在小学英语课堂教学中,教师如何运用信息技术来助力课堂绽放精彩呢?如何培养学生的英语学科核心素养呢?下面笔者结合PEP五下Unit5Story time这个课例,从激发学生兴趣,优化学生思维,实现多元评价三个方面来探究信息技术对培养学生思维品质,发展综合语言运用能力的促进作用。
T: Boys and girls, look at the pictures, what can you see? The pictures can help you.
S1: I can see some rabbits.
S2: I can see some flowers.
T: Good! And do you know where they are? Let's enjoy the song and then tell us.
Ss: They are at the zoo.
T: Wonderful! Now today let's come to the zoo and meet other animals.
T: Look! The monkeys can copy, so how do you think of the monkeys?
S1: They're happy.
T: Oh, they're happy, maybe. Who has any different answers? You please.
S2: They're cute..
T: Oh, I think so. You please.
S3: They're very clever.
T: Oh, wonderful, and are they funny?
Ss: Yes.
T: I think the monkeys are cute, clever and funny.
在激活学生的思维,打开学生的思路的过程中,用单一的语言和板书是不够的,很难起到良好的效果,而现代信息技术既直观又形象地呈现文本内容,它的介入能起到唤醒和点燃的作用。本环节中,笔者呈现了猴子拿起石头模仿Zoom和Zip拍照片的视频片段,学生们在视频中看到猴子们可爱夸张的表情和动作立刻能给出The monkeys are cute, the monkeys are clever, the monkeys are funny等对猴子的看法,加深了对该故事的理解和思考。
T: Let's see, boys and girls, do they say the lines loudly, fluently and emotionally?
Ss: Yes!
T: Do they do big actions?
Ss: Yes!
T: Do they face to the audiences?
Ss: Yes!
T: Do they show different feelings?
Ss: No.
T: Maybe you can do better next time. So you can get three cameras for your group.
What about your own actions? Take out the paper,please check and tick.
教师利用多媒体技术在PPT上呈现了一个照相机形状的自评互评图,评价标准多元化,评价对象多元化, 让学生对照评价标准对同伴和自己的故事表演进行多元化评价,学生通过自评和互评,能更加了解自己对语言运用的闪光点和不足之处, 及时调整学习行为,进而提升元认知力, 完善语用能力。