
2023-09-19 12:49贾从永
英语世界 2023年9期


四        级

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle among college students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.







Developing a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly important for college students. According to a recent survey conducted in Shanghai, 84.2 percent of the college students polled admitted to habitually eating high-calorie snacks, staying up until the small hours and working out less than one hour a week.

A healthy lifestyle is an essential precondition for college students success on campus. For instance, having a balanced diet provides college students with nutrition and energy throughout the day. As a result, they will be able to deal with schoolwork more efficiently. Similarly, adequate sleep helps college students keep their mind fresh for learning. And there are numerous studies showing that taking regular exercise is closely correlated with improved memory.

Sticking to healthy living may be tough for college students, but a healthy lifestyle is a recipe for their academic excellence and future success. Now is the time for colleges and universities to encourage their students to eat healthily, exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep. (163 words)


1. According to a recent survey conducted in Shanghai, 84.2 percent of the college students polled admitted to habitually eating high-calorie snacks, staying up until the small hours and working out less than one hour a week. 根据最近在上海所做的一项调查,84.2%接受调查的大学生承认经常吃高热量的零食,熬到后半夜,并且每周锻炼少于一小时。admit to (不情愿地)承认。stay up until the small hours 熬到后半夜。work out 锻炼。

2. And there are numerous studies showing that taking regular exercise is closely correlated with improved memory. 而且有许多研究表明,经常锻炼与记忆力的改善密切相关。be closely correlated with 与……密切相关。

3. Sticking to healthy living may be tough for college students, but a healthy lifestyle is a recipe for their academic excellence and future success. 坚持健康生活也许对大学生并不容易,但健康的生活方式是他们学业优秀和未来成功的秘诀。a recipe for… ……的秘诀。

4. Now is the time for colleges and universities to encourage their students to eat healthily, exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep. 现在是大学鼓励自己的学生吃得健康、经常锻炼并保持充足睡眠的时候了。Now is the time for sb to do sth 现在是某人做某事的时候了;这是结尾段中提建议的一个常用句型。

六        级

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “Today increasing importance is being attached to cultivating college students team spirit.” You can make statements, give reasons, or cite examples to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

這道作文试题要求考生论述培养大学生的团队精神的重要性。本题与2019年6月的大学英语六级试题(on the importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace)有些相似。但二者也有区别,本题只需要论述培养大学生的团队精神的重要性,而且范围也不限于职场。

本文可以用定义法开头,即文章开头用浅显的语言给团队精神下一个定义, 然后指出团队精神无论是在学校里还是在职场上对大学生都至关重要。这样我们就引出了本文所要讨论的话题。




Today increasing importance is being attached to cultivating college students team spirit.

Team spirit refers to the desire and willingness of people to work together and help each other as part of a team. It is of crucial importance for college students in every phase of life, be it in school or in the workplace.

Team spirit is important for college students during their time on campus. No matter what their major is, the ability to pool resources goes a long way towards helping them shine academically. For instance, through working in a team college students can easily seek help from others when they meet with difficulties in their academic pursuit. More importantly, cultivating team spirit in college students prepares them for their future career. Few jobs today dont involve working with others. So the ability to collaborate is indispensable for achieving success in the workplace. This is where team spirit works for them.

Team spirit can not only help students excel academically in school but also help them carve out a successful career. It is now high time that colleges and universities attached more importance to inculcating team spirit in their students. (181 words)


1. It is of crucial importance for college students in every phase of life, be it in school or in the workplace. 团队精神在大学生的人生每个阶段都极其重要,不管是在学校里还是在职场上。be it in school or in the workplace 是一个省略形式的让步状语从句,完整的形式是 whether it be in school or in the workplace。

2. No matter what their major is, the ability to pool resources goes a long way towards helping them shine academically. 不管他们的专业是什么,共享资源的能力对帮助他们学业上取得优异成绩都非常有用。go a long way towards 对……大有帮助。shine 出色,出类拔萃。

3. Team spirit can not only help students excel academically in school but also help them carve out a successful career. 团队精神不但能帮助学生在学业上表现优秀,而且能帮助他们取得事业上的成功。carve out a career 闯出一番事业。

4. It is now high time that colleges and universities attached more importance to inculcating team spirit in their students. 现在,大学应当更加重视向学生灌输团队精神。It is now high time that 是该做某事的时候了;后面的从句用虚拟语气,这是一个提建议的常用句型。attach more importance to doing sth 更加重视做某事。inculcate 灌输。

* 上海外国语大学国际新闻硕士,讲师,专注大学英语写作教学十余年。
