
2022-12-23 19:12:09湖北
教学考试(高考英语) 2022年3期

湖北 李 蜜

经典英语读物符合《普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版2020 年修订)》(以下简称《课程标准》)中对校本课程资源开发的要求,具有针对性、实用性和选择性。下面本文从经典英语读物的特点,经典英语读物对教学的作用,经典英语读物的开发构想与实施、教学课堂实例呈现这几方面浅谈经典英语读物在英语教学中的“趣读活用”。



在学习一门语言的过程中,教师让学生接触什么样的语言材料,选用什么样的材料作为教材直接关乎其语言素质的发展。例如,《典范英语》(Good English)引进于英国,作者均为行家里手,语言鲜活生动、纯正地道、难度适宜,堪称“典范”。领略并学习这样的语言材料,是学生奠定扎实的语言根基,创造性地运用语言的前提和基础。















经典英语读物的体裁多为记叙文,在新高考改革后,一般阅读理解B 篇、完形填空、读后续写的语篇体裁都是记叙文。近年来,应用文写作考查的写作体裁也逐渐向记叙描写性体裁转型,2021 年新高考Ⅰ卷中的“七选五”试题也是记叙文,在高考英语试卷中,除听力外的9 个语篇里有5 个语篇以记叙文为载体,可见,对于学生来说,阅读记叙文和输出记叙描述性语言的能力在高考中尤为重要。在此前提下,将经典英语读物作为教材的补充就显得尤为适恰,可以将其与高考英语的各种题型相结合。


黄石二中2022 届高三暑期8 月学科能力测试英语试题的B 篇阅读选材于美国作家杰克•伦敦创作的中篇小说White Fang(《白牙》)的Chapter 2。考试结果反馈出,学生对于此类阅读理解题目兴趣甚浓,学生也愿意在考试后,以此篇章为起点,开启整本书的阅读之旅,实现以考促读。试题呈现如下:


She-wolf seemed to be looking for something,stopping now and again to search rocks and overhanging banks.Arriving at the mouth of a cave,she sniffed,looked around,and then crept through its narrow entrance.It was small,but cozy and dry.She-wolf lay down.This was the place she’d been looking for.

She felt the loss deeply,but knew that life must go on.She had her cub to feed and protect.Motherhood is the most powerful force in nature.There would come a time when She-wolf would again take the left fork to the lynx’s lair—for the sake of the little grey cub.

24.What was She-wolf looking for over rocks and overhanging banks?

A.Some food to eat.

B.A place to rest.

C.A spot to give birth to little cubs.

D.A shelter to hide from men.

27.Which of the following best describes the jungle law?

A.Cruel and fierce.

B.Kind and friendly.

C.Complex but harmonious.

D.Exciting and interesting.


一直以来,都是教师出题,学生做题。秉承翻转课堂的教学理念,在经典英语读物的阅读教学过程中,教师可在给出学生指导性的建议后,让学生尝试出题。学生出题考学生,一方面,锻炼了他们出题者的思维意识,另一方面,激发了全班学生的好胜心和做题的兴趣。以下为学生根据Reader’s Digest中的Stepping Up to the Plate,改编的完形填空题。

Stepping Up to the Plate

When ten-year-old Reese Osterberg lost her home in Fresno County,California,because of the largest wildfire in state history early last fall,she had a very 2 concern:Did anyone grab her baseball cards?

She got so many,in fact,that she started Cards from Reese,an 19 that collects baseball cards and donates them to those in need. Reese is trying to share her favorite things with others,as she explains it: “Come on! Giants !”

2.A.pressing B.instant

C.prestigious D.present

19.A.institution B.charity

C .quango D.association

(出题人:304 班学生 陈同学 戴同学)


在日常教学中,教师带领学生读经典英语读物,为学生打开阅读之门,让学生体会到文学之美,点燃学生阅读的兴趣之火。有学生在阅读了莎士比亚的The Merchant of Venice(《威尼斯商人》)之后,将故事改编为读后续写,并且自己撰写了参考范文。

The Merchant of Venice

Antonio was a rich merchant in Venice.He owned a lot of ships which traveled everywhere around the world to transport goods.As a Christian,he never asked for a percent of interest when others borrowed money from him since the religion teaches people to be kind to everyone.However,things changed when his old friend Bassanio came to him,asking for more money.


However,Antonio’s friend Lorenzo came with a disturbing letter from Antonio.After read it,Bassanio’s face became as pale as chalk.It was the news that all the ships of Antonio suffered shipwreck and due to the promise,Antonio was sent to the prison,waiting to be judged by the duke and the jury as he couldn’t pay Shylock back in time.Although Antonio had good relationships with the duke and the jury,the Jew forced the court to punish Antonio as the promise had been proved by a officer.And by the time he was sentenced to death,he was very eager to meet Bassanio.

