必修二 Units 5—6 Review

2023-09-07 12:45
时代英语·高一 2023年7期


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. The night market.                     B. The fish.                                      C. The swimming pool.

2. Where are the speakers most probably?

A. In a bookstore.                         B. In a library.                                 C. In a supermarket.

3. What does the woman think of the sharks?

A. Frightening.                              B. Friendly.                                     C. Amazing.

4. Where will Angel go traveling?

A. Guangzhou.     ;                         B. Suzhou.                                       C. Hangzhou.

5. How long does it take the woman to get home?

A. About half an hour.                  B. About 1 hour.                             C. About 2 hours.

第二節 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What are the speakers going to do tonight?

A. Eat out.                                    B. Go shopping.                              C. Do sports.

7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and staff.                         B. Hostess and guest.                      C. Husband and wife.


8. How will the man go to Cork?

A. By air.                                      B. By bus.                                        C. By car.

9. What is the woman doing?

A. Giving suggestions.                  B. Sending an invitation.                 C. Making travel plans.

10. What can the man do in Cork?

A. Kiss a stone.                           B. Visit a church.                             C. Have fun at the lakes.


11. How many pandas are living in the wild today?

A. About 600.                             B. About 1,600.                               C. About 2,000.

12. What do pandas like doing most of the time every day?

A. Eating.                                    B. Playing.                                       C. Sleeping.

13. Why are pandas in a dangerous situation?

A. They seldom live together in the wild.

B. The bamboo forests are being destroyed.

C. They aren’t used to living in rainy forests.


14. Where is Mr Green staying?

A. At an apartment building.      B. At a hotel.                                   C. At a restaurant.

15. When does the conversation take place?

A. In the morning.                      B. In the afternoon.                         C. At night.

16. What kind of food does Mr Green like?

A. Chinese food.                         B. Fast food.                                   C. European food.

17. Where are the speakers going?

A. To the next building.              B. To the cinema.                            C. To the Brown’s.


18. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Global warming.                    B. Water shortage.                           C. Rising sea level.

19. What can we learn from the talk?

A. More and more places will have much rain.

B. People living near the sea may have to move.

C. Animals in Antarctica may get used to warmer weather.

20. Why may penguins be dying off?

A. They can’t stand warmer temperatures.

B. They don’t have living places.

C. They are short of food.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Here are just a few of the new attractions in some of our favorite places that we’re looking forward to visiting across the world.

The first stages of the HC Andersen House in Odense, Denmark—the hometown of the famous fairy tale writer—have opened. The museum offers a completely total experience of attractive indoor and outdoor spaces. The site will also soon be home to a kid’s space where more fairy tales will be brought to life.


TeamLab Planets TOKYO in Toyosu, Tokyo, has shown a new Garden Area with two garden artworks. One of them invites you to get close to 13,000 live orchids. Visitors will find themselves walking through water and floating as they become one artwork with the flowers.


Dubai landmarks haven’t just gone high, they’ve gone deep! The world’s deepest dive pool, Deep Dive Dubai, is the latest record-breaking attraction. More than 60 metres deep, the too-cool pool includes an underwater sunken city for divers to explore on their own or with a guide. Whether you’ve never dived before or you’re an experienced diver, those aged 10 and over are welcomed.

Park life just got a little more interesting in New York. Little Island @Pier55 is a human-built island park next to the Hudson River Park. The new public space is unlike any other in the Big Apple: visitors can take in views of the Hudson River and New York City, along with music, dance and other performances in its 687-seat theatre.

21. What do we know about Deep Dive Dubai?

A. It has set a new record.                                     B. It is open to adults alone.

C. It is designed for new divers.                            D. It is over 60 metres in width.

22. What can visitors do in Little Island @Pier55?

A. Visit a museum.                                                 B. Buy some artworks.

C. Enjoy performances.                                          D. Learn the history of New York.

23. What website can a flower lover visit?

A. .    B. .    C. .   D. .


My name is Eivind Trodden. I’m 42 years old and on Svalbard in the North Pole. My background was originally software engineering, and years later I decided to go ahead and get my pilot license. This year I wanted to try my hands at technology and got a job at Svatsat, the northernmost Satellite (卫星) Ground Station in the world. Now I work as a pilot and an operation engineer.

Originally, I moved here for the job. This was the first pilot job I got. After a while, I was attracted by the place, and right now the most important thing for me is to live here.

It is wonderful, full of differences. The polar night is balanced with the midnight sun. Here the year is much like a day. The winter is night. In the morning there is ice, snow and then spring. Then there is the endless day of summer, and finally, the town settles in with the sunset of autumn.

