曾玲芳 蒋壮志 吴淑瑶 李露
【摘要】 目的:探讨行为控制理论在护理人员分层级岗位评价中的应用效果。方法:选取本院构型基本相同的8个护理单元的127名护士作为研究对象,包括内科、外科、妇科和儿科各两个病区。将其按随机数字表法分为对照组62名和试验组65名,其中对照组采用常规的方法进行岗位评价,试验组采用行为控制理论对护理人员进行岗位评价。比较1年后两组的临床护理质量及医护患三者满意度。结果:试验组的临床护理质量每项得分均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);试验组医护患三者满意度均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在护理人员分层级岗位评价中应用行为控制理论可提升护理质量,提高医生、护士和患者对护理质量的满意率,值得临床推广。
【关键词】 行为控制理论; 护理人员; 分层级岗位评价; 应用效果
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选取本院构型基本相同的8个护理单元(内科、外科、妇科和儿科各两个病区)的127名护士作为研究对象,所有护理人员均为女性。其中对照组62名护理人员(包括骨一区、产后区、内三区和儿科)采用常规方法进行岗位评价,年龄21~42岁,平均(30.1±2.3)岁;学历:硕士3名,本科25名,专科及以下34名;职称:高级6名,中级8名,初级40名,其他8名。而试验组65名护理人员(包括外一区、妇科、内一区和新生儿科)采用行为控制理论对护理人员进行岗位评价,年龄20~41岁,平均(29.8±2.5)岁;学历:硕士4名,本科26名,专科及以下35名;职称:高级7名,中级8名,初级41名,其他9名。两组护理人员的年龄、学历、职称等一般资料比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 对照组 按照常规评价方法每个月对护理人员进行一次分类定级,主要评价内容包括护理人员的学历、职称、工龄、岗位层级等。科室的护理人员岗位考评组根据业绩考核表记录护理人员的工作业绩考核成绩,每个月进行岗位评价。
1.2.2 试验组 采用行为控制理论,通过直接监督、目标管理和行政控制3种方法进行岗位评价。其中直接监督是指根据护理人员层级和职责的不同而监督不同的项目;行为控制主要包括查房、病历的讨论和护理会诊等项目;工作业绩考核是采用行为控制理论的3种方法对不同层级护理人员的职责要求进行每日考核。而患者的满意度和业务能力的测试的主要依据是医院统一的患者满意度测评结果和每季度护理部的理论考试成绩。若在护理过程中出现了护理并发症则需要减分,从而记录护理人员每天的工作业绩。
1.3 评价标准
1.3.1 护理质量指标 包括病区管理、基础护理、分级护理、护理技术操作、护理文书的书写、护理理论考试,其中基础护理质量满分为40分,其余项满分是100分[3]。
1.3.2 医护患三者满意度 (1)医生对护理工作满意度:主要分为很满意、比较满意、一般满意、不满意4项。其中总满意=满意+比较满意。(2)护士对护理工作满意度:分为高度满意、中度满意和低度满意3项,总体满意=高度满意+中度满意。(3)患者对护理工作满意度:主要从护理态度、医患沟通能力、病史资料的采集和护理操作4项进行评价,每项满分10分[4]。
1.4 统计学处理 采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件对数据进行处理,计量资料以(x±s)表示,比较采用t检验,计数资料采用 字2检验,以P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 两组护理质量指标的比较 从6个方面比较两组的得分,试验组每项得分均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),见表1。
2.2 医生对护理工作满意度 试验组总体满意率为96.0%,对照组为83.9%,差异有统计学意义(t=9.357,P<0.05),见表2。
2.3 护士对护理工作满意度 试验组总体满意率为93.9%,对照组为79.6%,差异有统计学意义(t=10.026,P<0.05),见表3。
2.4 患者对护理工作的满意度 试验组中患者对护理工作的满意度综合评分为(9.5±0.5)分,对照组为(8.5±0.4)分,差异有统计学意义(t=7.025,P<0.05),见表4。
3 讨论
[1] Takeuchi R,Chen Z,Cheung S Y.Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior: an integrative investigation[J].Personnel Psychology,2012,65(2):283-323.
