[摘要] 目的 探讨抗菌薇乔线以及皮下放置负压引流管用于预防阑尾切除术切口感染的临床效果。方法 选取阑尾切除术患者540例,随机分为两组,其中对照组266例,观察组274例。对照组患者皮下放置负压引流;观察组患者在对照组基础上加用抗菌薇乔线。结果 观察组患者切口感染率、脂肪液化率均明显低于对照组,换药次数明显少于对照组,拆线时间、抗生素使用时间、住院时间均明显短于对照组,瘢痕宽度明显小于对照组;甲级愈合率明显高于对照组;基本无痛者明显少于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 使用抗菌薇乔线及皮下放置负压引流管可以有效预防阑尾切除术切口感染,促进术后切口愈合。
[关键词] 抗菌薇乔线;负压引流;阑尾炎;切口感染
[中图分类号] R656.8[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)15-0116-03
Clinical research on antibacterial vicryl rapide and placing negative pressure drainage under skin preventing incision infection of appendicectomy
YANG Yusha1 LI Jingsu2
1.Department of General Surgery, Taizhou Central Hospital in Zhejiang Pravince, Taizhou 318000,China; 2.Department of Infectious Disease, the Second Hospital of Jingdezhen City in Jiangxi Province, Jingdezhen 415000,China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical effect of antibacterial vicryl rapide and placing negative pressure drainage under skin preventing incision infection of appendicectomy. Methods A total of 540 cases with appendicectomy were selected and divided into two groups randomly, the control group of 266 cases and the observation group of 247 cases. The control group was treated with placing negative pressure drainage under skin, and the observation group was treated with antibacterial vicryl rapide based on the control group. Results The incision infection rate and fat liquefaction rate of the observation group were evidently lower than that of the control group, the dressing times was evidently less than that of the control group, the stitches time, antibiotic use time and length of stay were evidently shorter than that of the control group, the scar width was evidently less than that of the control group, and the Class-A healing rate was evidently higher than that of the control group. The number without pain was evidently less than that of the control group. The difference was evident between two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion Applying antibacterial vicryl rapide and placing negative pressure drainage under skin can effectively prevent incision infection of appendicectomy and promote the healing of incision after operation.
[Key words] Antibacterial vicryl rapide; Negative pressure drainage; Appendicitis; Incision infection切口感染是外科手术常见的并发症,发生率高达5%~20%,不仅增加了患者的痛苦和治疗费用,而且影响伤口愈合,甚至导致手术失败。因此采取适当的措施预防术后感染有着重要的临床意义。普外科伤口根据污染情况分为3类,其中一类为清洁伤口,感染几率很低;二类为可能污染伤口,感染率略高;三类伤口以阑尾炎手术切口为代表,本身就存在污染,感染率相对较高,加上手术导致的局部血肿以及缝合线结反应都有可能引起局部组织引流不畅而发生感染[1]。特别是阑尾炎穿孔患者,术后感染率高达30%,主要表现为术后2~3 d体温升高,切口局部肿胀和疼痛,增加了患者的痛苦。本研究通过对274例阑尾切除术患者实施抗菌薇乔线缝合联合皮下负压引流预防切口感染取得了不错的效果,现报道如下。
术前常规予抗生素控制感染,做麦氏切口或右下腹腹直肌探查切口。开腹时首先做一个小的腹膜切口,将腹腔内脓液吸干净之后再扩大,外翻腹膜,将其固定在治疗巾上,对切口进行妥善保护。常规切除阑尾组织,使用普通丝线缝扎动脉并包埋残端。反复冲洗切口,对照组和观察组患者分别使用普通丝线和薇乔线缝合腹膜、腹壁,于切口下方3~4 cm处戳孔链接负压瓶[2]。负压瓶制作方法:在一次性输血器管侧壁制作多个侧孔,大小约为(2×2)mm2。取250 mL玻璃空瓶以及三通带卡管、20 mL注射器,使用注射器抽出瓶中少量空气,使其成为负压状态,制成可控负压引流瓶。
1.3 观察指标
1.4 统计学处理
采用SPSS 13.0软件进行分析,计量资料采用t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.1 临床观察指标
2.2 切口愈合情况
表2 两组患者切口愈合情况比较[n(%)]
2.3 疼痛情况
表3 两组患者切口疼痛情况比较[n(%)]
此外,以往所使用的普通丝线在切口内不可吸收,如果线结在手术的过程中受到腹腔内病原菌的污染就会一直存留于皮下,成为感染的根源[13-16]。抗菌薇乔线具有可吸收和抗菌双重作用。该线在涂层中加入高纯度的三氯生化合物,而这种物质具有广谱杀菌作用,已经在临床上广泛应用超过30年[16-18]。在体外实验中抗菌薇乔线对金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌、耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌等多种细菌均有抑制作用[18]。由于该物质并不属于抗生素,仅仅是一种杀菌防腐剂,因此并不会产生耐药性。而且抗菌薇乔线具有可吸收特性,在术后最初的40 d缝线几乎不被吸收,而在56~70 d时缝线可以完全吸收[19-21]。此外,抗菌薇乔线表层所涂物质含有的聚糖乳酸370以及硬脂酸钙,使其在打结时更加流畅和平稳,且准确定位,减少了对组织的损伤,也避免了异物留存于切口。虽然使用了抗菌薇乔线,在进行缝合时仍然要掌握缝合的技巧。缝合过松、过紧或者过浅都有可能影响到切口的愈合,而增加切口感染的几率[22,23]。
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[15]Bhutani T,Jacob SE. Triclosan: A potential allergen in suture-line allergic contact dermatitis[J]. Dermatologic Surgery,2009,35(5):888-889.
[16]Lim JS,Yoo G. Modification of a closed-suction drainage tube using Foley catheter[J]. ANZ Journal of Surgery,2010,80(10):761.
[17]McCormack T.T.,Abel P.D.,Collins C.D. Abdominal drainage following cholecystectomy: High, low or no suction[J]. Ann R Coll Surg Engl,1983,65(5):326-328.
[18]Hiroshi Yoshida,Yasuhiro Mamada,Nobuhiko Taniai. Placement of percutaneous transhepatic biliary stent using a silicone drain with channels[J]. World Journal Gastroenterology,2009,15(33):4201-4203.
[19]Rajesh Ramanathan,Luke G Wolfe,Therese M Duane,et al. Initial suction evacuation of traumatic hemothoraces: A novel approach to decreasing chest tube duration and complications[J]. American Surgeon,2012,78(8):883-887.
[20]Alessandro Brunelli,Egidio Beretta,Stephen Cassivi,et al. Consensus definitions to promote an evidence-based approach to management of the pleural space. A collaborative proposal by ESTS,AATS,STS and GTSC[J]. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery,2011,40(2):291-297.
[21]Russo Sebastian G,Cremer Stephan,Galli Tamara. Randomized comparison of the i-gel, the LMA Supreme,and the Laryngeal Tube Suction-D using clinical and fibreoptic assessments in elective patients[J]. BMC Anesthesiology,2013,12(1):18.
[22]Guden M,Korkmaz AA,Onan B, et al. Subxiphoid versus intercostal chest tubes: Comparison of postoperative pain and pulmonary morbidities after coronary artery bypass grafting[J]. Texas Heart Institute Journal,2012,39(4):507-512.
[23]Bart Peeters,Raf Dewil. Polyelectrolyte flocculation of Waste Activated Sludge in decanter centrifuge applications: Lab evaluation by a centrifugal compaction test[J]. Environmental Engineering Science,2011,28(11):765-773.
[8]文坤明,曾庆良,冯国丽,等. 抗菌薇乔缝线预防胃肠急诊手术切口感染的临床研究[J]. 中国普外基础与临床杂志,2011,18(9):969-972.
[9]潘屹,常瑞,魏正强,等. 用抗菌薇乔缝线行内减张缝合在胃肠手术伤口的运用[J]. 重庆医学,2013,42(15):1711-1712,1716.
[10]梁朝阳,唐建周,黄俊敏,等. 薇乔抗菌缝线体外打ROEDER结在腹腔镜胆囊切除术中的应用[J]. 中国医药导报,2012,9(11):183-184,186.
[11]乔龙飞,牛跃平,任潇毅,等. 抗菌薇乔线及皮下放置负压引流管预防阑尾切除术切口感染临床分析[J]. 中国实用医药,2013,8(21):103-104.
[12]刘卓志,杨芳,李忠礼,等. 可吸收抗菌缝合线用于腹壁切口难愈窦道的体会[J]. 中国中西医结合急救杂志,2010,17(5):3170.
[13]王梅芬,张龙炯. 皮下放置负压引流管应用于剖宫产切口的效果观察[J]. 中外女性健康(下半月),2013,(1):150.
[14]杨庆菊. 皮下放置引流管预防腹壁切口脂肪液化[J]. 中国社区医师(医学专业),2012,14(4):171.
[15]Bhutani T,Jacob SE. Triclosan: A potential allergen in suture-line allergic contact dermatitis[J]. Dermatologic Surgery,2009,35(5):888-889.
[16]Lim JS,Yoo G. Modification of a closed-suction drainage tube using Foley catheter[J]. ANZ Journal of Surgery,2010,80(10):761.
[17]McCormack T.T.,Abel P.D.,Collins C.D. Abdominal drainage following cholecystectomy: High, low or no suction[J]. Ann R Coll Surg Engl,1983,65(5):326-328.
[18]Hiroshi Yoshida,Yasuhiro Mamada,Nobuhiko Taniai. Placement of percutaneous transhepatic biliary stent using a silicone drain with channels[J]. World Journal Gastroenterology,2009,15(33):4201-4203.
[19]Rajesh Ramanathan,Luke G Wolfe,Therese M Duane,et al. Initial suction evacuation of traumatic hemothoraces: A novel approach to decreasing chest tube duration and complications[J]. American Surgeon,2012,78(8):883-887.
[20]Alessandro Brunelli,Egidio Beretta,Stephen Cassivi,et al. Consensus definitions to promote an evidence-based approach to management of the pleural space. A collaborative proposal by ESTS,AATS,STS and GTSC[J]. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery,2011,40(2):291-297.
[21]Russo Sebastian G,Cremer Stephan,Galli Tamara. Randomized comparison of the i-gel, the LMA Supreme,and the Laryngeal Tube Suction-D using clinical and fibreoptic assessments in elective patients[J]. BMC Anesthesiology,2013,12(1):18.
[22]Guden M,Korkmaz AA,Onan B, et al. Subxiphoid versus intercostal chest tubes: Comparison of postoperative pain and pulmonary morbidities after coronary artery bypass grafting[J]. Texas Heart Institute Journal,2012,39(4):507-512.
[23]Bart Peeters,Raf Dewil. Polyelectrolyte flocculation of Waste Activated Sludge in decanter centrifuge applications: Lab evaluation by a centrifugal compaction test[J]. Environmental Engineering Science,2011,28(11):765-773.