
2023-09-07 12:45
时代英语·高一 2023年7期


1—5      BBCCC                         6—10    BABCB

11—15  CCBAB                         16—20  CCBCA

21—25  CADCD                         26—30  ADBBD

31—35  CBCDA                         36—40  EGACD

41—45  ABACD                         46—50  ADABA

51—55  BDCDB                         56—60  DDBBD

61. spoken    62. because    63. who    64. expressions    65. is called    66. differently    67. making    68. moved    69. them    70. as


Our school is going to hold an English talent show. The talent show, theme is “English-Bridge to the World”, will take           whose

place in school gymnasium from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on October              our

31. Every class required to put on one performance. Students                              is

sing songs, dance, act out dramas, tell stories give speeches.  can                                                                           or

Some foreign in our school will be invited to                                 teachers                                                         watch

it. All the students are welcome to take part∧it. I’m sure we will have                                             ;                           in

a time enjoying the performances and will be encouraged    good

to learn the English better.

One possible version:

Dear Smith,

How are you doing? I’m writing to express my thanks to you for your advice.

Because of following your advice, I have made great progress in English listening and speaking. I used to have trouble with the two parts. Now my spoken English has improved a lot. Just as you said, practice makes perfect. In the past, I couldn’t understand what my foreign teacher said. By listening to the tape over and over again in my spare time, I can communicate with him freely now.

I sincerely invite you to come to China for a trip. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua

1—5      BCACC                         6—10    CABAC

11—15  BCBAB                         16—20  ACCBA

21—25  CDDAC                         26—30  DABDD

31—35  DCADB                         36—40  EDAGF

41—45  BCADA                         46—50  BADDB

51—55  ABDCB                         56—60  CCDAB

61. who    62. but    63. worst    64. to stay    65. led    66. on/upon

67. sadness    68. following    69. brightly    70. deserves


Whenever we are faced with , friendship plays an                                        ;                      problems

important part in us out of trouble. There was∧time when I was                          helping                                              a

proud that I ignored my friends and refused to communicateso

with them. Therefore, there was no doubt that I was alone,                                                                                              left

suffering from and failure. , a teacher impressed on                      loneliness                  Fortunately

me the value of friendship. From then on, I learned to communicate with friends turn to them for help whenever I had difficulty                      and

finishing a task. Surely friendship had made a great difference. My

experience has taught me that if we value friendship, we can go beyond .


One possible version:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Some of us are having problems with our parents who are looking into our schoolbags or reading our diaries. But I think there’s no need to feel too worried about it. What our parents do is to make sure we are not getting into any trouble. Maybe they don’t think too much about their behavior. My suggestion is to ask for their trust and show our feelings about their behavior. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter. Remember what they really want is only the best for us.

Thank you.

1—5      CBABA                         6—10    CBBAB

11—15  BACAC                         16—20  CBCCB

21—25  DCDDB                         26—30  ACCBB

31—35  CDACC                         36—40  BFCDG

41—45  CBDAB                         46—50  DDBAB

51—55  CDBAC                         56—60  ADBCB

61. so    62. realizing    63. has inspired    64. designs    65. to capture    66. Shaped    67. amazed    68. closer    69. a    70. how


It was time for supper. A couple were sitting at the table and for their daughter Jennet to return back from work. It was late.


The were worried about her. At last she came home and told       parents

them what happened. While she was shopping in∧crowded                    had                                                                   a

shop from work, a thief picked her pocket, pushed the crowd,                                                                                                              and

ran away. What could do? She had to ask a policeman duty for                                      she                                                      on

help and he got back her money. this, the couple thought that


Jennet should not go shopping alone any more, but Jennet said ,


“April Fool!”

One possible version:

Dear Linda,

I am writing to invite you to take part in the photo show which will be held in our school.

As you know, wild animals play a significant role in ecosystem and more and more wild animals are in danger of dying out. To raise public awareness of wildlife protection, we are to collect and show photos about wildlife. The photos will be displayed on the morning of 15th December in the lecture hall in our school. If you are interested in it, please email five photos about wildlife taken by yourself to before 1st December.

I sincerely hope to enjoy your photos in the show.


