唐奇 何奕 郑今欢 王成龙 王直成 柴丽琴
摘 要:为解决Lyocell织物活性染料染色无机盐用量大、纤维原纤化等问题,分析了Lyocell织物的连续式无盐轧染染色技术,探讨了焙烘温度、焙烘时间、浸轧次数、碱剂及尿素用量对染色性能的影响,并与传统浸染工艺进行了比较。结果表明:Lyocell织物活性染料轧-烘-焙最佳的染色配方和工艺为碱剂25 g/L,尿素60 g/L,二浸二轧,160 ℃下焙烘2 min。相比传统浸染工艺,连续式无盐轧染染色可获得更高的染色深度,且改善了原纤化程度。
中图分类号:TS190.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-265X(2023)06-0009-08
1 实 验
1.1 材料和仪器
材料:Lyocell织物(30S/2,30S/2)、活性染料Br Red CA、Blue CA、Br Yellow CA(均为M型活性染料,湖州倍亨纺织有限公司),净洗剂209(武汉祥鼎达生物科技有限公司),硫酸钠、碳酸钠、冰醋酸(AR,杭州高晶化工有限公司),尿素(分析纯,天津市永大化学试剂有限公司),渗透剂JFC(工业级,上海文化化工颜料有限公司)。
1.2 实验方法
1.2.1 轧染染色工艺
染色配方和工艺:活性染料20 g/L,渗透剂JFC 20 g/L,尿素0~120 g/L,碳酸钠10~30 g/L,轧液率70%,焙烘温度140~180 ℃,焙烘时间1~4 min。按上述配方配置染液,将经过前处理的Lyocell织物进行浸轧、预烘、焙烘和皂洗后熨平。皂洗配方和工艺为:碳酸钠1 g/L,净洗剂209 1 g/L,浴比1∶50,温度95 ℃,时间10 min。
1.2.2 浸染染色工藝
染色配方和工艺:活性染料X(o.w.f,%),碳酸钠20 g/L,硫酸钠50 g/L,染色温度60 ℃,染色时间90 min,浴比1∶50。通过染料用量归一化计算,将轧染所用染料浓度单位与浸染保持一致,按上述配方配置染液,40 ℃入染,15 min后加入硫酸钠,保温15 min后染浴以1 ℃/min升温至60 ℃,加入碳酸钠固色,继续保温60 min,染色结束后取出织物,经皂洗后熨干,皂洗配方和工艺同上。
1.2.3 染料用量统一化
轧染时,当染料浓度1 g/L时,织物固色前布面的染料量为:
1.3.3 色牢度的测定
耐摩擦色牢度参照GB/T 3920—2008《纺织品 色牢度试验 耐摩擦色牢度》,共5级,1级最差,5级最好;耐皂洗色牢度参照GB/T 3921—2008《纺织品 色牢度试验 耐皂洗色牢度》。
1.3.4 固色率的测定
1.3.5 Lyocell织物原纤化程度的测试
2 结果与讨论
2.1 Lyocell织物活性染料的连续式无盐轧染工艺
2.1.1 焙烘温度对染色性能的影响
为探究焙烘温度对活性染料染色性能的影响,分别浸轧20 g/L的Br Red CA、Br Yellow CA、 Blue CA染液,经低温预烘一段时间后在140~180 ℃下进行焙烘固色,Lyocell织物的染色性能如图1所示。
由图1看出,3支染料的固色率和K/S值均随着焙烘温度的升高呈现出先增后减的趋势。当焙烘温度达到160 ℃左右时,染料的固色率最大,相应的染色K/S值也较大;当焙烘温度高于160 ℃,Lyocell织物的固色率显著下降,K/S值也有所下降。这是因为随着固色温度的升高,染料分子的热运动加快[16],在纤维内均匀扩散,织物的固色率和K/S值随之增加;而当固色温度过高时,活性染料水解速率逐渐大于染料与纤维的键合速率[17-18],同时,部分已与纤维结合的活性染料发生断键水解[19]。因此,3支染料在Lyocell织物上的焙烘温度选择160 ℃为宜。
2.1.2 焙烘时间对染色性能的影响
为探究焙烘时间对活性染料染色性能的影响,分别浸轧20 g/L的Br Red CA、Br Yellow CA、Blue CA染液,经低温预烘一段时间后在160 ℃焙烘固色1~4 min,Lyocell织物的染色性能如图2所示。
由图2可以看出,3支染料经轧-烘-焙工艺染色后,染色织物的固色率和K/S值随着焙烘时间的延长呈现先增后减的趋势。当焙烘时间在2 min时,染色织物的固色率和K/S值最大。这是由于固色时间过短,染料活性基与纤维素羟基阴离子间的反应不充分所导致;随着固色时间的延长,染料与纤维充分结合,固色率和K/S值随之增加;而固色时间过长,原本已与纤维结合的染料发生断键,固色率下降;同时织物在高温下处理时间过长,染料分解,织物表面黯淡,手感变差。因此,3支染料染色Lyocell织物的最适宜焙烘时间为2 min。
2.1.3 浸轧次数对染色性能的影响
Lyocell织物采用1.2.1节染色工艺,焙烘温度160 ℃,焙烘时间2 min。考察浸轧次数对染色性能的影响,实验结果如表1所示。
2.1.4 尿素用量对染色性能的影响
为探究尿素用量对活性染料染色性能的影响,分别浸轧20 g/L的Br Red CA、Br Yellow CA、Blue CA染液,焙烘固色160 ℃,2 min。Lyocell织物的染色性能如图3所示。
图3显示,当尿素用量低于60 g/L时,染色织物的固色率和K/S值随着尿素用量的增加逐渐增大;继续增加尿素用量,织物的固色率和K/S值增加不明显。尿素的加入对纤维起到溶胀作用,在带液率为70%的条件下,增加染料的水溶性,促进染料往纤维内部迁移扩散,染色织物的固色率和K/S值提高。高温时,尿素会与染料反应释放出氨气等有毒物质,并且影响染料的固色,因此,尿素的用量不宜过高,本实验后续采用的尿素质量浓度为60 g/L。
2.1.5 碱剂用量对染色性能的影响
为探究碱剂用量对活性染料染色性能的影响,分别浸轧20 g/L的Br Red CA、Br Yellow CA、Blue CA染液,焙烘固色160 ℃,2 min。Lyocell织物的染色性能如图4所示。
由图4可以看出,随着碳酸钠用量的增加,染料的固色率和染色织物的K/S值逐渐增大,当碳酸钠用量超过20 g/L后,染料固色率基本趋于平衡,相应K/S值的增速也趋缓。这主要是因为在碱性条件下,纤维素羟基电离生成纤维素羟基阴离子,随着碱性的增加,生成的羟基阴离子增加,与染料活性基的反应速度加快,对应染料的固色率和染色织物的K/S值逐渐增加。但若染液碱性过强,染料与纤维反应速率加快的同时,活性染料的水解速率也同样加剧,真正能与纤维发生反应的染料量可能没有显著增加,对应的固色率和染色K/S值提高不明显。综合分析,本实验后续采用的碱剂质量浓度为20 g/L。
2.2 连续式无盐轧染与传统浸染的染色效果比较
2.2.1 染深性和匀染性对比
采用优化后的工艺对Lyocell织物进行轧-烘-焙染色,并与传统的浸染工艺进行了K/S值和匀染性的对比。轧-烘-焙工艺选用的染料浓度为20 g/L,通过式(1)和式(2)计算得到传统浸染所对应的染料用量为1.4% (o.w.f),两者的染深性和匀染性效果如表2—表4和图5所示。
2.2.2 颜色参数对比
2.2.3 染色牢度对比
2.2.4 原纤化程度对比
3 结 论
a)采用Br Red CA、Blue CA、Br Yellow CA3支染料对Lyocell织物进行轧-烘-焙染色时,最适宜的工艺条件为:二浸二轧,焙烘固色温度160 ℃,固色时间2 min。
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Continuous salt-free pad dyeing process to improve the fibrillation of Lyocell fibers
TANG Qi1, HE Yi1, ZHENG Jinhuan1, WANG Chenglong1, WANG Zhicheng2, CHAI Liqin1