[3] Schmidt K H,Diestel S.Differential effects of decision latitude and control on the job demands–strain relationship: a cross-sectional survey study among elderly care nursing staff[J].International Journal of Nursing Studies,2011,48(3):307-317.
[4] Sanetti L M H,Kratochwill T R,Long A C J.Applying adult behavior change theory to support mediator-based intervention implementation[J].School Psychology Quarterly,2013,28(1):47.
[5] Cumbler E,Castillo L,Satorie L,et al.Culture change in infection control: applying psychological principles to improve hand hygiene[J].Journal of Nursing Care Quality,2013,28(4):304-311.
[6] Cruz A M,Haugan G L,Rincon A M R.The effects of asset specificity on maintenance financial performance: an empirical application of Transaction Cost Theory to the medical device maintenance field[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2014,237(3):1037-1053.
[8] Weigl M,Mueller A,Hornung S,et al.The moderating effects of job control and selection, optimization, and compensation strategies on the age-work ability relationship[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013, 34(5):607-628.
[9] Judge T A,Rodell J B,Klinger R L,et al.Hierarchical representations of the five-factor model of personality in predicting job performance: integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2013,98(6):875-925.
[10] Avey J B,Avolio B J,Luthans F.Experimentally analyzing the impact of leader positivity on follower positivity and performance[J].The Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(2):282-294.
[11] Lin E C L,Chen S L,Chao S Y,et al.Using standardized patient with immediate feedback and group discussion to teach interpersonal and communication skills to advanced practice nursing students[J].Nurse Education Today,2013,33(6):677-683.
[12] Garcia-Smith D,Effken J A.Development and initial evaluation of the clinical information systems success model (CISSM)[J].International Journal of Medical Informatics,2013,82(6):539-552.
[13] Huang H L,Kuo L M,Chen Y S,et al.A home-based training program improves caregivers' skills and dementia patients' aggressive behaviors: a randomized controlled trial[J].The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,2013,21(11):1060-1070.
[14] Preston M S.Motivating child welfare case managers: an application and extension of feedback information theory[J].Children and Youth Services Review,2013,35(4):734-741.
[19]唐万秋,伍娟英.实施优质护理服务在护理管理中的实践与作用[J]. 中国医学创新,2012,9(23):57-58.
[20]王淑红.新型管理模式在护理管理中的应用[J]. 中国医学创新,2013,10(11):67-68.
(收稿日期:2014-04-03) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint
[1] Takeuchi R,Chen Z,Cheung S Y.Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior: an integrative investigation[J].Personnel Psychology,2012,65(2):283-323.
[3] Schmidt K H,Diestel S.Differential effects of decision latitude and control on the job demands–strain relationship: a cross-sectional survey study among elderly care nursing staff[J].International Journal of Nursing Studies,2011,48(3):307-317.
[4] Sanetti L M H,Kratochwill T R,Long A C J.Applying adult behavior change theory to support mediator-based intervention implementation[J].School Psychology Quarterly,2013,28(1):47.
[5] Cumbler E,Castillo L,Satorie L,et al.Culture change in infection control: applying psychological principles to improve hand hygiene[J].Journal of Nursing Care Quality,2013,28(4):304-311.
[6] Cruz A M,Haugan G L,Rincon A M R.The effects of asset specificity on maintenance financial performance: an empirical application of Transaction Cost Theory to the medical device maintenance field[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2014,237(3):1037-1053.
[8] Weigl M,Mueller A,Hornung S,et al.The moderating effects of job control and selection, optimization, and compensation strategies on the age-work ability relationship[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013, 34(5):607-628.
