Increased internet addiction during COVID-19 pandemics

2022-11-25 22:58:13BibekRajParajuli
Life Research 2022年1期

Bibek Raj Parajuli

Abstract COVID-19 pandemics have affected the world.Lockdown and shutdown were implemented in different parts of the world to avoid human gathering.Physical distance and work from home are encouraged to prevent the further spread of the disease.Restriction on traveling and other social activities where there will be human gathering during the pandemic has increased the use of the internet.Computers and smartphones have become a platform for work and study and also to spend leisure time during the lockdown period.Using social sites on the internet has somehow decreased the stress and anxiety about COVID-19.But, Covid suspected or confirmed cases in the isolation and home quarantine spending excessive time online have developed an addiction towards the internet.


COVID-19 pandemics have affected the world.Different preventive measures are taken to minimize its spread.Lockdown and shutdown were implemented in different parts of the world to avoid human gathering.Physical distance and work from home are encouraged to prevent the further spread of the disease.The use of online media through the internet was taken as an alternative to conducting day-to-day work wherever possible [1].Restriction on traveling and other social activities where there will be human gathering during the pandemic has increased the use of the internet.Computers and smartphones have become a platform for work and study and also to spend leisure time during the lockdown period.Using social sites on the internet has somehow decreased the stress and anxiety about Covid19 [2].But, COVID suspected or confirmed cases in the isolation and home quarantine spending excessive time online have developed an addiction towards the internet.As the internet is the easiest medium for timepass and it is easily accessible in most places.Many people develop addiction while playing online games, gambling,and shopping [1].Internet use has both advantages and disadvantages.Excessive use of the internet has negative effects on human health.Spending more time on the internet unnecessarily can make people addicted to it.Though there is no means to measure where the internet is used necessarily or unnecessarily.Addiction of the productive minds on the internet will be a great loss to society and the nation.Different studies done in different parts of the world have shown the increase in internet addiction during covid pandemics.

In a study done in Bangladesh, risk factors for internet addiction include smartphone addiction, Facebook addiction, depression, and anxiety [10].A study done in China had shown that the prevalence of dependence on internet use had increased up to 23% during pandemics where it was only 3.5% before the pandemics had occurred [3].An online survey in Indonesia showed a point prevalence of internet addiction of 14.4% and the duration of online use increased by 52% in the adult [1].Another cross-sectional study done in China based on the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) had shown an increased 36.7% prevalence of internet addiction.Out of them, 2.8% have severe addiction [4].In the study of Germany, 71.4% of participants had increased internet use during pandemics.Males were involved more than females.Males spend more time on gaming and erotic platform whereas females were involved in social networking,information,research,and video streaming[5].

Internet addiction has different effects on human health.It leads to anxiety, low self-esteem, impulsivity, mood disorder, insomnia, depression,and suicide [7].A study done on Northeast India had shown the 12.13%prevalence of insomnia among internet users, females were having more insomnia than males [9].A study from Italy had shown that people were involved in online gambling, pornography, and shopping during the lockdown.21.6% of participants were involved in pornography.0.6%were involved in online gambling and 70.1% were involved in online shopping [8].The study was done about problematic internet use, sleep disorder and life satisfaction on Palestinians during COVID pandemics show internet use was positively related to sleep disorder and negatively related with life satisfaction [3].In another study done among Indians,67.2% of participants reported an increase in internet use after the pandemics.To relieve psychological distress psychoactive substance use and behaviors like spending more time on social media, video gaming,surfing the internet, and watching sexually explicit materials were used in the form of escapism [11].Internet addiction among males is higher than in females.The risk of internet addiction was found three times higher in males than in females.Also, internet addiction in India was found to be associated with family size.The risk of internet addiction was found more in the nuclear family than in the joint family.People in nuclear families have three times more risk for addiction.The risk of addiction was found to be four times more in unmarried people than in married people.Internet addiction risk was seen more in urban areas than in rural areas[12].

Internet addiction disorder and internet gaming disorder are similar to a substance addiction disorder.EEG studies can be used to find the neurophysiological changes among internet addicts.EEG study had shown a reduction in beta waves and an increase in theta wave among internet addicts.There was an increase in theta wave and a decrease in alpha wave among the Internet gaming disorder with depression[6].

Making a routine for sleep, eating, drinking sufficient fluids, and maintaining personal hygiene is necessary for good physical health as well as for psychological well-being.Making a schedule for internet use for work or study, engaging in social communication using an alternative medium than the internet in leisure time, and engaging in physical activities are helpful to reduce stress and anxiety while staying in selfisolation or home quarantine during lockdown.Physical activity also boosts immune function and also refreshes mood by reducing the level of stress hormone and increasing the production of endorphins.Reading,writing, listening to music are other ways to reduce stress as well as internet addiction.Spending quality time with the family involved in meaningful conversations, playing games or sports, and doing household work also reduces feelings of loneliness and decreases the need for the internet for passing time[12].

Cognitive and behavioral therapy, family therapy, social support, and motivational enhancement therapy are psychotherapeutic interventions for internet addiction [7].Monitoring and regulating children's behavior is also crucial and it may best be done by involving them in rule-making.Additionally, parents are role models; thus, regulating their ICT-related behaviors (e.g., social media use, aimless surfing on the internet) may help their children to establish controlled use as well.Parents are also encouraged to actively participate in the ICT-related behaviors of their children (e.g., playing video games together with them).Such involvement of the parents will help them regulate their children’s usage(e.g., by knowing the characteristics of different video games), as well as promote adaptive online activities and reduce the use of other ones [12].Using a digital wellbeing app to know the amount of time spent on the internet can help with self-regulation and control using the internet.Using analog technology like wristwatches, alarm clocks, etc also prevents overuse of the internet by reducing seeing notifications on the smartphone while looking for time.Keeping in touch with friends and family members through the telephone also reduces stress due to loneliness in the quarantine and reduces internet use [12].Apart from these, spending time on yoga and meditation also helps to come out of the addiction [7].Constantly checking social media or watching the news about the pandemic may harm mental wellbeing.

The Internet can be both beneficial and harmful if not used carefully.With the Internet, communication around the world has become quicker and easier.The world has become a global village.During the lockdown and shutdown due to covid, work from home and online study become possible only due to the internet.But spending too much time on the internet playing games and other stuff like pornography can be harmful.If students and children get addicted then it will be a great loss to the country.Students should be monitored during the use of the internet.Fix time should be allocated for the children for the internet so that they don't develop a dependency on the internet.Smartphones and tablets should not be taken to the bed.Certain time can be allocated for smartphone use so that people won't get addicted to the internet.Alternative means of entertainment, yoga, meditations, and music also helps to get rid of internet addiction.