Abstract: Lyocell fibers are regenerated cellulose fibers. In addition to the advantages of hygroscopic property, good luster and comfortable wearing, Lyocell fibers also have better wet and dry strength than other regenerated cellulose fibers. However, Lyocell fibers are prone to fibrination, which limits their application in textile applications. The reactive dye is one of the most commonly used dyes for cellulose fiber dyeing, with advantages of simple application, cheap price and bright color, but in the process of immersion dyeing, to promote reactive dye dyeing, a large number of inorganic salts are often added in the dyeing solution. Therefore, there are high energy consumption, complex and variable dyeing wastewater composition, deep color, alkaline and expensive treatment costs and many other drawbacks. In this paper, the continuous salt-free rolling dyeing process of Lyocell fiber fabrics with reactive dyes was systematically studied, which not only improved the dyeing property and reduced the emission of inorganic salts, but also improved the fibrillation degree of Lyocell fibers and effectively improved the quality of Tencel fabrics.
The effects of dyeing and fixing process and formula (baking temperature, baking time, dipping times, dosage of alkali and urea) on dyeing properties (K/S value and fixing rate) of fabrics were discussed. The dyeing properties and fibrination degree of fabrics were compared with those of traditional dyeing process. The results show that the optimized rolling, baking and dyeing formula and process of the Lyocell fabric require alkali of 25 g/L, urea of 60 g/L, and a baking time of 2 min at 160 ℃ after twice dipping and twice padding. The three dyes of Br Red CA, Br Yellow CA and Blue CA have good dyeing effect, and the color fixing rates are 76.98%, 67.48%, 77.15%, and K/S values are 21.87, 10.87, 15.85, respectively. Compared with the traditional immersion dyeing process, the continuous salt-free rolling dyeing can obtain higher dyeing depth , and the K/S values of the three dyes are increased by 28.10%, 5.23% and 6.20%, respectively. The maximum absorption wavelength of the same dye is the same under rolling, baking and immersion dyeing, indicating that pad dyeing does not change the color light of the fabric. The L* value of the pad dyeing fabric is generally lower than that of the immersion dyeing fabric, indicating that the color of the Lyocell fabric dyed by the former will be darker under the condition of the same amount of dyes. The dry rubbing fastness of the three dyes is higher than that of the wet rubbing fastness, reaching grade 5, while the wet rubbing fastness is one or two grades lower. Both of them have good soap color fastness, generally at grade 4-5 or above. The surface fibril of Lyocell fibers after continuous salt-free rolling dyeing is less than that of immersion dyed fabrics, and the fibrillarization degree of the fabric is weaker and the surface is smoother.
Continuous salt-free rolling dyeing of Lyocell fibers can obtain good dyeing effect, reduce energy consumption and pollutant emission in the dyeing process, which will be conducive to clean dyeing of cellulose textiles, and promote the sustainable development of the whole dyeing process.
Keywords: Lyocell fabric; reactive dye; pad dyeing; salt-free; fibrination
收稿日期:20230327 網络出版日期:20230510
通信作者:柴丽琴,E-mail: chailiqin0101@163.com