
2015-06-05 15:31赵伯明杨述华刘克斌何小斌

赵伯明, 杨 操, 杨述华, 刘克斌, 何小斌


赵伯明1,2, 杨 操2△, 杨述华2, 刘克斌1, 何小斌1

1长江大学附属第一医院,荆州第一人民医院骨科,荆州 434000
2华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院骨科,武汉 430022

目的 评价颈椎前路椎间盘切除自体髂骨移植钛板固定治疗多节段颈椎间盘退变病的临床和影像学效果。方法 28例患者接受了颈椎前路椎间盘切除自体骨移植钛板固定手术。临床结果评估采用日本矫形外科协会(JOA)评分和Odom标准,并对融合率、颈椎曲度和手术并发症进行了评估。结果 28例均获随访,平均24个月(9~36个月)JOA评分,术前(7.54±0.78),术后3d(10.82±0.93),术后6个月(14.14±0.74),终访时(13.86±1.22),术后各时点与术前相比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。颈椎影像资料显示牢固融合25例(89.3%),平均融合时间5.9个月。颈椎曲率为术前(14.96±1.90)°,术后3d(26.89±3.78)°,术后6个月(25.86±3.67)°,终访时(24.89±3.69)°,术后各时点与术前相比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 在多节段颈椎退变病中应用颈椎间盘切除自体骨融合钛板固定术取得了有效减压和稳定脊柱等良好的临床和影像学效果。

颈椎间盘退行性疾病; 多节段颈椎间盘切除融合; 自体骨; 动态钛板



1 资料与方法

1.1 一般情况


1.2 外科手术


1.3 疗效评价

1.3.1 临床评价 于术前、术后3d、术后3个月及最终随访时间,采用日本骨科协会(JOA)评分和Odom标准[4]进行临床评估。根据JOA评分计算恢复率(RR):(术后评分-术前评分)/(17-术前评分)×100%,分别以≥75%、~50%、~25%、<25%为优、良、中、差。评估由没有参与任何治疗过程的3名骨科医生完成。

1.3.2 影像学评价 于术前、术后3d、3个月、6个月拍摄颈椎X线片,6个月后为每6个月拍1次。影像学融合标准[5]:①终板消失无透亮线;②在移植和终板交界处存在连续骨梁;③屈伸侧位片棘突间位移不超过2mm。颈椎曲度评估是在侧位X线片采用Harrison’s测量[6]:正值切线角表示前凸,负值表示后凸。评估由没有参与任何治疗过程的3名骨科医生完成。

1.3.3 并发症 并发症包括:患者出现暂时的或永久性的疼痛,神经系统症状或体征的持续恶化,软组织损伤,手术部位的感染,二次手术等。

1.4 统计学分析

JOA评分和颈椎曲度结果以均数±标准差表示,数据分析采用SPSS 15.0统计分析软件行Student’s t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 一般情况


2.2 临床评估结果


2.3 影像学评估结果



表1 不同时间点JOA评分和Harrison’s角(¯x±s)Table1 JOA scores and Harrison’s angles at different time points(¯x±s)

图1 1例2节段颈椎退变病患者术前及术后影像学检查Fig.1 Preoperative and postoperative images in a case of two-level CDDD

图2 1例3节段颈椎退变病患者术前及术后影像学检查Fig.2 Preoperative and postoperative images in a case of threelevel CDDD

2.4 并发症


3 讨论







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(2015-01-12 收稿)

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion with Autograft and Titanium Plate for the Treatment of Multi-Level Cervical Disc Degenerative Disease

Zhao Boming1,2,Yang Cao2△,Yang Shuhua2et al
1Department of Orthopaedics,Jingzhou First People’s Hospital,Jingzhou 434000,China
2Department of Orthopaedics,Union Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430022,China

Objective To evaluate the clinical and radiological outcomes of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with autograft and titanium plate(ACDFP)for the treatment of multi-level cervical disc degenerative disease(CDDD).Methods Twenty-eight consecutive patients with multi-level CDDD underwent ACDFP.Clinical outcomes were evaluated by using Japanese Orthopaedic Association(JOA)scores and Odom’s criteria.The fusion rate and spinal curvature at the operated levels and surgical complications were assessed.Results All the 28patients were followed up for an average of 24months(range:9-36 months).The JOA score was(7.54±0.78),(10.82±0.93),(14.14±0.74)and(13.86±1.22),respectively,before surgery,3days and 6months after surgery,and at thefinal follow-up.Radiographs of the cervical spine revealed that the solid fusion was obtained in 25cases(89.3%)at a mean time of 5.9months.The cervical spinal curvature was(14.96±1.90)°before operation,(26.89±3.78)°at 3days after operation,(25.86±3.67)°at 6months after operation,and(24.89±3.69)°at the final follow-up.There were significant differences in the JOA score and cervical spinal curvature between before and at various time points after operation.Conclusion Treatment of multi-level CDDD by ACDFP can effectively decompress and stabilize the spine,yielding satisfactory clinical and radiological outcomes.

cervical degenerative disc disease; multi-level cervical discectomy and fusion; autograft; dynamic titanium plate





△通讯作者,Corresponding author,E-mail:yangcaomd@163.com