The summer is the most difficult. It is harder to create darkness than light. You have to have good blinds (窗簾) on your bedroom windows. A good trick is to create your own evening. I like to close the blinds and sit down in relative darkness with a good book or a movie before I go to bed.

The dark season is the favorite of many people living here. There are fewer tourists, and people have a chance to get together and be social after the busy summer. You have to be self-controlled, though, and not start lighting candles in the middle of the day. Don’t underestimate (低估) the cost of living here. You need a large number of tools to experience Svalbard to the fullest.

24. Eivind Trodden’s present work is probably connected with .

A. training the pilots                                               B. software engineering

C. researching the coldest place               ;              D. satellite controlling technology

25. What made the author decide to live in the North Pole?

A. His lifestyle.                                                      B. His love for the place.

C. Better living conditions.                                    D. Chances to get a job.

26. Why do people living in the North Pole like winter most?

A. There are less rules to follow.                            B. They have spare time to relax.

C. There are no tourists to trouble them.                D. They needn’t light candles any longer.

27. What words can best describe the life in Satellite Ground Station?

A. Great and different.                                          B. Slow but exciting.

C. Colorful and meaningful.                                  D. Busy but boring.


In Yakutia, Siberia, temperatures drop to as low as -71℃. It is actually one of the coldest places on earth. Located a few hundred miles outside the Arctic (北極) Circle, The Republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, is now the largest republic in Russia.

Fur (毛皮) hats and thick coats are surely required. Thick fur boots, gloves, and anything else to avoid are highly encouraged.

People of Yakutia are so used to the cold that they even have an open air market where they can shop for meat and fish. The best part is that they don’t need those huge freezers to keep the meat. Sellers remain outdoors for the entire day in the freezing winds.

And if you think there’s no way to have fun in such a tough environment, think again. They love ice fishing and ice swimming. They actually take off all their clothes and put on their swimwear before swimming in the freezing waters.

It’s so cold outside that some people don’t need freezers anymore. Pipes (管道) are left outside as well since they cannot be laid out under the ground because of the hard soil. Other people make do with blocks of ice that they cut from the rivers for free water. Toilet duties are handled outside. Just be sure to do everything quickly.

It’s not always freezing as summer can hit 40℃ though it is short and dry. It is among the coldest cities in the world. Visitors need to do a lot of research and preparations before spending a few days in Yakutia, though it certainly is an interesting place to experience!

28. What can we learn about Yakutia from Paragraph 1?

A. Its area is larger than Russia.                     ;        B. It is the coldest place on earth.

C. Its temperature is always -71℃ in winter.         D. It is outside the Arctic Circle.

29. What does the underlined word “frostbite” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Freezing damage.       B. High fever.                 C. Going out.                  D. Falling down.

30. What do people in Yakutia like to do for fun?

A. Cut blocks of ice for water.                               B. Sell fish and meat in the open air.

C. Go ice fishing and ice swimming.                     D. Handle toilet duties outside quickly.

31. In which part of a magazine can we read the text?

A. Science.                      B. Tourism.                     C. Sports.                        D. Culture.


You’ve heard that plastic is polluting the oceans—between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year. But does one plastic straw (吸管) or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does. He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage (垃圾), forcing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.

At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called “Strawpocalypse”, a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves, frozen mid-crash. Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source of plastic pollution, but they’ve recently come under fire because most people don’t need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled. Every straw that’s part of Von Wong’s artwork likely came from a drink that someone used for only a few minutes. Once the drink is gone, the straw will take centuries to disappear.

In one piece, Von Wong wanted to illustrate a specific statistic: Every 60 seconds, a truckload’s worth of plastic enters the ocean. For this work, titled “Truckload of Plastic”, Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they’d been dumped (傾倒) from a truck all at once.

Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.

32. What are Von Wong’s artworks intended for?

A. Beautifying the city he lives in.                         B. Introducing eco-friendly products.

C. Drawing public attention to plastic waste.        D. Reducing garbage on the beach.

33. Why does the author discuss plastic straws in Paragraph 3?

A. To show the difficulty of their recycling.         B. To explain why they are useful.

C. To voice his views on modern art.                     D. To find a replacement for them.

34. How may the viewers feel when seeing “Truckload of Plastic”?

A. Relieved.                    B. Inspired.                     C. Pleased.                      D. Shocked.

35. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Artists’ Opinions on Plastic Safety                   B. Media Interest in Modern Art

C. Responsibility Required for Big Companies     D. Ocean Plastics Transformed into Sculptures

第二節 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Taking nature hikes is a lot of fun. No matter where you live, there is probably someplace nearby where you can enjoy nature.

Step one in planning your nature hike is deciding where to go. . This will give you more time to enjoy the place and cut down on travel time.

Once you have chosen your location, it’s a great idea to spend some time learning about the plants and animals that live in that habitat. , you can have fun finding shells and types of seaweed that you recognize.