Li Hua

1—5      CBBCB                         6—10    ACBAB

11—15  BACAB                         16—20  ACABC

21—25  DBBDC                         26—30  BACCB

31—35  BDBCA                         36—40  GECBA

41—45  BDCAC                         46—50  DBDAB

51—55  ACBDD                         56—60  BACAC

61. various    62. it    63. searching    64. be reached    65. who/that    66. the    67. more likely    68. helps    69. survival    70. to observe


I went to the Summer Palace last week. At the gate I to                                                                                                happened

meet some American tourists. I greeted to them in English and then

we began to chat. I got to know that they were college students                                                                                                     traveling

in China. Most of them were fond of China. They were busy taking pictures and were much impressed with the changes had taken                                                                                    that/which

place in the past few years. that, we went boating and had a                                                 After                                 

good time. We exchanged our email so that we could keep∧                                                           addresses                                     in

touch with each other. They thanked again and again. I was very                                                              me

to have a chance to practice my English.

glad                                                      spoken

One possible version:

Dear Jack,

To improve the English level of Chinese students and improve the relationship between Chinese and foreign students, our school sets up an English Corner on the second square of Central Park, which is suitable for exchange students like you. So I am writing to invite you to attend the English Corner.

There are quite a few activities held from 8:30 am to 11:00 am on Saturday every week, including talking with foreigners, singing English songs and reading English drama lines and so on. If you accept my invitation, let’s meet at the school gate.

We really hope you will join us. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


1—5      ACBCA                         6—10    CCACB

11—15  BACBB                         16—20  CAACC

21—25  BCBBA                         26—30  BABCC

31—35  DACCB                         36—40  CGBAE

41—45  BADCD                         46—50  ABDBC

51—55  DBCAB                         56—60  ACDCA

61. falls    62. carefully    63. than    64. members    65. of    66. to eat    67. the    68. wearing    69. description    70. exciting


Dear Jenny,

How nice to hear you! In your letter you asked me how∧keep                                  from                                                          to

healthy. I would like to give you some .


As we know, food is quite to us teenagers. Since                                                       important

we grow very fast, we are in the need of fresh vegetables, fruit, fish

and meat. I you’d better not food with much sugar                      think                                  eat

and fat. And you should get plenty of sleep, it is necessary for                                                                          and

you to have at least eight hours of sleep every day. Besides, you should take physical exercise . It will be good for health.                                               regularly                              your

Only in this way can you keep fit.


Li Hua

One possible version:

A Food Festival

In order to develop Chinese food culture and enrich students’ campus life, our school held a food festival in the dining room last Sunday.

During the activity, the cooks from our school introduced traditional styles of cooking to us. They also cooked many famous dishes like dumplings, stinky tofu, Kung Pao Chicken, Spring Roll and so on. Many students also cooked in person with the help of the cooks.

I am sure all the students present enjoy this activity, which lets us have a better understanding of China’s rich and colorful food culture.

1—5      ABBCA                         6—10    ACABA

11—15  CCABB                         16—20  BCCAB

21—25  DABAC                         26—30  CBDCC

31—35  ABDCC                         36—40  GEFAD

41—45  DCBAB                         46—50  CDCBA

51—55  DCADA                         56—60  CBDBA

61. a 62. fully 63. was 64. be regarded 65. from

66. skills 67. which 68. to represent 69. emotional 70. watching


I started playing Pingpong from an age. It was my father                                                                  early

who taught me∧play Pingpong. The first time when I saw                            to

him play it, I in love with it. To tell the truth, I’m really good                       fell

it and I have even won several . But what me proudest at                                                   prizes                makes

is that not only do I make many friends by playing it, but alsoI gain the sportsmanship from . I have learned that to play it                                                      it

, I have to keep calm and attentive. So it’s not only a  sport butwell

also art for me.


One possible version:

Dear Linda,

How are you doing? I am writing to invite you to join in the read-and-share activity by our School Literature Club since you are interested in Chinese culture.

The activity is to be held in the lecture hall at 3 pm next Wednesday. It is intended to awake the students’ interest in Chinese classic literature and broaden their horizons. In the activity, it is the club members that will take their turns to share their favorite classic  books and some effective reading methods.

We sincerely hope that you can join us and have a good time.


