
2023-12-10 21:11:21李可意
名师在线 2023年29期





以人教新目标初中英语八年级(下册)Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.为例,在本单元中,教师要引导学生走进童话故事,让学生能在讲述故事、创编故事的同时,促进自身发展。在Section A 1a-2d部分,教师先呈现《西游记》(JourneytotheWest)中唐僧师徒四人行走在去西天取经路上的画面,并提问:“Who are they? Where are they going?”学生对这段故事很了解,因而能熟练地用英语回答:“They are Tang Monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Monk, and Little Dragon Horse.They are walking on the way to the West to obtain scriptures.”接着,教师呈现有关“Hou Yi Shoots the Suns”的画面,提出类似问题:“Who's he?What is he doing?”学生也能脱口而出:“He is Hou Yi.Hou Yi is shooting the suns.”当教师呈现有关“Nu Wa Repairs the Sky”的图像,学生自然地说出:“Nu Wa is repairing the sky.”当教师呈现有关“Yu Gong Moves a Mountain”的画面时,他们这样表达:“Yu Gong, an old man, is moving a mo-untain.”再接着教师提出这样的问题:“What other Chinese traditional stories do you know? Can you tell the story with a sentence?”有学生想到花木兰的故事:“The Legend of Mulan, a story about a young woman who disguises herself as a man and takes her father's place in the army to fight against invaders.”有学生想到“白蛇”的传说:“The Legend of the White Snake, a story about a white snake who falls in love with a young man and transforms into a human woman to be with him.”有学生想到牛郎和织女的传说:“The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, a love story between a cowherd and a weaver girl who are separated by the Milky Way and only allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.”

教师配合学生的表达将所涉及的故事画面呈现在白板上,其他学生也可以选择自己感兴趣的画面并尝试用英语表达出来。喜欢画画的学生还可以一边画,一边写。一名学生用简笔画将“孙悟空三打白骨精”的场景画了出来,同时配上这样的文本:“The first time, the White Bone Demon disguised herself as a beautiful woman and tried to seduce Sun Wukong, but he saw through her trick and defeated her with his magic powers.The second time, she tried to harm him by poisoning his master, but the Monkey King used his agility and cleverness to trick her into revealing her true form and defeat her again.Finally,in their third battle, the White Bone Demon summoned an army of monsters to try and defeat Sun Wukong, but he was able to use his mastery of martial arts to defeat them all and emerge victorious once more.”




仍以这一单元Section A 1a-2d 部分的教学为例,教师先问学生这样的问题:How much do you know aboutYuGongMovesaMountain?这个问题可以将学生的思维聚焦到这个家喻户晓的经典的神话故事上。接下来,教师可提供问题支架,让学生更好地思考,如“How does the story begin? What happens next? What's the end of the story?”大多数学生在阅读之后依据文本的信息给出这样的回答:“Yu Gong told his family that they should all help him to move the mountains.So they all started digging the next day.They put the earth and stones into the sea.”教师顺势提问:“能不能就刚才的回答,将这样的情境编写成对话的形式?”这其实就是引导学生对文本进行改写,让学生更好地与文本人物进行对话,同时进行多方面的写作训练。有一名学生编写了这样的对话:

Yu Gong: Tomorrow, we're going to start moving the mountains.

Family member 1: But how are we going to move such huge mountains?

Yu Gong: We'll dig and shovel away the earth and stones until the mountains are flat.

Family member 2: But where are we going to put all the dirt?

Yu Gong: We'll put it all into the sea.Bit by bit, we'll do it, day after day, until we succeed!

Family member 3: It sounds like a lot of hard work.

Yu Gong: Yes, it will be.But we must work together and never give up on our goal.Let's start first thing tomorrow morning.




这个单元的语法所涉及的知识为as soon as、if、unless、so...that、such...that、so that 等引导的从句。教师在教学中可围绕单元主题逐步引导学生感知与运用语法。教师可先以中国传统的神话故事为话题设置一些问题,让学生在回答问题的过程中逐步熟悉本课语法运用。教师问:“What happened next after the man finished talking?”学生回答:“As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.” 教师追问:“Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains?”学生回答:“Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.”教师又问:“What can't the Monkey King do?”学生回答:“He can't turn himself into a person unless he can hide his tail.”基于学生的回答,教师进一步问学生能不能运用上面的if、unless等词,用自己的语言介绍一个中国神话故事。教师通过这样的方式,能够引导学生在探究单元主题的同时进行英语的写作。有学生写的是有关嫦娥与后羿的故事,内容如下:“If you've ever heard of the tale of Hou Yi and Chang'e, you'll know it's a story of love, jealousy,and the Moon.Once upon a time, ten suns appeared in the sky, causing the Earth to scorch and crops to wither.Hou Yi, a skilled archer, shot down nine of the suns, saving humanity.As a reward, he was given the Elixir of Life by the Queen Mother of the West.As soon as Hou Yi returned home, he found out that his student and friend, Peng Meng,had broken into his house to steal the elixir.”显然,学生对这样的话题很感兴趣,写起来也更得心应手,他们的语法运用能力也在写作中获得了提升。



在这个单元的教学中,教师可设置这样的写作任务:回家记录一则家人讲给自己听的民间神话故事,然后以英语的形式表达出来。如果家人讲的神话故事不够精彩,也可对左邻右舍的老人进行采访,以挖掘更多的民间神话故事。一方面,学生能从生活中汲取知识;另一方面,学生能在生活中发展阅读能力与写作能力。有学生向家人了解到有关哪吒的故事,而且对这个故事很感兴趣,还尝试用英语把故事呈现出来。故事的部分内容如下:“Nezha was a young boy born from the body of a lotus flower and was quickly recognized as a powerful warrior with incredible supernatural abilities.He was so powerful that even his parents, Li Jing and Lady Yin, were afraid of him.”由此可以看出,实践类写作能让学生获得更多的思考和体验,自然也会激发学生更多的创作灵感。




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甘肃教育(2020年12期)2020-04-13 06:24:52
电子制作(2018年18期)2018-11-14 01:48:06
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