[9] Judge T A,Rodell J B,Klinger R L,et al.Hierarchical representations of the five-factor model of personality in predicting job performance: integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2013,98(6):875-925.
[10] Avey J B,Avolio B J,Luthans F.Experimentally analyzing the impact of leader positivity on follower positivity and performance[J].The Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(2):282-294.
[11] Lin E C L,Chen S L,Chao S Y,et al.Using standardized patient with immediate feedback and group discussion to teach interpersonal and communication skills to advanced practice nursing students[J].Nurse Education Today,2013,33(6):677-683.
[12] Garcia-Smith D,Effken J A.Development and initial evaluation of the clinical information systems success model (CISSM)[J].International Journal of Medical Informatics,2013,82(6):539-552.
[13] Huang H L,Kuo L M,Chen Y S,et al.A home-based training program improves caregivers' skills and dementia patients' aggressive behaviors: a randomized controlled trial[J].The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,2013,21(11):1060-1070.
[14] Preston M S.Motivating child welfare case managers: an application and extension of feedback information theory[J].Children and Youth Services Review,2013,35(4):734-741.
[19]唐万秋,伍娟英.实施优质护理服务在护理管理中的实践与作用[J]. 中国医学创新,2012,9(23):57-58.
[20]王淑红.新型管理模式在护理管理中的应用[J]. 中国医学创新,2013,10(11):67-68.
(收稿日期:2014-04-03) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint
[1] Takeuchi R,Chen Z,Cheung S Y.Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior: an integrative investigation[J].Personnel Psychology,2012,65(2):283-323.
[3] Schmidt K H,Diestel S.Differential effects of decision latitude and control on the job demands–strain relationship: a cross-sectional survey study among elderly care nursing staff[J].International Journal of Nursing Studies,2011,48(3):307-317.
[4] Sanetti L M H,Kratochwill T R,Long A C J.Applying adult behavior change theory to support mediator-based intervention implementation[J].School Psychology Quarterly,2013,28(1):47.
[5] Cumbler E,Castillo L,Satorie L,et al.Culture change in infection control: applying psychological principles to improve hand hygiene[J].Journal of Nursing Care Quality,2013,28(4):304-311.
[6] Cruz A M,Haugan G L,Rincon A M R.The effects of asset specificity on maintenance financial performance: an empirical application of Transaction Cost Theory to the medical device maintenance field[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2014,237(3):1037-1053.
[8] Weigl M,Mueller A,Hornung S,et al.The moderating effects of job control and selection, optimization, and compensation strategies on the age-work ability relationship[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013, 34(5):607-628.
[9] Judge T A,Rodell J B,Klinger R L,et al.Hierarchical representations of the five-factor model of personality in predicting job performance: integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2013,98(6):875-925.
[10] Avey J B,Avolio B J,Luthans F.Experimentally analyzing the impact of leader positivity on follower positivity and performance[J].The Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(2):282-294.
[11] Lin E C L,Chen S L,Chao S Y,et al.Using standardized patient with immediate feedback and group discussion to teach interpersonal and communication skills to advanced practice nursing students[J].Nurse Education Today,2013,33(6):677-683.
[12] Garcia-Smith D,Effken J A.Development and initial evaluation of the clinical information systems success model (CISSM)[J].International Journal of Medical Informatics,2013,82(6):539-552.
[13] Huang H L,Kuo L M,Chen Y S,et al.A home-based training program improves caregivers' skills and dementia patients' aggressive behaviors: a randomized controlled trial[J].The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,2013,21(11):1060-1070.
[14] Preston M S.Motivating child welfare case managers: an application and extension of feedback information theory[J].Children and Youth Services Review,2013,35(4):734-741.
[19]唐万秋,伍娟英.实施优质护理服务在护理管理中的实践与作用[J]. 中国医学创新,2012,9(23):57-58.
[20]王淑红.新型管理模式在护理管理中的应用[J]. 中国医学创新,2013,10(11):67-68.
(收稿日期:2014-04-03) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint