everyone makes a contribution to helping others,our society will become more beautiful.
4 结语