2019-12-10 09:57
时代英语·高一 2019年7期


1—5      CBCAC 6—10    ACBAA

11—15  BACBC 16—20  ABABC

21—25  ACACA 26—30  ACBCA

31—35  DABDD 36—40  GEFBC

41—45  DBCAB 46—50  DCBDB

51—55  ACABD 56—60  CDBAC

61. to    62. which    63. took    64. strongest    65. myself

66. the    67. to stay    68. solved    69. Unfortunately    70. left


I have a good friend whos name is Liu Mei. She is our monitor


and one of the good student in our class. Clever as she is, but she


studies very hard. We have a lot on common and have a lot to talk


about. One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out. She was doing her homework one Sunday morning


when she smelt something burnt. She stopped∧look out of the

burning                      to

window and find a cloud of smoke coming out of her neighbors


house. She called 119 immediately. Ten minutes after, a group of


firemen came and put out a fire. Her neighbor was very thankful for


her help.

One possible version:

My First English Lesson at Senior High

My first English lesson at senior high was held in Classroom 206 on the second floor of the new teaching building on September 1, 2018. Mr Zhang, my English teacher, gave us a very good lesson.

Mr Zhang spoke very beautiful and fluent English, and the lesson was very lively and interesting. They all felt what our English teacher explained in class was very clear and easy to understand. All my classmates listened attentively and took an active part in class activities.

Indeed, this was a very great lesson. I have made up my mind to work harder to learn English better in the future.

1—5      BABAA 6—10    ABBCC

11—15  BCBBC 16—20  CABAC

21—25  BCDAD 26—30  ABABA

31—35  BCBBD 36—40  ECBGD

41—45  ABACD 46—50  ACBDA

51—55  BDBDC 56—60  BABBD

61. helpful    62. to discover    63. who/whom    64. were spent

65. kindness    66. after    67. coming    68. But    69. loved

70. themselves


Fang Tong is 34 years old, an actor, director or teacher of


Beijing Opera Theatre. Most of his students are from other part of


China and to come to Beijing at the very age of sixteen or seventeen.

He loves creating∧environment for his students that is more


relaxed than the one he used to study in. He thinks that an actor


should relax themselves when he was performing. His students all

himself                      is

deep respect him and he never need to raise his voice to be heard.

deeply                                         needs

For his opinion, excellent actors should go on performing even when


they feel they make a mistake in their performances.

One possible version:

Good afternoon, my dear friends,

My name is Li Jin. Im outgoing and get on well with my classmates and teachers. I am skilled in organizing all kinds of activities. Id like to run for the vice president of the English club in our school. I know as the vice president, I must do the following things for the club: I will try to make it known to every student and more students involved in the activities organized by the club. Also, to improve our English and get more students interested in English, I intend to organize some activities at school like lectures and English parties and inter-school ones such as English debate competitions and speech contests. I hope all of you will vote for me.

Thank you.

1—5      BCBBC 6—10    BCBAC

11—15  AACBA 16—20  ACBAC

21—25  BCDBC 26—30  CADAC

31—35  ADCBC 36—40  CGEDF

41—45  CCABA 46—50  DBDCA

51—55  CBCAB 56—60  DBDAA

61. first 62. who 63. to succeed 64. the 65. lost 66. however

67. treatment 68. grows 69. differently 70. orders


This morning, I invite my friend, Li Hua, to pay∧visit to a park

invited                                           a

to enjoy ourselves. When we got to there, we found there were many

visitors, young and old. There were too many beautiful places for


visitor to enjoy that they all had a good time. Li Hua and I was

visitors                                                                                           were

having a walk beside a lake while a cry “Help” was heard. We


hurried to jump into the river to swim towards the child who has


fallen into the water. Then, in our help, the child was saved out of


water. After a while, the childs mother ran there and thanked them a


lot. We both felt very happy.

One possible version:

Dear Peter,

Im glad to learn that you are planning to visit Shandong with your parents in July. Im writing to offer some information.

Shandong is a great province with a long history and wonderful cultures. There are many tourist attractions, such as Mountain Tai and the Former Residence of Confucius. While travelling, you can experience colorful Qilu cultures. Besides, youd better go to Qingdao, which is a beautiful coastal city.

As for transportation, the high speed railway network is the top choice, which will make your journey comfortable and pleasant. If you want to travel around a city, shared bikes are worth using.

Looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua

1—5      BABCC 6—10    ACBAB

11—15  BACAC 16—20  CBABC

21—25  BDABB 26—30  BCCCC

31—35  DDDBD 36—40  FEGDC

41—45  DACAC 46—50  BBBAA

51—55  DBBCD 56—60  BCDAC

61. and 62. better 63. breaths 64. gives 65. an

66. apologizing 67. who 68. to say 69. necessarily 70. beauty


Jack London was a famous America writer. He was born on


January 12th, 1876, in San Francisco. His family was very poor, so Jack had to leave school to making money. He worked hard in much

make                                                many

different and hard jobs. Later Jack returned∧school, and he didnt

to              but

stay long. He wrote, “Life and pocket books were all too short for


me.” In 1887, he went to Alaska to find out gold. He returned home

and started to write. His writings was successful, and he became


rich and famous. Jack was not the happy man, however. In poor


healthy, he took off his own life in 1916.


One possible version:

We Need Advice from Older Generations

One year ago, I was in great trouble. I worked hard at English and spent most of my spare time practicing English, but I failed to pass the mid-term examination. I felt very disappointed.

So I asked my grandpa for advice when I went home. Hearing what I told him, he said that score is not everything, and we cant judge our improvement only by one examination. He encouraged me to keep on working hard and take more useful methods of learning.

I took my grandpas advice. Now my English is better than before. From my experience, I feel that we need advice from older generations.

1—5      CAACB 6—10    BAACB

11—15  CCACB 16—20  AACAB

21—25  BDACA 26—30  BDBDD

31—35  ABCBC 36—40  DFAGB

41—45  DBACA 46—50  ABDCD

51—55  BDCBA 56—60  ABDCD

61. when    62. successful    63. for    64. Unluckily    65. broke    66. him    67. The    68. to promote    69. speeches    70. living


One afternoon my father and I go fishing by a riverside. We


found the water was very dirty that we could not see the bottom. We


also found some rubbish or dead fish flowing on the water. That


afternoon, my father and I caught only a smaller fish. Why∧the fish

small                   did

die in the river? That was because of a lot of factories along the river

always poured its waste water and rubbish into the rivers. So the water

their                                                    river

got polluting. Thus, most of the fish in the river was killed. What should

polluted                                                       were

we do now?

One possible version:

Dear Peter,

Thank our school for offering us the optional courses. Im writing to tell you our opinions about them.

We students think highly of the optional courses and take an active part in them. They are so interesting and can give us a lot of chances of practice. Besides, we can learn so much knowledge out of the textbooks. All the optional courses are well received, and the computer and spoken English are the most popular courses.

In my opinion, students will benefit from such courses and we will acquire more knowledge in an interesting way. In addition, we want to have more and longer optional courses.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

1—5      CBBAB 6—10    CCACB

11—15  BABCC 16—20  BCBAB

21—25  ABCAD 26—30  ABDCA

31—35  CDCAC 36—40  FBEGC

41—45  BCBAD 46—50  DCBDA

51—55  BCBAD 56—60  CBDAB

61. to smile    62. faces    63. but    64. what    65. angrily

66. crying    67. had happened    68. for    69. thankful    70. its


Yesterday I bought a new coat in a shop, and I found it too big to

but                            for

me. This morning, I went to the shop and changed a coat I bought


yesterday. But the salesgirls treated me coldly. Firstly, she didnt admit


what I bought the coat in her shop. Then she said I∧made it dirty. So I

that或what                                                             had

got very much angry and quarrelled with her, pointed to the rules on


the wall. Just then, the manager turned up. He said sorry to me. At last

they changed other one for me. I said goodbye to them and took the


new coat home happy.


One possible version:

Pros and Cons of the Internet

Recently we had a debate about the Internet in our class. Some think that thanks to the Internet, our life has enjoyed a lot of conveniences. We can do some shopping on the Internet and get entertainment from the net besides looking for various information.

However, other students hold the view that people become lazy because of the convenience, and it makes peoples communication with others become less. Whats worse, there are dangers of shopping online as well as other cyber crimes.

I think it is necessary for us to search the Internet. But we must be careful when we use the Internet.

1—5      BABCB 6—10    ABCBC

11—15  BCAAA 16—20  BABAC

21—25  DADCD 26—30  BDDBA

31—35  DBDBC 36—40  ACFGB

41—45  CABDB 46—50  ACDAD

51—55  BCABC 56—60  ADBCD

61. but    62. missing    63. on    64. words    65. building    66. got    67. the    68. was killed    69. death    70. happily


One day, my aunt asks me to help look after my little cousin. I


agreed to her requests immediately. Then I brought ∧ interesting

request                                                    an

picture book for him so I knew he loved reading. He was extremely


happy when he was giving it. He immediately started reading. Then


before reading for a while, he looked up and said, “Its so strangely. If the

after                                                                                 strange

magic disappears at midnight and Cinderellas clothes return to normal, why doesnt the glass shoe disappear?” I really didnt know about how to answer that. But I did learn that his little cousin not only


loved reading but also enjoyed think.


One possible version:

Dear Jack,

Knowing that you were the winner of the Tang Poetry Recitation Contest held in your institute, Im so proud of you that I cant wait to write to send my congratulations to you.

As far as I know, you have been totally absorbed in your study, especially in learning Tang poetry, since you began to learn Chinese in the local Confucius Institute. In the past two years, never have you been afraid to ask your teachers for help whenever you have difficulty in learning it. Just as the saying goes, “No pains, no gains.” Your efforts have paid off finally.

With such strong willpower, I believe you are sure to make greater progress both in your Chinese learning and career in the future.


Li Hua


61. hearing    62. to say    63. older    64. the    65. when

66. our    67. silence    68. shyly    69. with    70. had taken


One day a doctor was starting his morning works. Suddenly a


man ran into his room. His face was red but he could only say,


“Quick! Quick!” The doctor thought he must∧very ill. His assistant


helped to have the poor man sitting in a chair. The doctor gave the


man some medicine to make him to sleep. Then he looked into the

mans mouth and pull out all the bad teeth. As soon as the man


wake up, he said, “Quick, doctor. Quick!” with a low voice. “Its

woke/waked                                                      in

over now,” the doctor told her. “You dont understand, said the


man. “I came to tell you that your house were on fire.”


One possible version:

Dear Mr Zhang,

Im Li Hua, President of the Students Union of Hongxing High School. I am greatly honored to formally invite you to deliver a lecture about forming healthy habits this Saturday.

As you are a professor of health research, we would very much like you to share your views with us. As scheduled, the lecture will start at two oclock in the afternoon at the Lecture Hall of our school. After your lecture, there will be a question-and-answer period, for some students may have some problems to deal with about healthy habits.

Would it be convenient for you to come? Wed appreciate it if you could accept our invitation. If you need more detailed information, please let me know.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

61. badly    62. taken    63. homeless    64. an    65. was eating    66. but    67. with    68. to take    69. Soldiers    70. them


One Sunday morning, there are some people in the park. At a


corner, a woman was buying a newspaper while a young man behind


her snatched his handbag away. Heard the shouting “Stop thief”, a

her                          Hearing

few people began to run after him. There was an old man sitting quiet on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running pass him,

quietly                                                                                    past

he quickly picked up his umbrella and put∧between the snatchers


legs, so the snatcher fell down on the ground hard. Soon two policeman came and caught him. The woman thanked to the old


man, but the people around praised the old man for his cleverness.


One possible version:

Keep away from Smoking!

It is reported that the number of teenager smoker has been on the rise in recent years.

There are several reasons why teenagers smoke. First, most teenagers begin to smoke just out of curiosity. They want to act like adults and be independent. Second, they have more spare money to buy cigarettes, and it is easy for them to get cigarettes. Third, some teenage smokers just follow their classmates or friends to smoke.

Smoking is bad for our health. And smoking is likely to distract peoples attention from their normal life. Besides, second-hand smoking does more harm to other people, especially babies!

Give up smoking! If you dont smoke, dont start.

61. beginning    62. but    63. known    64. turned    65. about    66. carefully    67. herself    68. hanging    69. more    70. who


Im a 15-year-old Australian and Im madly about music. It is


one of the most importance things in my life. I listen to music


whenever I can. The only time I didnt listen to music is that when Im


in class. I have a MP4 player but I listen to music in the street and


in the bus to and from school. At home, I have a CD player in my


room and music is on all∧time. I like rock music better of all and

the                                        best

my favourite band is Rolling Stones. And I also listen to classical music. I especially like listen to Beethoven when Im doing my


homeworks. Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling,


and instinct.

One possible version:

My Favourite Music

There are many different kinds of music, such as classic, electric, country, blues, and rock & roll music. Among all these kinds of music, pop music is my favourite.

I love pop music because it is always fresh and always new. Every time I get tired of one pop song, there will always be a new one waiting for me to listen to. Also, I love dancing to pop music, which makes me feel young and energetic. Whenever I feel upset or tired, pop music will cheer me up with its beautiful rhyme and teach me how to live my life in a right way. Pop music is the soul of youth and it goes on forever.