Paragraph 1:“Let me help you,”said Portia,“My cousin is a law doctor and he was usually invited by the duke to deal with difficult cases.”___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:Winning the charge,Antonio and Bassanio couldn’t wait to thank the judge,who only wanted Bassanio’s ring.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 1:“Let me help you,”said Portia,“My cousin is a law doctor and he was usually invited by the duke to deal with difficult cases.” Then,she set out for her cousin with Nelissa.However,on the way,Portia whispered to her maid,“We should try to cheat the rings from our lords’ finger,in case that they don’t really love us.”She met her cousin and he taught her a lot.Dressed up as a male judge,she fleet her coach to the court with Nelissa,where Antonio was sitting in the sight of Bassanio and Gratiano.With the help of Portia,the Jew committed a loss as he couldn’t get even a drop of Antonio’s blood as the promise said.

Paragraph 2:Winning the charge,Antonio and Bassanio couldn’t wait to thank the judge,who only wanted Bassanio’s ring.Bassanio took his hand back,for he wanted to obey the promise with Portia,but the judge seemed unhappy,which finally drove Bassanio to give the ring to her.Meanwhile,Nelissa managed to get her husband’s ring,too.Back to Belmont separately,Nelissa found that her husband’s ring had lost.She told Portia the news and then she discovered Bassanio’s ring was lost,too.In front of the table,it was Antonio who mediated the argument which may lead to breaking up.Returning the rings to their husbands,they chatted happily.

(出题人:303 班 陈同学)


下面,笔者以英国小说家查尔斯·狄更斯创作的长篇小说David Copperfield(《大卫·科波菲尔》)的Chapter 2 Banished to Boarding School为例,呈现教学课堂实践的各个环节。



My mother said a tearful goodbye to me the following morning,and after a long ride I arrived in front of a high wall with a sign reading “SALEM HOUSE”.This was to be my new school.


Two months into the new term,I was called to the Creakles’ office.Mrs Creakle was sitting with a letter in her hand.

“I’m sorry to say that your mother has been very ill,”said Mrs Creakle,“and now she is dead.”


1.What is the boarding school,or rather,Mr.Creakle’s school,like?

2.What was David’s impression on Steerforth ?

3.When term finished,David got back home.Was there any change at home?

(三)语言赏析(选择1 句为例)

1.Salem House was ashabby,square,brick building.It was silent inside because it was holiday time and all of the other boys were at home.

shabby:looking old and in bad condition because of being used for a long time or not being cared for 破烂的,破旧的

e.g.He wore a shabby overcoat.他穿着一件破旧的大衣。

e.g.Her home is a rented one-bedroom apartment in a shabby part of town.她的住所是一套租来的一居室公寓,位于城里很差的地段。



The only people around was a teacher,called Mr.Mell,and Mr.Creakle’s wooden–legged assistant,Tungay,a horrible man with a booming voice.


Traddles frowned,but then his face slowly broke into a smile.


Salem House was a shabby,square,brick building.It was silent inside because it was holiday time and all of the other boys were at home.


My mother said a tearful goodbye to me the following morning,and after a long ride I arrived in front of a high wall with a sign reading...


At that second,Mr.Creakle’s hand suddenly shot out and grabbed my ear,pinching it tightly.


Everything I saw dragged my spirits down further.


Scene 1

David’s mother said a tearful goodbye to David.

After a long ride,David arrived in front of a high wall with a sign“SALEM HOUSE”

道具:一块纸板,上面写着“SALEM HOUSE”

Scene 2


布景:The classrooms had long rows of desk,and their floors were filthy and littered with old scraps of paper.

The dormitory where David was to sleep was bare andunwelcoming.

道具:一块纸板,上面写着“Take care of him,he bites.”


David Copperfield:Where’s the dog? (looking around fearfully)

Mr.Mell:It is not for a dog.It’s for you


Scene 8

David 抱着弟弟从楼上走下来

Miss Murdstone:He’s got it!(screamed)

David looked at her in shock

Miss Murdstone:Give it back.Give the baby back now!(shrieked)

David Copperfield:I’m not going to hurt him.

Miss Murdstone:You will never touch it again.Do you understand me?

Mom:You are right,my dear Jane.David won’t hold the baby again.

A few days pass.

Miss Murdstone:How long do we have to put up with you?

David Copperfield:A month.

Miss Murdstone:Then listen to me.From now on,you are forbidden to talk to Peggoty and you are not allowed to sneak up to your room.

A month passed.


Scene 9


Mrs Creakle:I am sorry to say that your mother has been very ill,and now she is dead.


文苑(2020年4期)2020-05-30 12:35:30
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