
2014-05-04 10:34杨晨黄涛
湖北农业科学 2014年2期


摘要:为了探究源于玉米的抗穗发芽基因Vp-1改良小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)抗穗发芽性状的可行性,以pmi及bar为筛选标记基因,通过基因枪介导法将Vp-1基因导入小麦栽培品种郑麦9023 幼胚愈伤组织中,用甘露糖和双丙氨磷(Bialaphos)2种不同的筛选剂筛选得到抗性植株并对其进行PCR鉴定。结果显示,通过pmi/甘露糖筛选体系得到53 株抗性植株,其中5株为转基因小麦植株,转化率为0.29%;通过bar/Bialaphos筛选体系得到152 株抗性植株,其中11株为转基因小麦植株,转化率为0.78%。

关键词:小麦(Triticum aestivum L.);基因枪转化;Vp-1基因;pmi基因;bar基因

中图分类号:S512.1;Q781 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)02-0265-03

Obtaining and Detecting Wheat with Transformed Vp-1 Gene via

Particle Bombardment

YANG Chena,b,HUANG Taoa,c

(a.Molecular Biotechnology Laboratory of Triticeae Crops; b.College of Life Sciences and Technology; c.College of Plant Sciences and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract: To assess the possibility of Vp-1 gene isolated from maize against pre-harvest sprouting of wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),the target gene Vp-1 and selective marker gene pmi or bar was transferred into callus derived from immature embryos of Zhengmai 9023 via particle bombardment. The resistance was identified by mannose or bialaphos and PCR. The results showed 5 transgenic wheat plants were obtained from 53 regenerated plants by pmi/mannose selective system with the transformation efficiency of 0.29%, and 11 transgenic wheat plants were obtained from 152 regenerated plants by bar/bialaphos selective system with the transformation efficiency of 0.78%.

Key words: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); particle bombardment; Vp-1 gene; pmi gene; bar gene

小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)穗发芽(Pre-harvest sprouting)是指小麦在收获前遇到阴雨或在潮湿环境下的穗上发芽现象,是一种世界性的自然灾害[1]。Vp-1(Viviparous-1)是玉米体内控制穗发芽的重要调节基因,该基因编码种子特异性转录因子,通过影响植物脱落酸ABA信号的传导促进与胚成熟相关基因Em的表达,抑制α-淀粉酶活性,从而对种子休眠和发芽起着重要的调控作用[2]。小麦中存在Vp-1基因的同源序列TaVp-1,但TaVp-1不能正确拼接,导致大部分成熟mRNA不能编码全长VP-1蛋白质,从而失去调节功能[3]。将有功能的Vp-1基因导入到小麦中表达,可能会增强小麦的穗发芽抗性。




1 材料与方法

1.1 材料


1.2 试验方法


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[2] MCCARTY D R, CARSON C B, STINARD P S,et al. Molecular analysis of viviparous-1: An abscisic acid insensitive mutant of maize[J]. The Plant cell,1989,1(5):523-532.

[3] MCKIBBIN R S, WILKINSON M D, BAILEY P C, et al. Transcripts of Vp-1 homologues are mis-spliced in modern wheat and ancestral species[J]. PNAS,2002,99:10203-10208.

[4] VASIL V, CASTILLO A M, FROMM M E, et al. Herbicide resistant fertile transgenic wheat plants obtained by microprojectile bombardment of regenerable embryogenic callus[J]. Bio Technology,1992,10:667-674.

[5] JONES H D. Wheat transformation: Current technology and applications to grain development and composition[J]. Journal of Cereal Science,2005,41(2):137-147.

[6] VASIL I K. Molecular genetic improvement of cereals: transgenic wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. Plant Cell Rep,2007, 26:1133-1154.

[7] SPARKS C A,JONES H D. Biolistics transformation of wheat[J]. Methods in Molecular Biology,2009,478:71-88.

[8] SCHMIDT M A, LAFAYETTE P R, ARTELT B A. A comparison of strategies for transformation with multiple genes via microprojectile-mediated bombardment[J]. Biol Plant,2008,44:162-168.

[9] ALTPETER F, BAISAKH N, BEACHY R, et al. Particle bombardment and the genetic enhansment of crops: Myths and realities[J]. Mol Breeding,2005,15:305-327.