61. the 62. combining 63. to create 64. successful 65. whose

66. in 67. her 68. frequently 69. was considered 70. preparation


Jimmy started to enjoy paint at four. When he was six, he was already


good at it. He painted many beautiful pictures, that were different


from others because he has just painted on half of the paper. “That

was very clever,” everyone said, “Nobody else do that!” And

is                                                                                does

people paid a lot∧money for them, saying “This boy is going to be


famous when he is a little old, and then were going to sell it for a lot

older                                           them

more money. Then we will get rich.” One day somebody asked him, “How do you only paint on the bottom half of your paper?”


“Because Im small, and my brushes cant reach very highly,”


Jimmy said.

One possible version:

Dear Tom,

Knowing that youre interested in traditional Chinese painting, Im writing to share a piece of good news with you.

I intend to take a half-month training course on Chinese painting during this winter vacation. As scheduled, the course will start on January 15, 2020. Every morning, well start with learning some skills for about an hour, and then well be given enough time to practise them.

As for the preparation, some painting brushes and special paper are available. If possible, you can also buy some books related to Chinese painting.

What do you think of it? Would it be convenient for you to join it with me? I sincerely hope you will come. If you have further questions, please let me know.

Looking forward to your coming!


Li Hua

61. says    62. to go    63. less    64. by    65. us    66. especially    67. What    68. whether    69. classmates    70. known


George was a clever journalist, working for∧newspaper. He


liked arguing. Sometimes the people he argued with were so clever


as he was, and often they were not. He didnt mind argue with

but                                                                   arguing

stupid people because he knew they can never really understand what


he was saying. And he often found that what they said was very

amused. At the end of one argument, the arguer said anything that

amusing                                                                           something

George always remembered and that always amused George. It was, “Well, sir, you should never forget there are always three answers of


every question: your answer, my answer, and the correctly answer.


Do you think so?”

One possible version:

Dear Mr White,

Im Li Hua, a student from Guangming Middle School, and Im writing to ask you for help.

The English corner of our school decides to produce an English magazine for students who are fond of reading English articles and long to express their opinions in English. I have recommended myself for the chief editor to be in charge of publishing this magazine successfully.

I have drawn up a general plan sent to you with the letter, hoping that you can spare time to read it. I would appreciate it if you could give me some suggestions for the project.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

1—5      BACAC 6—10    BCABB

11—15  CBCAC 16—20  BACCA

21—25  CDBCD 26—30  BDDDC

31—35  DDABA 36—40  ADEBG

41—45  CADAB 46—50  ABCDD

51—55  BACDC 56—60  ADBBC

61. most popular 62. is 63. doing 64. who/that 65. the

66. mainly 67. as 68. its 69. being 70. are made


Last week I saw a moved movie, which was about a mother and


her sons. When the child was young, his mother was such poor that

son                                                                             so

she has to send him to a rich family who had no child. The boy


received a good education and twenty years late, he became a doctor.


One day he had a patient, an old lady. He didnt care much of the old


lady, for he could hardly afford the medical care. One evening, the


lady died quietly and on her bed, the doctor found a letter, in that he


discovered∧truth that she was his mother. He had wanted to call


her mother, but it was too late.

One possible version:

Dear Jack,

Im writing to tell you that Id like to invite you to attend a concert, which will be held in the Workers Stadium of our city this Sunday afternoon. A large number of famous Chinese singers will show up and sing their masterpieces there. I know you are quite interested in Chinese music and so am I. Therefore, I hope to enjoy that with you. If you want to come, we can meet at our school gate at 1:20 pm. Then well go to the Workers Stadium by bus. Please let me know your decision before this Saturday.

Looking forward to your kind reply!


Li Hua

61. animals    62. on    63. when    64. until    65. taking    66. looks    67. usually    68. safer    69. given    70. ourselves


Yesterday was my the best friend Li Mings birthday. When

school was over, he went to a bookshop. I bought a book naming

I                                                                    named

Exploring Space for him. I knew he would be pleased with my presents. When I got to the party, Li Ming greeted me with∧big

smile. I gave the present to him but said in a low voice to him, “You

will love it.” He cant wait to open it. Suddenly the smile in his face

disappeared and I saw the title on the cover of the book what read:

Caring for Your Baby! I must have picked up the wrongly book!

One possible version:

Dear fellow students,

Eating snacks is a serious phenomenon in our school. We find many students go to the school store to buy snacks after each class. Some students even eat snacks in class.

Eating snacks is a bad habit and is also a waste of money. In addition, most snacks are unhealthy food, for they contain too much fat and sugar. Eating snacks improperly may lead to fatness and illness. What is worse, some students throw the wrappers everywhere, which pollutes our environment.

We shouldnt act like kids any more. We should develop good habits. Remember that three regular meals a day as well as a balanced diet are essential for us.

Students Union
