何保委 孙兆龙 刘月林 周国华 唐烈峥
何保委 孙兆龙 刘月林 周国华 唐烈峥
(海军工程大学电气工程学院 武汉 430033)
舰船磁场 简化标量磁位 多层自适应交叉近似 模拟退火法 等效磁化率
舰船感应磁场的计算归结为开域问题,而对于开域的静磁场计算问题来说,由于积分方程法仅需对铁磁区进行离散,且不需要考虑边界条件和可以求解连续函数等的优点,受到广泛关注和应用。国内,Fan Mingwu等[10]提出了三维静磁场的矢量积分方程法;倪振群等[11]将该方法应用于舰船感应磁场的计算;周国华等[12]、郭成豹等[13]、朱武兵等[14]使用非规则体单元、面单元对舰船几何结构进行网格离散,研发了用于计算舰船感应磁场的工具包;何保委等[15]使用标量磁位建模提升了求解精度。针对在感应磁场求解过程中铁磁物体磁化率难以确定的问题,郭成豹等提出了利用试验样品的磁性参数替代的方法[16],周国华等则提出一种利用粒子群算法对磁化率进行优化的模型[17],为舰船感应磁场的正演计算奠定了基础。国外,C. W. Trowbridge等[18]早在1970年间就将积分方程法用于求解物体的电磁场;O. Chadebec等[19]首次将积分方程法引入薄壳体舰船模型的闭环消磁算法建模当中;S. Guerin[20]和Y. Vuillermet[21]研究对比了以磁化强度、点磁荷、切向磁偶极子为磁源的感应磁场建模方法。近年来,法国Grenoble Alpes大学的研究团队陆续提出了新的关于积分方程法的加速改进算法和耦合算法[22-24],在减少网格数量的同时提升了磁场计算精度。总的来说,积分方程法已经广泛应用于磁场计算领域,但是求解时间过长和对计算机配置要求较高等问题还有待进一步改善。
本文以舰船感应磁场的计算为研究背景,提出一种改进型标量积分方程法。首先,通过选取三角形单元离散薄壳体,依据插值原理[25]将计算点由单元中心点转移至节点,推导得到了基于标量磁位的积分方程公式。其次,在求解稠密耦合系数矩阵的逆运算时,为减少计算机的内存需求和计算时间,引入了通用性较强的多层自适应交叉近似(Multi- Level Adaptive Cross Approximation, MLACA)算法和广义最小残差(Generalized Minimal Residual, GMRES)法,将源点和场点按照相对位置进行分组计算。由于感应磁场正演需要已知铁磁材料的磁性参数,考虑到临近单元的磁化率应当平滑过渡。然后,基于磁场实测值和正演耦合算法建立了等效磁化率的反演模型,以磁场拟合度、磁化率先验分布和光滑约束条件构建目标函数,采用模拟退火(Simulated Annealing, SA)算法对磁化率寻优求解,在具有磁场解析解的铁质球壳上进行数值仿真对比验证。最后,将本文所提出的高精度感应磁场建模方法应用于一艘磁性参数未知的缩比船模进行试验研究,通过将测量值和实测值进行比较,最后得出结论。
图1 地磁场作用下的舰船离散单元模型和感应磁场方向
图2 三棱柱离散单元
铁质球壳模型及测量点示意图如图5所示,外径为10 m,厚度为0.01 m,材料磁导率为61。外磁场大小ez=36 000 nT,方向竖直向下。以球壳模型的中心点为原点建立三维直角坐标系(竖直向下为轴正方向),测量点的范围为∈[-30, 30 ] m,步长为1 m;∈[-10, 10] m,步长为10 m;=15 m。
图5 铁质球壳模型及测量点示意图
根据式(18)和式(22),分别使用基于MLACA的标量积分方程法(Scalar Integral Equation Method, SIEM)和矢量积分方程法(Vector Integral Equation Method, VIEM)求解不同网格密度球壳下方测量点的感应磁场。以磁场解析解为理论值,评估不同方法计算得到的磁场的平均相对误差。
为保证使用不同算法进行比较的公平性,本文使用的编程软件统一为Matlab 2020,选用的计算机平台为搭载12核心的Core i7 10 750H型处理器,主频为2.6 GHz,RAM为32 GB的笔记本,计算结果见表1,当网格密度模式为3号时,球壳模型的磁场三分量结果如图6所示。
表1 使用积分方程法计算不同网格密度球壳模型磁场的结果
Tab.1 The calculation results of spherical shell models with different mesh densities utilizing integral equation method
图6 铁质球壳磁场计算结果比较
图7 模拟退火法用于反演磁化率的流程
图8 优化前后的磁化率曲线光滑度对比
基于反演优化得到的等效磁化率对球壳在25 m深度的五条测线的磁场进行预测,结果如图9所示。与“真实磁化率”计算得到的磁场解析值进行对比,预测磁场的平均相对误差仅为2.2%,证明所获取的等效磁化率是相对准确的。
图9 基于等效磁化率的球壳模型磁场预测值和解析值比较(左舷-龙骨-右舷)
船模磁场测量示意图如图10所示,船模长度为=2.75 m,宽度为=0.5 m,厚度为=0.8 mm,在船模下方设置上层磁传感器阵列1和下层磁传感器阵列2,分别作为磁场测量平面和磁场预测平面。此外,为了排除环境磁场的影响,在远离船模的地方设置了单个传感器用于监测环境磁场的变化,所使用的传感器为高精度三分量磁通门传感器,测量分辨率为1 nT。船模所在试验环境的磁场水平分量为34 200 nT,垂向分量为35 000 nT,通过逐点测量法获取船模下方的垂向感应磁场,测量点的范围为∈[-,],步长为/60;∈[-,],步长为;1=1.3,2=2。
图10 磁性船模测量磁场测量示意图
2)球壳数值仿真和缩比船模试验研究结果表明,等效磁化率反演模型有效可行,其中船模试验结果的磁场拟合误差和预测误差约为5.0%,表明所提出的感应磁场正演模型和等效磁化率反演优化模型可以用于大型舰船的高精度磁场建模,能够为舰船铁磁设备安装位置的确定和消磁绕组的设计提供 依据。
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A Fast Forward Modeling Method for High Precision Induced Magnetic Field of Ships
(School of Electrical Engineering Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China)
Mastering the distribution of a ship’s induced magnetic field is an important issue for implementing magnetic stealth technology, and the integral equation method is one of the main methods to calculate the ship’s induced magnetic field. The integral equation method only needs to discretize the ferromagnetic region and does not need to consider the boundary conditions, so it has been widely concerned and applied. The traditional vector integral equation for modeling induced magnetic fields has the problems of low efficiency and an enormous computational burden. Considering that there are many discrete elements of large ferromagnetic objects such as ships, the coupling coefficient between elements forms a huge asymmetric dense matrix. As a result, the computing time and memory requirement will increase sharply with the increase of the number of elements. Therefore, a scalar magnetic potential integral equation method based on surface elements is proposed. Since the integral equation method needs to obtain the magnetic susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials, the equivalent magnetic susceptibility inversion model is established based on a multi-level adaptive cross approximation (MLACA) algorithm.