[10] YAO Q, CONG L, CHANG J L, et al. Low copy number gene transfer and stable expression in a commercial wheat cultivar via particle bombardment [J]. J Experimental Botany,2006,57:3737-3746.

[11] SPENCER T M,DAINES R J,LEMAUX P G,et al. Bialaphos selection of stable transformants from maize cell culture[J]. Theor Appl Genet,1990,79:625-631.

[12] GADALETA A, GIANCASPRO A, BLECHL A, et al. Phosphomannose isomerase, pmi, as a selectable marker gene for durum wheat transformation[J]. J Cereal Science,2006,43: 31-37.

[13] MURASHIGE T, SKOOG F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures[J]. Physiol Plant,1962,15:473-497.

[14] ALTPETER F, VASIL V, VASIL I K, et al. Accelerated production of transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants [J]. Plant Cell Reports,1996,16:12-17.

[15] REED J, PRIVALLE L, WRIGHT M, et al. Phosphomannose isomerase: An efficient selectable marker for plant transformation[J]. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol,2001,37:127-132.

[16] LI H P, ZHANG J B, SHI R P, et al. Engineering Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat by expression of a fusion protein containing a Fusarium-specific antibody and an antifungal peptide[J]. Mol Plant Microbe Interact,2008,21:1242-1248.

[17] DELLAPORTA S L, WOOD J, HICKS J B. A plant DNA minipreparation: Version II[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,1983,1:19-21.

[18] STOYKOVA P, STOEVA P P. PMI(manA) as a nonantibiotic selectable marker gene in plant biotechnology[J]. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult,2011,105:141-148.

[19] HUANG T, LI H P, LIAO Y C, et al. A maize viviparous- 1 gene increases seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting tolerance transgenic wheat[J]. Journal of Cereal Science,2012, 55:166-173.

[2] MCCARTY D R, CARSON C B, STINARD P S,et al. Molecular analysis of viviparous-1: An abscisic acid insensitive mutant of maize[J]. The Plant cell,1989,1(5):523-532.

[3] MCKIBBIN R S, WILKINSON M D, BAILEY P C, et al. Transcripts of Vp-1 homologues are mis-spliced in modern wheat and ancestral species[J]. PNAS,2002,99:10203-10208.

[4] VASIL V, CASTILLO A M, FROMM M E, et al. Herbicide resistant fertile transgenic wheat plants obtained by microprojectile bombardment of regenerable embryogenic callus[J]. Bio Technology,1992,10:667-674.

[5] JONES H D. Wheat transformation: Current technology and applications to grain development and composition[J]. Journal of Cereal Science,2005,41(2):137-147.

[6] VASIL I K. Molecular genetic improvement of cereals: transgenic wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. Plant Cell Rep,2007, 26:1133-1154.

[7] SPARKS C A,JONES H D. Biolistics transformation of wheat[J]. Methods in Molecular Biology,2009,478:71-88.

[8] SCHMIDT M A, LAFAYETTE P R, ARTELT B A. A comparison of strategies for transformation with multiple genes via microprojectile-mediated bombardment[J]. Biol Plant,2008,44:162-168.

[9] ALTPETER F, BAISAKH N, BEACHY R, et al. Particle bombardment and the genetic enhansment of crops: Myths and realities[J]. Mol Breeding,2005,15:305-327.

[10] YAO Q, CONG L, CHANG J L, et al. Low copy number gene transfer and stable expression in a commercial wheat cultivar via particle bombardment [J]. J Experimental Botany,2006,57:3737-3746.

[11] SPENCER T M,DAINES R J,LEMAUX P G,et al. Bialaphos selection of stable transformants from maize cell culture[J]. Theor Appl Genet,1990,79:625-631.

[12] GADALETA A, GIANCASPRO A, BLECHL A, et al. Phosphomannose isomerase, pmi, as a selectable marker gene for durum wheat transformation[J]. J Cereal Science,2006,43: 31-37.

[13] MURASHIGE T, SKOOG F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures[J]. Physiol Plant,1962,15:473-497.

[14] ALTPETER F, VASIL V, VASIL I K, et al. Accelerated production of transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants [J]. Plant Cell Reports,1996,16:12-17.

