
2024-12-31 00:00:00纪克鹏兰国玉魏亚情许心诺
中南林业科技大学学报 2024年7期

摘 要:【目的】陆均松和青梅是海南岛热带雨林中珍稀濒危树种。研究陆均松和青梅叶际真菌群落多样性和结构组成及其环境驱动因子,为未来利用微生物群落提供的有益功能来提高珍稀濒危植物生长适应性提供理论依据。【方法】通过对陆均松和青梅叶际真菌样品进行高通量测序,分析叶际真菌群落α、β多样性和群落组成,并阐明其主要环境驱动因子。【结果】1)本研究共分析检测到10 489个OTU,其中包括真菌10门40纲。陆均松和青梅的叶表共有OTU为523(4.99%),叶内共有OTU仅为9(0.09%)。2)优势菌纲包括:座囊菌纲(Dothideomycetes)、散囊菌纲(Eurotionmycetes)、银耳纲(Tremellomycetes)。其中青梅叶内的座囊菌纲相对丰度显著大于其他物种和隔室(P<0.01)。3)叶表真菌α多样性均高于叶内,但在不同物种上叶际真菌多样性差异不显著,物种变化解释了叶际真菌群落组成差异的13.57%(P<0.001);4)叶际真菌α多样性与叶片pH值、温度呈显著正相关(pH:R2=0.16,P<0.001;Tem:R2=0.16,P<0.001),同时与降水量呈显著负相关(Rain:R2=0.35,P<0.001)。CCA分析结果显示,Mg、降水量对叶表真菌群落组成的解释度分别为:71.29%、69.33%;pH值、Mg对叶内真菌群落组成的解释度分别为:62.48%、61.51%。5)置换多元方差分析(PERMANOVA)结果说明全氮(TN:R2=0.13,P=0.001)、全磷(TP:R2=0.12,P=0.001)、Mg(Mg:R2=0.14,P=0.001)、降水量(Rain:R2=0.13,P=0.002)是陆均松和青梅叶际真菌组成差异的主要驱动因子。【结论】物种变化显著影响了叶际真菌群落,全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、Mg是驱动陆均松和青梅叶际真菌群落组成差异的主要影响因子。


中图分类号:S791.47 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-923X(2024)07-0110-09


Diversity characteristics of phyllosphere fungal communities and their influencing factors in Dacrydium pectinatum and Vatica mangachapoi

JI Kepeng1,2, LAN Guoyu2,3, WEI Yaqing2,3, XU Xinnuo1

(1. College of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Danzhou 571737, Hainan, China; 2. Rubber Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou 571101, Hainan, China; 3. Hainan Danzhou Tropical Agro-ecosystem National Observation and Research Station, Danzhou 571737, Hainan, China)

Abstract:【Objective】Dacrydium pectinatum and Vatica mangachapoi are rare and endangered species in the tropical rainforests of Hainan Island. Investigating the diversity and structural composition of phyllosphere fungal communities and their environmental drivers in D. pectinatum and V. mangachapoi, which can provide a theoretical basis for the future utilization of the beneficial functions provided by microbial communities to improve the growth adaptability of rare and endangered plants.【Method】The high-throughput sequencing method was used to analyze phyllosphere fungal samples from D. pectinatum and V. mangachapoi, which explored the α and β diversity and community composition of the phyllosphere fungal communities and to elucidate their main environmental drivers.【Result】1) A total of 10 489 OTUs were analyzed and detected in this study, including 10 phyla and 40 orders of fungi. The leaf surface shared OTU was 523 (4.99%) and the leaf inner shared OTU was only 9 (0.09%) in D. pectinatum and V. mangachapoi. 2) The dominant class included: Dothideomycetes, Eurotionmycetes, and Tremellomycetes. Among them, the relative abundance of Dothideomycetes on the leaf inner of V. mangachapoi was significantly greater than that of other species and compartments (P<0.01). 3) All leaf surface fungalα-diversity was higher than leaf inner, but the difference between phyllosphere fungal diversity was not significant across species, with species variation explaining 13.57% of the variation in the composition of the phyllosphere fungal community (P<0.001). 4) Phyllosphere fungal α-diversity showed a significant positive correlation with leaf pH and Temperature (pH: R2=0.156, P<0.001; Tem: R2=0.164, P<0.001), and also significantly negatively correlated with rainfall (Rain: R2=0.345, P<0.001). The results of CCA analysis showed that Mg and rainfall explained 71.29% and 69.33% of the fungal community composition on the leaf surface, and pH and Mg explained 62.48% and 61.51% of the fungal community composition within the leaf inner, respectively. The PERMANOVA analysis indicated that total nitrogen(TN: R2=0.13, P=0.001), total phosphorus (TP: R2=0.12, P=0.001), Mg (R2=0.14, P=0.001), and Rainfall (Rain: R2=0.13, P=0.002) were the main drivers of the differences in the composition of the phyllosphere fungi of D. pectinatum and V. mangachapoi.【Conclusion】Species variation significantly affected the interleaf fungal community, with TN, TP and Mg being the main influences driving the differences in the composition of the phyllosphere fungal community between D. pectinatum and V. mangachapoi.

