
2022-12-23 19:12广东王环局王仁平
教学考试(高考英语) 2022年3期

广东 王环局 王仁平

高考英语“七选五”阅读理解选材一般为300 词左右的说明文,偶有记叙文或议论文,该题型要求考生从短文后的七个选项中选出五个能填入文章空格处的最佳选项,主要考查考生对文章的整体内容、结构以及上下文逻辑关系的理解和掌握。其命题形式体现了《普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版2020 年修订)》中“用英语获取、处理和运用信息的能力;逐步获取用英语思维的能力”的阅读学习和教学理念。





【例1】(2018 年全国Ⅰ卷)

But good news is that there’re really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home:the small ones,the medium ones,and the large ones.(总)

(38)D.Small color choicesare the ones we’re most familiar with.They’re the little spots of color ...(分)

Medium color choices...

The large color decisions...

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了室内设计中颜色的选择问题,采用了“总—分”结构。38 题上面一段的结尾部分提到“...the small ones,the medium ones,and the large ones.”,结合下面两段首句中的“Medium color choices”和“The large color decisions”可判断,本段应介绍“Small color choices”。且38 题是本段的主题句,D 选项中的Small 和38 题后一句中的 little 是一组近义词。故选D。

【例2】(2018 年全国Ⅰ卷)

Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas,dinner tables or bookshelves.(39)G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways.(总—分)①They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones,and② they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space.

【解题策略】根据设空处下文讲述的“这种范围的颜色选择比小型颜色选择花费得更多”和“这种范围的颜色选择对空间感觉有更大的影响”两个方面可知,其与G 选项的“in two major ways.”相呼应,构成段内的“总—分”关系。故选G。

【例3】(2020 年全国Ⅲ卷)

(37)B.It istraditional to bring a giftto a housewarming party.(总—分)Some people register a list of things they want or need for their new home at a local store or stores.①Some common thingspeople will put on a gift registry includekitchen tools like knives and things like curtains.Even if there isn’t a registry,②a good housewarming giftis something to decorate the new house with,like a piece of art or a plant.

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了乔迁聚会的定义、习俗和来源。37 题为本段的中心句,意为“乔迁聚会送礼物是一个传统”,下文分别阐述了适合乔迁聚会送的礼物:主人清单上的礼物,如厨房用品、窗帘;非清单上的礼物,如艺术作品、植物,构成段内的“总—分”关系。故选B。



【例1】(2019 年全国Ⅰ卷)

(好处一)(37)A.Fresh air cleans our lungs.If the air you’re breathing is clean...the air is filled with life-giving,energizing oxygen....breathe more deeply,allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉)and your brain.


(好处二)(40)D.Another side benefitof getting fresh air is sunlight.While the sun’s rays can age and harm our skin,they also give us beneficial Vitamin D.

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了呼吸新鲜空气的好处——新鲜空气中的氧气、阳光对人们的身心健康有好处。37 题和40 题虽然隔得比较远,但都在阐述呼吸新鲜空气所带来的好处,相当于一个并列句式:one benefit....another benefit...。

37 题阐述了呼吸新鲜空气的第一个好处。根据设空处下一句中提到的“If the air you’re breathing is clean...the air is filled with life-giving,energizing oxygen.”可知,新鲜空气中充满赋予人生命的、充满活力的氧气。下文中的“...breathe more deeply,allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉)and your brain.”是对前文内容的进一步阐述。意为“呼吸得更深会让更多的氧气进入你的肌肉和大脑”。根据前面的分析可以推知,该空应该涉及呼吸新鲜空气的好处,根据常识可知,我们吸入的空气首先进入的是肺部,然后才会使我们的肌肉和大脑受益。故选A。

40 题阐述了通过呼吸新鲜空气获得的另一个好处是阳光。根据设空处下文中提到的“the sun’s rays...give us beneficial Vitamin D”可知,该段介绍了阳光的好处。故该设空处应该涉及阳光。选项中只有D选项涉及阳光。故选D。

【例2】(2020 年全国Ⅲ卷)

(好处一)The party is a chancefor friends and family to congratulate the person on the new home.(好处二)(36)E.It also gives people a chanceto see what the new home looks like.(好处三)And it is a good timeto fill the new space with love and hopefully presents.

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,本段介绍了乔迁聚会的好处。36 题上文介绍乔迁聚会带来的第一个好处:给朋友和家人提供祝贺乔迁之喜的机会。下文介绍乔迁聚会带来的第三个好处:乔迁聚会让新家充满爱与充满希望的礼物。所以36 题应该是介绍乔迁聚会带来的第二个好处:乔迁聚会提供参观新房的机会。篇章中使用了并列句式“The party is a chance to do sth....It also gives people a chance to do sth....And it is good time to do sth.”。


【例1】(2018 年全国Ⅰ卷)

Do you want a room that’s full of life? Professional? Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day?(36)B.Whatever you’re looking for,color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel.

Over the years,there have beena number of different techniquesto help designers approach this important point.(37)A.While all of them are useful,they can get a little complex .

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,36 题前的三个问句是问读者要寻找什么样的房间设计。结合空后的“...color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel.”可知,36 题应选择半句话,引导让步状语从句,构成“不管你在寻找哪一种风格,颜色是关键。”故选B。

A 选项中的“them”和后文的“they”指代的是上文中的“a number of different techniques”。前文:在过去的许多年里,有许多技术帮助设计者实现这一要点;下文:它们有点复杂。A 项意为“虽然他们都很有用”符合语境,文中用while 表达转折让步关系。故选A。

【例2】(2020 年全国Ⅲ卷)

Sometimes,because a housewarming party happens shortly after a person moves into their new home,people may be asked to help unpack boxes.(39)A.This isn’t usualthough.

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,39 题上文介绍:有时候在乔迁聚会上,主人邀请客人帮忙打开箱子;A 选项“但是这种情况不常见”中的This 指代上面的情况,用though 连接上下文起到转折的作用。本题考查学生的逻辑思维能力和篇章理解能力。故选A。


【例1】(2021 年新高考Ⅰ卷)

My husband and I just spent a week in Paris.(36)F.Our aim was to see if we could live,in some way,like real Parisians.Sothe first thing we did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard.It was so tiny that we had to leave our suitcases in the hallway.

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者夫妇两人在法国巴黎居住的房子、巴黎人生活精致的原因以及法国人对待生活的态度。36题上文“My husband and I just spent a week in Paris.(作者夫妇刚刚在法国巴黎度过了一周。)”说明了背景。选项F“Our aim was to see if we could live,in some way,like real Parisians.”意为我们的目标是看看我们是否能以某种方式,像真正的巴黎人一样生活。36 题与下句 “So the first thing we did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard.”构成因果关系。因为想体验法国当地人的生活,所以“我们”租了一个非常昂贵的公寓。故选F。

【例2】(2020 年全国Ⅰ卷)

Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made.We are often ashamed of our shortcomings,our mistakes and our failures.(38)D.Remember,you are only human.You will make mistakes,time and time again.

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,文章介绍了几个自我接纳的小技巧。根据38 题所在段落的中心句“Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made.(原谅自己所犯的错误。)”及下文的“You will make mistakes,time and time again.(你会一次又一次地犯错误。)”可知,选项D“Remember,you are only human.”与下文衔接顺畅。故选D。



【例1】(2019 年全国Ⅰ卷)

We all grew up hearing people tell us to“go out and get some fresh air.”(36)E.But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said?(问)According to recent studies,the answer is a big YES(答),if the air quality in your camping area is good.

【解题策略】通过研读语篇,并根据36 题下一句中的“the answer is a big YES”可知,该空应该是一个一般疑问句,选项中只有E 选项是一般疑问句,E 选项意为“但是新鲜空气真的像你母亲说的那样对你有好处吗?”且36 题前面的“people tell us to‘go out and get some fresh air’”和选项中的“your mother always said”呼应。故选E。

【例2】(2020 年全国Ⅰ卷)

A Few Tips for Self-Acceptance

We all want it...to accept and love ourselves.But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach.(36)B.Where do you start?(问)Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.(答)

【解题策略】通过研读语篇可知,本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几个自我接纳的小技巧。根据标题“A Few Tips for Self-Acceptance”及下文的“Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.(这有很多可以帮你找到正确方向的方法。)”可知,选项B“Where do you start?(从哪里开始呢?)”的问句最符合下文语境。故选B。


【例1】(2021 年新高考Ⅰ卷)

...they eatgreat foodand never gain weight.(原因一)(38)G.The food is so deliciousthat you don’t need much of it to make you happy.French strawberries do not taste like cardboard.Instead,they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.

(39)E.That’s not the onlyreasonthe Frencheat lessthan we do....(原因二)But they cost $18!

【解题策略】针对第38 题,通过研读语篇可知,选项G 中的“The food”承接上文“...they eat great food and never gain weight.(他们吃得很好,而且从不发胖)”,“The food is so delicious”引出下文“French strawberries do not taste like cardboard.Instead,they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.(法国草莓尝起来不像纸板。相反,它们会像小炸弹一样在你嘴里爆炸)”,从而说明法国的草莓很好吃。结合上下文可知,因为法国的食物质量很高,所以不用吃很多就能获得满足感,同时吃的少也就不会发胖了。选项G“The food is so delicious that you don’t need much of it to make you happy.(食物是如此美味,你不需要吃太多就能使你快乐)”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。