If you want to make a full adventure, you could put together a little book of plants and animals you might find on your trip. .

Before you go on a nature hike you also need to have the proper coat, good hiking shoes and gear(用具). If you expect rain, please have rain gear. , bring a hat and sunscreen. Being prepared will make your nature hike much more fun.

. When hiking, you need to keep up your energy, so bring good foods. It is also very important to bring water for everyone. Water is one of the most important things you can bring.

A. If it will be sunny

B. If you go to the beach

C. If you reach the chosen destination

D. You will also bring drinks full of energy

E. You should choose a place rather close by

F. It’s a good idea to bring a pack with snacks for everyone

G. Creating a book like this will help you remember the plants and animals you see

36.                            37.                            38.                            39.                            40.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


My mom is an environmentalist. We’ve always composted (制堆肥) and she’s always had some sort of garden. She also never threw anything away because she could see the second in it. I grew into a lifestyle. And I started my carbon footprint and consumption.

I decided to give up my car for one in May of 2017. If I needed a car, I was going to borrow someone’s to prove that I had the community to this decision. I only ended up a car once during May, and I realized it didn’t make to own a car, finance it and pay for gas. So in September, I fully quit and my car.

I also fly a lot for work, and on my from the travel agency, it will include how many tons of you’re emitting (排放) from just your single .

As a result, it has become a(n) for me to offset (抵消) my carbon emissions. I my carbon emissions, and go onto and buy an offset in the of a donation. If we’re going to the environment this much, we have to be doing something that’s going to offset the carbon in until there’s a carbon tax (稅), which I hope is where we will go next.

It’s also really to talk about what we could see the future as, because it gets so dark so fast when people talk about change. I don’t know what the of me not having a car is, but I hope it’s something positive that I can’t necessarily see.

41. A. time                        B. life                         C. hand                         D. way

42. A. stressful              B. healthy                   C. similar                   D. modern

43. A. noticing                B. doubting                 C. forgetting             D. ignoring

44. A. day                          B. week                         C. month                       D. year

45. A. end                          B. support                   C. memorize                 D. affect

46. A. borrowing              B. buying                     C. finding                   D. renting

47. A. space                      B. trouble                   C. money                       D. sense

48. A. checked                  B. sold                         C. painted                   D. repaired

49. A. visa                        B. poster                     C. trip                         D. ticket

50. A. smell                      B. heat                         C. carbon                     D. sweat

51. A. seat                        B. plane                       C. car                           D. action

52. A. pain                        B. habit                       C. award                       D. option

53. A. increase                B. reduce                     C. control of              D. figure out

54. A. form                        B. benefit                   C. course                     D. middle

55. A. change                    B. create                     C. pollute                   D. protect

56. A. public                    B. return                     C. force                       D. advance

57. A. slightly                B. bitterly                 C. typically               D. truly

58. A. important              B. funny                       C. simple                     D. dangerous

59. A. culture                  B. education               C. climate                   D. population

60. A. plan                        B. condition               C. attitude                 D. effect

第二節 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Climate change is a familiar topic to us for decades. There is little doubt Earth is getting warmer and warmer. A lot of evidence (证据) indicates a dramatic change in the global climate.

The increase in temperature has impact on Earth’s ecology (生态). In 2013, a news photo of a dead polar bear which (find) on Norway’s Arctic island of Svalbard (make) a lot of people shocked. In addition, there is strong and comprehensive evidence that the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide, (cause) great loss of life and property. Climate scientists have warned that this warming trend will (probable) continue and there will be a   (high) price to pay, if we do not take proper action.

“Greenhouse effect” is a key factor in climate change. Continued greenhouse gas emissions will result further warming and long-lasting changes to the global climate. Governments should make policies and take proper action and (measure). Individuals can reduce our “carbon footprint” by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce. It is our responsibility to find every opportunity (educate) everyone about global warming.

61.                            62.                            63.                            64.                            65.

66.                            67.                            68.                            69.                            70.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







I spent the National Day Golden Week holiday traveled around Guilin, Guangxi with Mike and Tom, exchange student from Germany. We visited many popular tourist attractions. The last destination of our vacation were Longji Rice Terraces in Longsheng county. The rice terrace is a well-known tourist place, where attracts visitors from home and abroad. We admired the way people have worked in the harmony with nature to make these traces or grow rice. Mike showed great interest Zhuang people’s traditions. Amusing, Tom’s favorite seemed to be Guilin rice noodles serving at the guesthouse. We had so much fun that we’re already talking about their next holiday!

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)









Dear fellow students,

It is known to all that our city is trying to build a national civilized city to create a better living environment for us.

Thank you!

The Students’ Union