Keywords: Vatica mangachapoi; Dacrydium pectinatum; phyllosphere fungal; diversity; influencing factors



青梅Vatica mangachapoi属于龙脑香科青梅属的植物,其是热带雨林的指示种。然而由于大规模砍伐,其天然种群被严重破坏[26],因此青梅已经被列为国家II级重点保护植物。同时,陆均松Dacrydium pectinatum是罗汉松科Podocarpaceae陆均松属Dacrydium的珍稀濒危树种,也是该属植物分布于中国的唯一代表种类,其作为海南山地雨林的建群种和优势种,仅分布在中国海南岛的霸王岭、尖峰岭、吊罗山、五指山等700~1 300 m的山地雨林中[27]。目前关于陆均松和青梅的研究主要集中于群落结构及多样性特征调查、空间分布特征等[28-29],然而有关青梅与陆均松微生物组学方面的研究尚无相关报道。由于宿主-微生物组相互作用对宿主生存的重要性,此研究通过分析青梅和陆均松叶际真菌的群落特征及驱动因子,为利用植物微生物群落提供的有益功能来增强植物生长和适应性提供理论依据,这对研究珍稀濒危植物应对全球气候变化面临的挑战具有重要意义[30]。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区域与样本采集

本研究以青梅和陆均松为研究对象,取样地点选取了中国海南岛尖峰岭、五指山、吊罗山、万宁、霸王岭。其中在霸王岭、吊罗山、尖峰岭、万宁这4个地方各选取3个青梅林样方,同样在吊罗山、尖峰岭、五指山这3个地方也各选取3个陆均松林样方,每个研究区域3个样地之间距离1~2 km左右。记录了每个样地的经纬度和海拔。年平均气温、年平均降水量数据从国家气象信息中心(data. cma.cn)获取,用于以下方法的进一步分析。

在每个样地采集3个重复的成熟、成对的叶片样品(附生和内生)。重复取样相距约100 m,取样位置为距树干中心2 m和距地面12 m处。从(即北、南、东、西)的4个主方向选取植物组织样品,然后混合形成单一的复合样品。为了获得叶表微生物样品,先将叶放入pbs溶液中,然后进行摇床和超声波处理,最后进行pbs溶液过滤,所获得的滤膜需要保存-80 ℃以备将来测序分析。并将采集完叶表微生物的叶片样品,用于高通量分析检测叶内微生物。最终还将叶样品的一部分用于理化性质的分析。

1.2 DNA提取和PCR 扩增

使用FastDNA? Spin Kit for Soil试剂盒(MP Biomedicals,美国),按照制造商协议提取样品中的微生物群落基因组。采用PCR引物ITS1F(5′-CTTGGTCATTTAGAGGAAGTAA-3′)和ITS2R(5′-GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC-3′)对真菌进行聚合酶链式反应扩增[31],所需条件如下:95 ℃预变性3 min;95 ℃条件下变性30 s,55 ℃条件下退火30 s;72 ℃条件中延伸45 s;经过35个循环,最后72 ℃延伸10 min。所纯化后的扩增子在上海美吉生物科技有限公司的Illumina Mi Seq平台上进行等摩尔和配对测序。

1.3 数据统计分析


2 结果与分析

2.1 陆均松和青梅叶际真菌群落组成

通过高通量测序,在42个叶际真菌样品中共检测到10 489个OTU,其中包括真菌10门40纲。在陆均松和青梅叶表、叶内中分别有5 127、3 621、7 171、4 848个真菌OTU,青梅叶际真菌OTU均高于陆均松(图1)。Venn图显示青梅和陆均松的叶表共有OTU为523(4.99%),叶内共有OTU仅为9(0.09%)。同时陆均松的叶内和叶表共有的OTU为1 302(12.41%),青梅的叶内和叶表共有的OTU为2 362(22.52%)(图1)。这一发现表明叶际真菌群落的组装受到植物隔室和物种的影响,特别是物种的影响更大。



2.2 陆均松和青梅叶际真菌群落多样性


2.3 陆均松和青梅叶际真菌群落与环境因子的相关分析


通过多元直接梯度分析(CCA),结果表明Mg、降雨、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)对叶表真菌群落β多样性的差异具有显著影响,解释度分别为:71.29%、69.33%、56.95%、52.36%。同时pH值、Mg、有机质(SOM)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)对叶内真菌群落β多样性的差异具有显著影响,解释度分别为:62.48%、61.51%、53.22%、49.83%、40.51%(表1)。此外,通过多元置换方差分析(PERMANOVA),结果显示陆均松和青梅在叶表真菌群落上的差异主要受全氮、全磷、Mg、降水量(TN:R2=0.13, P=0.001、TP:R2=0.12, P=0.001、Mg:R2=0.14, P=0.001、Rain:R2=0.13,P=0.002)的影响;叶内真菌群落差异主要受到全氮、全磷、Mg(TN:R2=0.11,P=0.001、TP:R2=0.10,P=0.001、Mg:R2=0.11,P=0.001)的影响(表2)。同时,陆均松和青皮叶片的全氮、全磷、Mg含量差异显著(表3)。相关性热图结果表明,在门水平上,叶际真菌优势门子囊菌门(Ascomycota)与全磷(TP)、全氮(TN)、Mg呈负相关,担子菌门(Basidiomycota)与降水量呈负相关(图6),这与CCA分析结果相一致。

3 讨 论




4 结 论



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[本文编校:吴 毅]

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出版科学(2016年5期)2016-11-10 06:47:04
读书(2016年5期)2016-05-21 22:36:29