第三段主要描述了作者夫妇买少量的草莓。下文“My husband and I agreed they were the best fruit we had ever eaten.But they cost $18!(我丈夫和我都认为这是我们吃过的最好的水果。但它们要18 美元!)”说明法国的水果好吃但是也很贵。选项E“That’s not the only reason the French eat less than we do.(这并不是法国人吃得比我们少的唯一原因。)”承接了上一段法国人吃得少的第一个原因:“The food is so delicious that you don’t need much of it to make you happy.”,“you don’t need much of it”与“eat less”相呼应,同时引出另一个原因:“But they cost $18!”,即法国人吃得少的另一个原因是“物价贵”,通过研读语篇可知,39 设空处在篇章中起承上启下的作用。故选E。

【例2】(2019 年全国Ⅰ卷)

Recently,people have begun studying the connection betweenthe natural worldandhealing(治愈).(38) G.All across the country,recovery centershave begun buildingHealing Gardens.Inthese placespatients can go to be near nature during theirrecovery.It turns out that justlooking at green,growing things can reduce stress,lower blood pressure,and put people into a bettermood(情绪).Greeneryis good for us....(39)C.Being in nature refreshes us.It gives us a great feeling of peace.

【解题策略】选项G 中的“Healing”与上文的“healing”为单词复现,下文的“these places”指代G 选项中的“recovery centers”,选项G“All across the country,recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens.”在语篇中起到承上启下的作用。39 题前文介绍了“康复花园”中的绿色植物对于病人康复有好处:绿色的植物可以减轻压力、降低血压,使人情绪良好。39 题下文提到“它给我们一种平和感”。并且选项C“Being in nature refreshes us.(身处大自然可以使人精神焕发)”在语篇中起承上启下的作用,此空继续阐述处于“康复花园”这种自然环境中的好处,空后的It 也指代身处大自然的情况。故38 题选G,39 题选C。




Most international students had to deal with internships(实习)work-study jobs,social life,family concerns and financial difficulties ——plus a worldwide pandemic,which has made many students feel stressed in unexpected ways. 36 .

You’re not alone

First,accept the fact that you are not the only one facing with anxiety. 37 .I found faith and resilience during this time by talking to my closest friends about my worries and expectations.Expressing your concerns will help balance your thoughts and release(释放)distress so you don’t overthink,which only makes it worse.If you find yourself worrying about online learning and your family’s safety,I suggest letting your professors know about your situation.Keeping them updated regarding your academic progress will also help them apply a different approach.Remember:Everything can be solved by preserving good communication.


Second,use the free student resources(资源)in the university.Knowledgeable advisors can help you navigate personal and educational decisions throughout the term.In many cultures and families,we are taught to“tough it out”and control(压制)some feelings.

Seeing mental health advisors comes in handy when we are under unmanageable stress and can’t talk about certain problems with our friends. 39 .Don’t hesitate to reach out to your campus advisors,who will help you in any way possible.

Especially during these times,I encourage you to stay connected with your loved ones,consistently exercise and find an adequate sleep schedule. 40 ,and make the most of it!We are constantly learning,and this current situation will help us manage future events.

A.Accept the situation

B.Find a way to release your stress

C.Take advantage of available resources

D.Yet,at the beginning of the university,I had to readjust

E.This can turn into strength once we realize we are not alone

F.Talking to advisors can help us reset our goals and solve the problems

G.Therefore,here are some suggestions on how to address these difficult times

答案:36.G 37.E 38.C 39.F 40.A



【命题思路】本题根据文章的篇章结构命题。本篇文章主要介绍国际大学生适应全新的大学生活的建议。此空设于段末,考查因果逻辑关系,并起到总领全文的作用。故选G。干扰项D 设置了与本文内容相关的关键词university,readjust 及表示转折逻辑关系的yet。


【命题思路】此空设于段中,命题时考虑了代词指代、承上启下的作用,设置了代词This 指代前文提到的面对现实的建议,并以strength 指代下文的faith,resilience,照应了前后文。故选E。


【命题思路】基于文章的篇章结构,选择合适的小标题,本段主要讲述充分利用校园里面的可用的人力资源,向同学、导师、顾问求助。故选C。干扰项B 设置了可以做标题的祈使句句式,并使用Find,stress 等使其与下文的次要信息相关,但“Find a way to release your stress”范围太大,与下文不符。


【命题思路】命题依据词汇复现设置正确选项。选项F 意为“和顾问交流可以帮助我们重新树立目标和解决问题”,advisors 与上下文的advisors 为原词复现。故选F。


【命题思路】命题依据文章的篇章结构,考查考生找出总结文章的祈使句“Accept the situation”,与上文中的“Accept the fact”和下文的“make the most of it”相呼应。故选A。选项B“Find a way to release your stress”对本题也有一定的干扰。

The Ways of Leading a Healthy Life