I wandered lonely as a cloud /That floats on high oer vales and hills,/When all at once I saw a crowd,/A host,of golden daffodils;/Beside the lake,beneath the trees,/Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.//Continuous as the stars that shine /And twinkle on the Milky Way,/They stretched in never-ending line/Along the margin of a bay:/Ten thousand saw I at a glance,/Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.//The waves beside them danced;but they/Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:/A poet could not but be gay,/In such a jocund company:/I gazed—and gazed—but little thought/What wealth the show to me had brought://For oft,when on my couch I lie /In vacant or in pensive mood,/They flash upon that inward eye/Which is the bliss of solitude;/And then my heart with pleasure fills,/And dances with the daffodils.
把诗的基调定为伤感落寞的读者是因为片面理解了以下几个词:wandered、lonely、vacant or pensive mood、solitude,并且没有细读整个文本,以便理解这几个词的意义。
准确地理解和欣赏,需要斟酌每个词的意义,尤其对熟悉的词汇,要勤查资料,对文字保持敏感,还要细读文本,放大语境。看这几个词的英文释义:wander:move about with no destination or purpose,which stresses the absence of a fixed course or goal(The American Heritage Dictionary,Second College Edition)。lonely:without companions。solitude:the state of completely alone,especially when it is pleasant or relaxing。细读文本,读者不能寻章摘句,断章取义,这里只是讲诗人信步走来,独自漫游。lonely常见的汉语翻译是:孤寂的,寂寞的。有的读者受此影响,再加上wandered,诗人大抵是落寞伤感的(而且诗人本来就是不合群的,寂寞的)。再来探讨vacant or pensive mood究竟是什么样的情绪、心情。vacant:void of thought;pensive:silently thinking in a serious way about something,frequently despite oneself.神游太虚或心怀天下。笔者认为以下两家译文均不妥:或情怀抑郁,或心境茫然(杨德豫译);感到百无聊赖心灵空漠(顾子欣译)。这两家译文都把诗人的心情定为消极低沉。可以对照朱自清先生《荷塘月色》中的一段:
路上只我一个人,(如华兹华斯一样,独自漫游,信步走来,I wandered lonely)什么都可以想,(in pensive mood)什么都可以不想,(in vacant mood)这是独处的妙处,(which is the bliss of solitude)我且受用这无边的荷香月色好了(They flash upon that inward eye/And then my heart with pleasure fills,/And dances with the daffodils.)
回顾诗人的情感历程:起初是平静的(wandered lonely,独自漫游),转向欢欣以致陶醉(gay,gazed—and gazed—but little thought,受到快乐的水仙的感染),又转入宁静,心思空明澄澈,宁静的思索中水仙重回诗人眼前(They flash upon that inward eye,诗人不是情怀抑郁、心境茫然,亦非百无聊赖心灵空漠),因为曾经邂逅的美景又回到“眼”前,诗人转而满心欢喜。这种欢喜不同于初见水仙的欢欣,它经过思维的过滤,更纯正醇厚。
华兹华斯在《抒情歌谣集》的序言中宣称:诗歌是强烈感情的自溢,宁静中追忆的情思引发了这种自溢。(Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.)以诗言志,但并非毫无节制地宣泄感情,也不是自哀自怜,诗中表达的感情是经过加工、控制、提炼、过滤的感情。“强烈感情”来自于水仙的邂逅:欢欣以致陶醉(A poet could not but be gay/I gazed—and gazed—but little thought)。第四节是在宁静中追忆,从而有了这首不朽的诗歌。这种强烈感情经过淬炼,升华为一种持久的纯净的精神愉悦。无论是“情怀抑郁、心境茫然”还是“百无聊赖心灵空漠”,是消极颓废的,都不是宁静追忆的精神状态,是对诗人感情基调的错误解读。这首诗印证了华兹华斯诗歌的创作主张。
另外,顾子欣的译文还有兩处瑕疵:突然我看见一大片鲜花(When all at once I saw a crowd)。把crowd直白化,尽失原文的悬念,飞白的译文“忽然间我看见一群”保留了原诗的表达方式:它们沿着海湾向前伸展(They stretched…/Along the margin of a bay)把湖变成了海(bay:part of the sea or of a large lake,enclosed by a wide curve of the shore)。注意诗中词汇的衔接,lake—bay—waves,就不会有此误译。