PEP《英语》五(上)Unit 4 What can you do?Part C Story time

2023-11-08 02:48李雅静
小学教学设计(英语) 2023年10期

文|杨 聪 李雅静


Step 1.Leading-in(略)

Step 2.Pre-reading

T: There is a party in the forest today.All the animals want to go there.So does the little rat.Let’s guess.What can he do?

Ss guess: He can draw pictures/play chess/...

T: The rat is on the way.Look! How does he feel?

S: Happy.

T: Here comes a snake.What will happen between them?Can you guess?

S1: The snake will eat the rat.


S2: They want to go to the party together.

S3: The snake is lost.The rat will help him go home.

设计意图:利用老鼠要去参加party 这一情境主线,借助教材插图引导学生预测故事内容,培养学生的观察和预测能力。大胆猜测故事内容,勾起学生的好奇心和想象力,让学生带着期待走进文本。

Step 3.While-reading (Picture tour)

Picture 1~2

The snake is very hungry now.

Q1: What is tasty for the snake?

S: The rat.

Q2: How does the rat feel now?

S: He’s afraid.

Q3: What would you say if you were the rat?

S1: Dear snake,don’t eat me,please.

S2: Help!Help!

S3: Oh my!God bless me.

Q4: If you were the rat,what would you do? You can try to say: “Dear snake,wait a minute.I can...for you.”

S1: Wait.I can do anything for you.What do you want?

S2: Wait a minute.I can sing/ cook/ do the housework/find more food/...for you.



Picture 3~4

Q5: What can the rat do?(出示故事图片,标记sing/ dance)

S: He can sing and dance.

Picture 5~6

T: Look! There is a lake near here.

Q6: Does the snake throw the rat into the lake?

S: Yes,he does./ Maybe...

Ss read and act.(重点模仿rat 紧张、害怕和哀求的情绪)

Q7: What do you think of the snake?

S: He’s bad/evil.

Q8: Let’s guess.What will happen to the rat?

S1: The rat will die.

S2: I think he can swim.Maybe he tells a lie to the snake.

Q9: Look at Picture 6.How does the rat feel now? How about the snake?

设计意图:教师根据故事发展设计问题链,层层递进,推动学生从低阶思维走向高阶思维,帮助学生搭建故事支架。故事情节发展这一明线与rat 从happy—afraid—calm—happy 等情绪变化的暗线交织,学生通过阅读、表演、感知、体会情感变化,理解故事中的关键信息,梳理故事发展脉络,掌握故事大意。

Ss watch the video and enjoy the whole story.

Q10: What’s the rat like?And what’s the snake like?

S: The rat is clever/smart.The snake is silly and bad.

T: At the end of the story,the snake is angry.What will he say?

Ss discuss with his partner and answer.

S1: I will catch you again.

S2: Oh no! I’m so angry!

S3: You are a bad rat.Come back and I’ll eat you.

设计意图:观看视频,学生进行合理的归纳和推理,分析the rat 和the snake 的性格特点,讨论故事的结尾中蛇会说什么,培养学生的创造性思维及解决问题的能力,提高阅读效能。

Step 4.Post-reading

1.Listen and imitate

2.Retell the story

The little rat swims away.Then it goes to the party.It wants to share the story with its friends.It says...

T: Class,can you help the rat to retell the story?

Retell the story with the help of the blackboard design.

设计意图:学生听音模仿,大声朗读,纠正自己的语音、语调。仍然以party 为情境主线,以第一人称的视角来复述故事,利用板书的语义功能,帮助学生厘清思路,强化对文章的理解和记忆,降低了输出的难度,着重培养学生的语言表达能力与逻辑思维能力。

3.Give the story a proper title

T: Can you give a title for the story?

S: A snake and a rat/A clever rat/A silly snake/ A happy rat and an angry snake/...


Step 5.Summary

Q: What can you do when you’re in danger(处于危险之中)?

S1: We can stay calm and ask for help.

S2: I can run to my parents fast.My parents will protect me.

S3: I can call the police...



Step 6.Homework(略)