[15] REED J, PRIVALLE L, WRIGHT M, et al. Phosphomannose isomerase: An efficient selectable marker for plant transformation[J]. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol,2001,37:127-132.

[16] LI H P, ZHANG J B, SHI R P, et al. Engineering Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat by expression of a fusion protein containing a Fusarium-specific antibody and an antifungal peptide[J]. Mol Plant Microbe Interact,2008,21:1242-1248.

[17] DELLAPORTA S L, WOOD J, HICKS J B. A plant DNA minipreparation: Version II[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,1983,1:19-21.

[18] STOYKOVA P, STOEVA P P. PMI(manA) as a nonantibiotic selectable marker gene in plant biotechnology[J]. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult,2011,105:141-148.

[19] HUANG T, LI H P, LIAO Y C, et al. A maize viviparous- 1 gene increases seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting tolerance transgenic wheat[J]. Journal of Cereal Science,2012, 55:166-173.

[2] MCCARTY D R, CARSON C B, STINARD P S,et al. Molecular analysis of viviparous-1: An abscisic acid insensitive mutant of maize[J]. The Plant cell,1989,1(5):523-532.

[3] MCKIBBIN R S, WILKINSON M D, BAILEY P C, et al. Transcripts of Vp-1 homologues are mis-spliced in modern wheat and ancestral species[J]. PNAS,2002,99:10203-10208.

[4] VASIL V, CASTILLO A M, FROMM M E, et al. Herbicide resistant fertile transgenic wheat plants obtained by microprojectile bombardment of regenerable embryogenic callus[J]. Bio Technology,1992,10:667-674.

[5] JONES H D. Wheat transformation: Current technology and applications to grain development and composition[J]. Journal of Cereal Science,2005,41(2):137-147.

[6] VASIL I K. Molecular genetic improvement of cereals: transgenic wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. Plant Cell Rep,2007, 26:1133-1154.

[7] SPARKS C A,JONES H D. Biolistics transformation of wheat[J]. Methods in Molecular Biology,2009,478:71-88.

[8] SCHMIDT M A, LAFAYETTE P R, ARTELT B A. A comparison of strategies for transformation with multiple genes via microprojectile-mediated bombardment[J]. Biol Plant,2008,44:162-168.

[9] ALTPETER F, BAISAKH N, BEACHY R, et al. Particle bombardment and the genetic enhansment of crops: Myths and realities[J]. Mol Breeding,2005,15:305-327.

[10] YAO Q, CONG L, CHANG J L, et al. Low copy number gene transfer and stable expression in a commercial wheat cultivar via particle bombardment [J]. J Experimental Botany,2006,57:3737-3746.

[11] SPENCER T M,DAINES R J,LEMAUX P G,et al. Bialaphos selection of stable transformants from maize cell culture[J]. Theor Appl Genet,1990,79:625-631.

[12] GADALETA A, GIANCASPRO A, BLECHL A, et al. Phosphomannose isomerase, pmi, as a selectable marker gene for durum wheat transformation[J]. J Cereal Science,2006,43: 31-37.

[13] MURASHIGE T, SKOOG F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures[J]. Physiol Plant,1962,15:473-497.

[14] ALTPETER F, VASIL V, VASIL I K, et al. Accelerated production of transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants [J]. Plant Cell Reports,1996,16:12-17.

[15] REED J, PRIVALLE L, WRIGHT M, et al. Phosphomannose isomerase: An efficient selectable marker for plant transformation[J]. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol,2001,37:127-132.

[16] LI H P, ZHANG J B, SHI R P, et al. Engineering Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat by expression of a fusion protein containing a Fusarium-specific antibody and an antifungal peptide[J]. Mol Plant Microbe Interact,2008,21:1242-1248.

[17] DELLAPORTA S L, WOOD J, HICKS J B. A plant DNA minipreparation: Version II[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,1983,1:19-21.

[18] STOYKOVA P, STOEVA P P. PMI(manA) as a nonantibiotic selectable marker gene in plant biotechnology[J]. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult,2011,105:141-148.

[19] HUANG T, LI H P, LIAO Y C, et al. A maize viviparous- 1 gene increases seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting tolerance transgenic wheat[J]. Journal of Cereal Science,2012, 55:166-173.

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