Li Hua

1—5      BAACB                         6—10    ACAAB

11—15  BABBB                         16—20  CCABC

21—25  ACBDB                         26—30  BADAC

31—35  BCADD                         36—40  EBGAF

41—45  BCACB                         46—50  ADBDC

51—55  ABDAC                         56—60  BDACD

61. that 62. an 63. was found 64. made 65. causing66. probably 67. higher 68. in 69. measures 70. to educate


I spent the National Day Golden Week holiday around                                                                                     traveling

Guilin, Guangxi with Mike and Tom, exchange from Germany.


We visited many popular tourist attractions. The last destination of our vacation Longji Rice Terraces in Longsheng county. The rice


terrace is a well-known tourist place, attracts visitors from home


and abroad. We admired the way people have worked in the harmony

with nature to make these traces grow rice. Mike showed great


interest∧Zhuang people’s traditions. , Tom’s favorite seemed

in                                           Amusingly

to be Guilin rice noodles at the guesthouse. We had so much


fun that we’re already talking about next holiday!


One possible version:

Dear fellow students,

It is known to all that our city is trying to build a national civilized city to create a better living environment for us. I am writing to call on all of you to make great efforts towards this goal.

As students, we can do many things to help. First of all, it’s important to care for the public environment and keep our school clean. We mustn’t drop litter or make loud noise. Second, we are always supposed to follow the traffic rules. Third, it would be helpful to volunteer in our spare time encouraging other citizens to behave properly. More importantly, improving ourselves is a good way to make us more civilized.

Dear fellow students, let’s work together to make our city a better place!

Thank you!

The Students’ Union

1—5      ABACB                         6—10    AACCB

11—15  BCACA                         16—20  BBBAC

21—25  ADBCB                         26—30  ADCAA

31—35  DDCCD                         36—40  GEFAC

41—45  DCBAB                         46—50  ABCDB

51—55  DCDAB                         56—60  ABCDA

61. attractions 62. compared 63. has drawn/has been drawing 64. conveniently 65. before/when 66. be bought 67. where 68. to pay 69. The 70. enjoyable


Luck is defined as or failure, obviously by                                             success                                         caused

chance. But in my view, luck is like the wind, repeatedly.                                                                                   blowing

Sometimes it from directions you don’t even imagine.                         comes

So, how can you catch the wind of luck? It is easy, not obvious.                                                                                       but

I am more than to share my ideas with you to catch it. First,


change your relationship with . Be willing∧take small risks and

                                   yourself                 to

get out of your comfort zone. Second, appreciate whoever you


on your journey to achieve your goals. And third, change your relationship with ideas. If you try for my ideas, you’ll surely catch the

wind of luck.

One possible version:

My name is Li Hua, a student of Class One Grade One. I am sixteen years old. Outgoing and warm-hearted, I am able to get on well with others. I like to read popular novels, especially the online ones because I can get much knowledge and give my life serious thinking.

I think it’s so nice to join the English Reading Club. First of all, the club makes many English learners meet here together and make friends with those who have common interests. Secondly, learning together makes it easier for us to improve our English reading ability. Last but not least, joining the club can make our spare time colorful.

I’m looking forward to joining the club and enjoying more nice books.

1—5      CCBCC                         6—10    BAABC

11—15  BCBCB                         16—20  ABAAA

21—25  BDCAB                         26—30  ACDCB

31—35  ACDAC                         36—40  FDGBC

41—45  CBABA                         46—50  CDDCA

51—55  BCDAA                         56—60  BBCDD

61. has fascinated    62. As    63. were added    64. closely    65. varieties    66. the    67. Greeting    68. communication    69. included    70. which


Last week I a serious cold and lay in bed for quite∧few                           caught                                                                a

days during that time. I was too weak to out. Feeling sad                                                                          go

and , I didn’t even want to touch the books. I realized that       bored

illness could destroy our emotion of doing things bring us a                                                                                    and

bad feeling. I wish I could have done more to become                    How            ;                                       exercise

stronger. Some of us just don’t take health . Only when                                                                           seriously

we lose it can see its true value. So we need to eat well and                          we

do sports often to let us to keep fit and enjoy life.

One possible version:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a high school student. The other day I happened to know from the Internet that a robot exhibition will be held in our city and some volunteers are needed. I’m quite interested in it and writing to apply for it.

As a teenager, I am outgoing, energetic, and responsible. Not only do I have great interest in robots, but also I am good at English that I can communicate with others in English easily. What’s more, I have had some similar working experiences before.

I do hope that I can be a volunteer in your exhibition. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua
