
2014-06-28 17:18:37曲敬琨综述王健生审校
中国肿瘤临床 2014年22期

曲敬琨 张 佳 张 靖 综述 王健生 审校

·综 述·


曲敬琨 张 佳 张 靖 综述 王健生 审校


蒽环类药物 药物毒性 心脏保护


1 右丙亚胺

1.1 右丙亚胺保护心肌的机制


1.2 右丙亚胺的临床应用评价


1.3 右丙亚胺的用药时机选择

由于蒽环类药物诱导的心脏毒性呈计量依赖性[6],当药物累计剂量达到300 mg/m2时,充血性心力衰竭的风险大幅增加,有证据表明若右丙亚胺一开始与FAC方案并用,有可能影响其抗肿瘤效果,因此2008年版美国临床肿瘤实践指南最终推荐在累计剂量超过300 mg/m2时给予右丙亚胺[17]。近年新的研究表明低剂量蒽环类药物也引起心脏损伤。在使用蒽环类药物尚未达到最大累积剂量时,亦可观察到相当比例的心脏损害,以阿霉素为例,在其累计剂量为50 mg/m2时,可观察到左心室收缩及舒张功能障碍的出现;当累计剂量达到300 mg/m2时,各种心脏事件的发生率达16%~60%,充血性心衰的发生率亦有2%[18]。甚至有研究表明蒽环类药物对心脏的器质性损害从第1次应用时就有可能出现[5]。因此,在用药时机的选择上出现了是在累积剂量达300 mg/m2,还是在治疗第1次时就使用右丙亚胺的矛盾。近年来,大多数临床试验均采取在使用蒽环类药物起始时就开始使用右丙亚胺,并且取得了显著的心脏保护效果,故在开始使用蒽环类药物时即加入右丙亚胺,应该是合理的选择。我国制定的2013年版《蒽环类药物心脏毒性防治指南》[19]中强调指出,为了有效预防蒽环类药物导致的心脏毒性,应在第一次使用蒽环类药物前就联合使用右丙亚胺。

1.4 右丙亚胺的安全性



2 其他具有心脏毒性保护功能的药物

2.1 β-受体阻滞剂


奈必洛尔(nebivolol)目前应用于治疗高血压的β-受体阻滞剂。是目前唯一一种通过左型精氨酸/一氧化氮通路(L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway)而使血管温和舒张的药物。其可以显著降低由蒽环类药物引起的谷胱甘肽升高,促进肌酸激酶和肌钙蛋白的活化,并且比卡维地洛在改善心肌功能方面更为有效[27]。临床试验也显示,奈比洛尔对应用蒽环类药物患者的心肌有显著的保护作用[28]。

2.2 他汀类


2.3 维生素类



2.4 中药类


3 结语


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Research progress on cardio-protective drug for preventing anthracycline cardiotoxicity

Jingkun QU,Jia ZHANG,Jing ZHANG,Jiansheng WANG

Jiansheng WANG;E-mail:wangjsh@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
The Second Department of Thoracic Surgery,The FirstAffiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710061,China This work was supported by The Scientific and Technological Planning Project of Sha'anxi Province(No.2014KW23-02)

Anthracyclines,which include doxorubicin,epirubicin,daunorubicin,and aclarubicin,are widely used chemotherapeutic agents for treating hematologic and solid tumors,such as acute leukemia,lymphoma,breast cancer,gastric cancer,soft tissue sarcomas,and ovarian cancer.Anthracyclines can be combined with other chemotherapeutics and molecular targeted drugs for cancer treatment.The combination of anthracyclines with other chemotherapeutic drugs is usually the standard of first-line treatment.Anthracyclines are efficacious and potent agents with broad antitumor effects.However,these drugs may cause adverse reactions,such as hair loss,myelotoxicity,and cardiotoxicity.Hematopoietic stimulating factors,such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor,erythropoietin, and thrombopoietin,can be used to control myelotoxicity.However,cardiotoxicity is the most serious anthracycline side effect.Clinical study results and practical observations indicate that the anthracycline cardiotoxicity is usually progressive and irreversible,especially after the first use of the drug,which may particularly cause heart damage.Therefore,the early detection and prevention of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity are important and have already gained considerable attention in clinical applications.Relevant experts from the China Society of Clinical Oncology and Hematology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association prepared the guidelines for the prevention and cure of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in 2013.The authors reviewed the effective drugs currently used to prevent and cure anthracycline cardiotoxicity.

anthracyclines,drug toxicity,cardioprotection




王健生 wangjsh@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

曲敬琨 专业方向为蒽环类药物的心脏毒性。


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