Firstly, the scalar magnetic potential integral formula based on triangular surface elements is derived. According to the principle of linear interpolation, the scalar magnetic potential of the center point of discrete elements is expressed by interpolation function and node scalar magnetic potential, and the elements’ coupling coefficient matrix is obtained by establishing a local coordinate system. Therefore, the scalar integral method of surface elements is obtained for solving the ship’s induced magnetic field. Secondly, the MLACA algorithm is introduced to guarantee the accuracy of magnetic field calculation and reduce the memory requirement and computing time of the computer. Finally, aiming at the problem that the magnetic parameters of ferromagnetic materials of ships are not easy to obtain, a magnetic susceptibility inversion model is established based on the measured magnetic field values and the forward coupling model. The magnetic field fitting degree, prior distribution of magnetic susceptibility, and smooth constraint are the objective function. The spatial distribution of equivalent magnetic susceptibility is optimized by simulated annealing (SA) algorithms.
A numerical simulation of the spherical iron shell shows that the proposed scalar magnetic potential coupling forward modeling method can efficiently obtain the ship’s induced magnetic field with high precision. For the same discrete elements, compared with the vector method, the scalar method can save about 97% of the memory consumption and 65% of the computing time, which verifies the effectiveness of the scalar magnetic potential integral equation method based on the MLACA algorithm. According to the inversion model, the equivalent magnetic susceptibility of the spherical iron shell is optimized by the SA algorithm, which is utilized to predict the spherical shell of other positions, and the average relative error is only 2.2%. After using of smooth constraint condition, the equivalent magnetic susceptibility obtained is smoother.
In order to verify the practicability of the proposed forward modeling method and magnetic susceptibility inversion method in engineering, an experimental scheme was designed for a reduced-scale ship model with unknown magnetic parameters. Firstly, the equivalent magnetic susceptibility distribution of the ship model is obtained by measuring the magnetic field of the ship model at the1 plane, and it is used to predict the induced magnetic field at the2 plane. The magnetic field fitting and prediction errors of the ship are about 5.0%, indicating that the proposed forward modeling model of induced magnetic field and the inverse optimization model of equivalent magnetic susceptibility can be used for induced magnetic field modeling of large ships with high precision and can provide support for the implementation of magnetic stealth technology on ships.
Ship magnetic field, reduced scalar magnetic potential, multi-level adaptive approximate cross, simulated annealing method, equivalent magnetic susceptibility
国家自然科学基金资助项目(51377165, 52207020)。
何保委 男,1995年生,博士研究生,研究方向为电磁环境与防护技术。E-mail: hebaowei188@163.com
刘月林 女,1989年生,硕士,讲师,研究方向为电磁环境与防护技术。E-mail: mooncake1024@163.com(通信作者)
(编辑 陈 诚)